C.S. Lewis was an Irish born writer and author of such greats as The Screwtape Letters and The Chronicles of Narnia. He was a “cradle catholic” but fell away from his faith during his early years and became an atheist, but came back to his faith while on the facility at Oxford. He said, “My faith is now my faith.”
In 1940 Lewis wrote The Screwtape Letters. This was a series of letters he wrote portraying letters between two devils – the mysterious way people have in denying the Christian religion, which, as he said, was a mystery to the devil and more a mystery to God and “how far is too far” and “when is enough enough”?
As a contemporary of Lewis, although he is dead, in my eighty years, I have seen life take a complete 180 degree turn. Every promise and every prophecy in God's Word to this moment has been fulfilled, and it is certainly true that we now find evil called good and good called evil. The truth is now called a lie and a lie is now called truth.
Not just the theologians but the early scientists would never have been convinced that human beings would accept the radical practice of homosexuality, an abomination to God and to everything which we believe to be decent. How any sane person can study human anatomy, genetics, and anything else pertaining to biology or sociology and defend homosexuality, gay marriage, and certainly the placing of practicing homosexuals in the pulpits of God's most precious bride, His church, in direct defiance of every “God-directive” found in His book, such as the first chapter of Romans, is beyond human comprehension. It is a perversity and stench in the nostrils of almighty God - repugnant to every thing that human beings call decent.
Christ, now on the outside of most churches, looking in, must say, “What is wrong with those people?” That powered and puffed church people can sit on padded pews, smiling and smug, while most of those around them, and certainly those unreached at home and abroad, are on a “fast track” to hell, is probably a mystery to a sovereign God. IF Christians, who believe in God's Word, who have the spine to live the Christian life, believed in God's power, you could not keep them out of the church house every time the door is opened, because they would be there seeking the greatest power in the world, the power received through prayer, worship and giving. Their lives at home before their most precious possessions - their children - would be totally changed. As one young girl, whom her mother heard praying by her bed, “God help my mother to be as nice at home as she is at church.”
Mary Bethune, black educator (Bethune-Cookman University), advisor to FDR, said, “Without faith, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible.”
I have been in many places where the Queen of England was visiting: Cicily, Mexico, etc. There is always much cleaning, painting, many preparations. Once, when she was about to visit Chicago and all the preparations were being made, the mayor called the Blackstone Hotel (where I have stayed) and asked the manager if they were ready for the Queen's visit. The manager said, “We are always ready for royalty.” In our homes, in our churches, in our lives (the temple of God), we should be consumed by the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords.
Thomas Paine, signer of the Declaration of independence, and writer of Common Sense,
nor Adam Smith, nor any other economist in the fore front leading this nation into economic greatness would believe that the American people would elect anyone to the highest office who would in eight month's time almost totally destroy every vestige of American economic power that has made this country an example for the world. (I have traveled through 157 countries.) Who would have believed that Americans who have fought a cold war against communism, who have witnessed what totalitarianism has done to human rights in many countries (Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, etc.) would elect a communist to the presidency?
To show how dumbed down the American education system has become, we believe we can follow a decadent and corrupt leadership in accumulating more debt to pay off debt. We have elected people into government - local, state federal – who believe you can put sewage treated with poisoned chemicals into our national waterways and then take the water from our rivers, treat it again with poisoned chemicals, and pipe it into homes and industry for consumption. We support a health system who raped our citizens with a needle by putting untested chemical poisons into their systems when religious groups such as the Amish, Mennonites, Muslims, etc. have shown that people live well without such.
Even Margaret Mead, world famous anthropologist in my lifetime, or Jane Addams, Nobel Prize winning sociologist, would never have believed that technological advances would lead to the complete destruction of the American home through the funneling of pornography from the dirty streets and dirty bookstores of your town into your clean living room where your children are subjected to every sinful act and imagination Satan has to offer. Even the earliest evangelists and Christian crusaders who founded the hospitals and colleges in our country, who brought the “Good News” of salvation to every cross roads, which led to the building of churches for worship, would have believed that homes and schools would become not breeding and feeding grounds for spiritual development but filling stations for degradation and degeneration.
In 1803, President Jefferson and Congress appropriated $2,500 (about the price of a first class air line ticket today) for Lewis & Clark to begin an expedition for a route to the Pacific Ocean. After years of trauma in finding this route, can you even imagine the joy in their heart on the Columbia River when they saw and heard that great expanse of ocean. Likewise, can you even imagine the joy in the heart of David Livingston when he discovered the noise and spray of the Great Victoria Falls in Africa? (As I stood at it's edge, heard the great resounding noise, and felt the spray, I could only imagine the joy in David Livingston's heart.) Think of the joy, we as children of LIGHT will know one day when the great gates of pearl of LIGHT open to us (even those of us who have been blind most of our lives) and we know the joy of redemption, the faith we have, that we lived in these times of repugnance and unbelievers thought we were just whistling in the DARK in defending our Savior, our country, our family.
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