The human mind, genus Homo sapiens is described as follows, refers to the aspects of intellect and consciousness manifested as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination, including all of the brain's conscious and unconscious cognitive processes. "Mind" is often used to refer especially to the thought processes of reason. Subjectively, mind manifests itself as a stream of consciousness.
The crowning glory of man is his mind, his neurological system, his ability to reason. HE IS THE ONLY ANIMAL THAT KNOWS HE IS GOING TO DIE. The bird has a far superior ocular system (lens of the eye). The cat has a far superior skeletal system (muscle). The canine has a far superior olfactory or auditory system. But, man, created in the very image of God, has a remarkable ability to think and make decisions. How tragic it is that genus homo sapiens, given free will through the very mercy of God, had so abused his mental capacity through addictive drugs and other excesses which has caused him to bring disaster not only to himself but to the lives of others. Carnal man, as from the very beginning, so “beguiled” by Satanic powers, is mentally capable of so much. In my military career, I studied the quantum theories involved in subliminal perception. Now we know, that through wireless technology a person sitting with others at a table can be “targeted” so that mental processes can not only be read but programmed. Can you understand now why television and anything involving impulses of sight (light) and sound (pulsation) have become so affective? The digital system is now used because it is so affective.
Do you ever feel manipulated? Do you ever feel the public has become dumbed-down because of the chemicals, the nano-technology, and other parameters of control to which the human mind is subjected and over which we have little knowledge. You can be sure that there are those who know what they are doing.
Do we satisfy our mental images with the antics of today's White House anti-Christ, the fornication of David Letterman or a rich man's investment instincts of Rush Limbaugh? Does the average brain recognize the double-minded inscription portended by politicians who want you to think they care about you when in reality they only care for self? The first time I heard the phrase double-minded was in the Truman-Dewey election when Harry Truman accused Thomas Dewey of talking out of both sides of his mouth. Hypocrisy and dishonesty in speech (all speech originates in the brain) has become the rule rather the exception. If you can find one straight talking, honest, dependable communicator of any type (salesperson, politician, preacher, employee) you are an extremely fortunate person. As one lady said to me once about marriage, if it works out, fine, if not, it is expected.
The tragedy is the mind of genus homo sapiens, who has within it's spiritual context the very essence of communicating with the Creator of the universe, has become debilitated in a senseless “log jam” of frivolity and free-olity.
One of my friends in Los Angeles was well acquainted with Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World. The Huxley brothers, Aldous and Julian, have promoted the Perennial Philosophy, that of bringing a creator, almighty God of power, down to a level of human presence, the thought of God not as a consuming fire, a God of wrath but a kindly Father. Of course, Christ himself, referred to God as Father 23 times in John Chapter 14. And, we do refer to our loving heavenly Father, in almost parental terms. Let us never forget the sovereign God who flung the very stars into space. (Five words: He made the stars also. Genesis 1:16)
Huxley experimented with the Bates method of vision correction. I studied it briefly (staring into the sun). Let us never forget that the source of all energy available to us through the plant life we eat and the incomprehensible power of God, even the power that raised Lazarus from the dead, is available to us through our finite minds, a mental ability which we should cherish and another reason that God will hold every person responsible who has in any way participated in the death of his chief creation through killing of any type.
Learn to use your God given mind. There is a reason that Asian people remove their shoes at the door. Why bring in the germs from the street to your floors and carpet where your children playing on the floor will come in contact with disease unnecessarily? Just a common disease like diarrhea causes the death of 4 to 6 million people around the globe every year, a unnecessary disease when proper hygiene is utilized.
We hear an advertisement often on the radio from black related colleges that “a mind is terrible thing to waste”. A mind is a terrible thing to waste at any age. I have spent a lifetime imploring black parents in particular to get their children away from the wasteland of television, video games, comic books, and senseless music. We are better than that. On the farm, every winter, at “hog-killing time” I noticed that even as the hogs were being shot, hauled out of the pen to be butchered those left inside the pen, still alive, were just unconcerned in the muck and nosing around in the trough. There are very few children who do not have the ability to learn, who want to learn. A child's mind is like a sponge, ready to soak up knowledge.
Clay P. Bedford said, “You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.”
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