Americans who think they are so in love with the idea of socialism and communism have never seen raw communism, what it does to a country, what it does to people. I traveled through the USSR three times while it was textbook communist. I have traveled through mainland China three times, still a textbook communist country. One cannot even imagine what this system of government does to the human mind. The three largest employers in the world, the Chinese Army, the train travel service of India and the British health care system. All socialized, all using enslaved people. When you go to a health facility in England, you realize the disparity in “health care”, or a better word, “disease care”. (In all of the rhetoric in Washington, I have heard little about preventative care. The healthiest people are those who stay away from doctors and hospitals. Who have learned about their own bodies, who have studied available literature about supplements and ways of maintaining their own health).
In communist Cuba, everything, including health care, is under the authoritarian control of the government. The Committee for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) in the totalitarian control keeps a careful watch on everything a Cuban citizen does. Every street, every road, in the entire country is patrolled. Every dwelling is under scrutiny, you lose all privacy, all freedom. As Dr. Franklin said long ago, “You sacrifice freedom for security and eventually you have neither”.
The signs of fascism, which proceeds communism, is as follows. The government first takes over all media. Who can doubt that we now have a government controlled media in this country. TV, radio, newspapers and to a great extent, slick magazines. If you do not want to get placed on President Obama's enemies list, such as Fox News, and many news reporters and commentators (Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, Alex Jones) you parrot at the directives of the White House. It is a sad commentary that newspapers, such as the New York Times, who has on it's front page, “All the News that's Fit to Print”, now dances to the tune, “Play by the Democrat Party”. Only liberal hogwash is printed in most newspapers. The local newspaper, in this town, is owned by the New York Times. I recently sent a letter to the editor, well written, within the parameters of their guidelines, about the ridiculous amount of money spent by the City Council on an excursion to Washington, DC. The members took their spouses, etc., and spent and spreed all over the Nation's capitol at taxpayer's expense. This at a time when the city is supposedly cutting back. The newspaper refused to print my comments. It should sicken most of you that all news is carefully diced and spiced to suit Mr. Obama and the democrats. It is necessary for me to use shortwave for reliable and credible news. When America's citizens have been sufficiently brainwashed by the media, by the public schools, by the public colleges and universities, the citizens are then ready for fascism.
Next in line is the take over of corporations and the banking and financial systems. The military is usually next on the list and we are seeing almost as many contractual civilian jobs at the battle front and other government agencies as those in uniform. It was significant that drug agents were killed this past weekend in military planes. We are told that there are special forces, military and civilian, operating all over the world. Recently Guinea Bissau and certainly in Somalia. A bewildering development in our present conflicts, both in Iraq and Afghanistan. The terrorist enemy being paid off by tax dollars to change sides. I said to Senator Jesse Helms, when he was chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, “The next time we go to war, let's just throw bundles of money at the enemy. It will be far cheaper, and just maybe, they will become as corrupt as our own public officials”. Evidently, someone believes what I said. This is the fascist system, “The end justifies the means”.
Anyone who doubts that fascism has accomplished it's purpose in America, check out your police department. Most are just schoolyard bullies who are now driving fast, expensive cars paid for by the taxpayer, who have about as much knowledge of the laws and empathy of justice as the crucibles of government tyranny permits. The oversight of police, the politics of elected money control. Only the wives and children of these officers with badges and weapons can tell you what they are really like. Yesterday, one with considerable seniority, plead guilty to the sexual abuse of a 4 year old child in the county in which I live. There was a time, sad to say, when the mother of a 4 year old little girl would feel safe in leaving her with a male law officer. But, there was a time when a 7 year old girl in Florida could walk safely from a school bus and, a 15 year old girl could go to a school dance without getting gang raped by about 10 of her peers while another 10 watched.
Fascism has excised from the schools, from the churches, from the decency of human beings, everything that the defenders of a democratic republic holds vital and dear.
Anytime you see “National” or “Federal” in government, you know that those who are paying the bills have surrendered: NIH, NASA, Federal Reserve, FCC, FTC, FDA, FAA, etc. Only those who are willing to “toe the line”, who offer no objections, who support the party, will stay at the trough.
In October 1942, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy gave a memorable show before marines at Quantico, VA. How refreshing it is to hear the sound of male laughter in this recording. Bergen and McCarthy were appearing before real men. Frances Langford, the shapely blond, who was a regular on the show said she had filled out her form to get a new job. The laughter was sincere and manly. I recently attended the funeral of a pastor of 75 years. He died at age 95. Many male pastors were there. When the congregation sang his favorite hymn we expected to hear deep, bass, voices. It was like a woman's chorus. To clean up the fascism from America, it is going to take real, red-blooded men who still love their wives, children and country, who set the example in their community for security and decency. The time for political correctness is over. The gays and the gadflies came out of the closet and now march up and down the streets with “pride”. There is no longer any shame in perversion, prostitution or unwed pregnancy. Due to the slop (liquid garbage) on television, online and on every street in America, our most precious wealth, our children and elderly, are confused and condemned by actions of todays adults. With brooms and mops, pitchforks and carbines, it is time to clean up the home front before our young men and women in uniform are endangered to our war battle front.
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