A very bright, young preacher asked me this question. “Do you think Jesus ever joked, laughed and ever had a good time?” I truly believe that our blessed Lord was too serious to spend one moment of his life in frivolity. Laughing and joking, He probably enjoyed life as much as most serious minded people enjoy life, even though we only have a record of three years of His life. I feel sure He played games as a youngster, had young pals that He shared thoughts with. But remember He was God. He had been with his Father in the very creation of the universe, (John 1). He put on a tent of human flesh and dwelled among us and became the Way, the Truth, the Life. (John 14:6).
He knew that we were mere mortals in a battle with satanic forces everyday. He knew that we were limited in our ability to think. I think He would even forgive many of the stupid people who are on television and the radio. I never ceased to be amazed at the stupid statements I hear on talk shows. So many people have just enough intelligence to dial a phone.
I never cease to be amazed about the decisions people make about their lives. They destruction of their body with addictive substances. They do not prepare for living or dying. Our ancestors, all the way back to Adam, would never believe that the inhabitants of this earth have tolerated the tyrants who have ruled them, who are always supported by military forces, born of ordinary people, but so brainwashed that they support the Herods and Hitlers of history. Hitler, himself, did not haul the Jews to the death camps in the Holocaust. Clinton and Reno did not hire outsiders to come in, kill and burn alive the 85 women and children at Waco. Most of us did not vote for Obama. Enough people have been brainwashed by Satan's arsenic of change that we will all pay the price.
It is so simple that there are tares among the wheat, that the tares have taken over the church. It is so simple that the sheep are lead into the slaughter pen by a Judas goat. The sheep, when they are slaughtered, never make a sound. This is where we find ourselves today. So many are just silent, blighted sheep. It must be a sad exposition and stench to a God of justice and glory.
Get real. Who do you think you are fooling? The triune God of the universe, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit knows more about you than you know about yourself. God is not surprised at anything. He knows the ending as well as the beginning of the parade. Politicians, pastors, prophets and poets have tried to fool God, as well as their fellow man. They will answer to God and in some rare cases to their fellow man. Slave masters may have a good life here on this earth, may enjoy a life for a season (Hebrews 11:25). We can rejoice in the certain knowledge that there is a pay day, one day.
Get Real. Do you think anyone that abuses a child sexually or otherwise will escape? Do you think any woman who will sell the most private part of her body and life will escape? Do you think a politician who will involve himself in graft and corruption will escape? Do you think prophets and priests holding themselves to a higher standard, living off the hard earned money their followers have given in obedience to God, if not true to their mission, will escape?
Get Real. Do not be a pretender. Lying, cheating, stealing, may not bother you; but it greatly bothers the happiness of our heavenly Father. Send this word to the White House, to the State House, to the court house, to the church house. He set the example. And He was not joking when he said to us, “Follow me.”
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