With the exception of Brazil and the northeast coastal region of South America, all of that continent as well as Central America, Mexico, and some of the Caribbean islands were part of the Spanish colonial empire from 1492 to the 1820s. The establishment of the Holy Office of the Inquisition in Spain in 1478, the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492, and the admission of almost 100,000 Spanish Jews into Portugal are backdrops to the colonial history. From the early days of the Catholic Church, its bishops had the right of inquisition (the right to inquire) on matters of faith and morals. Bishops had the power to try heretics for matters of faith. Their authority included the power to administer capital punishment to heretics, excommunicate and conduct autos de fé. The Church had taken the position that "once a Catholic, always a Catholic". One could convert to Catholicism, but once a member of the faith it was forbidden to leave the fold.
When they took control of the nations the conquistadors usually banned possession of steel swords by the subjugated peoples for civil obedience and to the Spanish a sword represented their chivalry, honor, and devotion as Christian Knights. After the conquistadors landed, the captains of their ships burned their ships. The conquering Spaniards knew that they were in South America to stay. When I visited Simon Bolivar's home, (the man who lead the conquest of most of South America) I realized the simplicity of their religious pilgrimage.
In my long life, I have had the privilege of hearing many great preachers of the gospel including Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse, a great Presbyterian preacher who preached over 400 times from the book of Romans alone. Dr. Barnhouse said, “If and when you reach God's heaven and He asks you why He should let you in, what are you going to tell him?” Will you compare your discipleship with the Christians who were burned on poles to give illumination to Nero's Gardens in 64 AD?
God's people are to live contrary to the world. Does it include martyrdom? I do believe our lives should be such a testimony to the love, forgiveness and compassion of Christ, that unbelievers are attracted to Him because they see Him in us. There are many consequences in inquisitions. It is not necessary to brainwash or force the love of God into someone. God wants us because of repentance, and devotion not just repatriation.
In this day of the merchandising of the gospel, when God's message has become just a whimsical message for the TV evangelist, the faith healer, the cheapening of God's message, does not lower the character of the Christian or his MASTER.
On March 23rd, 1775, the patriot, Patrick Henry, at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia, said, “Give me liberty or give me death.” In spite of what Mr. Obama has said: "We're no longer a Christian nation." " America has been arrogant." "After 9/11, America didn't always live up to her ideals." "You might say that America is a Muslim nation." - Barack Obama.
...we are still very much Christians who want a Christian nation. From 1799 to 1892, the US Supreme Court declared this a Christian nation. Seventy percent of our population today declare themselves to be Christian. With all our problems, can you even imagine what life in this democratic republic would like be today without the influence of Christians. The same Supreme Court has lowered our standards. A twenty one word innocuous prayer calls the court in 1963 to take prayer out of our schools. Prayer has been replaced by police officers. Ten years later, in January 1973, (Roe vs. Wade) the door was opened for legalized abortion. In 2005 there were 1,200,000 abortions. The abortion rate for 2005 was 19.4 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44.
In this time of the greatest recession since the Great Depression, when senior citizens depend more than ever on Social Security, we have effectively killed our crop of producers of the taxes which would pay the Social Security of senior citizens. In a mad dash for change, in a religious zealotry for the promises of a new Messiah, we are seeing the dismemberment of the greatest nation of which the world has dreamed. From sea to shining sea, prairies of agricultural abundance, cities of industrial and commercial prosperity, skyscrapers containing offices of world class financial stability, college and university campuses producing scholars of every discipline, we have a nation to which loyal citizens could pledge allegiance.
Has it occurred to you that the consequences of this inquisition are almost unrecoverable? We do not have to burn down the house to get rid of the mold. The conquistadors removed every valuable item and idea from the South American nations to control them and instill within them their ideology. Is such clubbing necessary here?
In this nation, which has more colleges and universities, every study of any discipline, has the diploma just become a piece of paper? The greatest progress in our history, was made during the Industrial Revolution, there was very limited government at that time. When will we learn, not just in dealing with overseas powers, that throwing money and regulations at everything, does not make us smarter, or more industrious (students or factories).
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