I was told about a nearby psychiatrist's' office. The psychiatrist's secretary said a man came into the office – large, black olives ~ one in each ear, an onion ring hanging over each ear, an artificial bird in a bird's nest sitting on his head and about fifteen necklaces of every type hanging around his neck. She buzzed for the psychiatrist, who came to the door and said to the man, “May I help you?” The man said, “Yes, I want to talk to you about my brother.”
Now this is a joke but is it, at this late hour, that far fetched? A lady who works for me, who home-schools her five children, recently took them on a field trip to a dairy farm. She said there were 2,500 dairy cows at the farm. The cows are milked three times a day. Electronically the milking machines and computers, which milk each cow, keep up not only with the amount of milk, but the quality of milk. They learned that a pedometer is on each cow which gives an indication of when she need to be artificially inseminated. The sex of the calf, everything is predetermined. Unless the cow performs milk-wise and calf-wise as expected, she finds herself on someone's kitchen table.
Of particular interest to me, someone very interested in the very politics of our country and the open borders of our country, she said that all of the workers on the dairy farm were Latino. The owner told her that he used Latinos because he found it almost impossible to find Americans that would work. I find the same story with my relatives who are still in the farming business. With business men and construction men in this town who are still in business, most Americans, as one college girl told me, they “just want a check.” They do not know the honor of working for a living as I learned early in life, and as was handed down from my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and other ancestors who, from a wilderness, made this county a great nation.
Has anyone stopped to analyze, as has this old blind war veteran, why illegal immigrants can cross the border of this country, immediately gain employment and, from what I have found in my engagements with them, (working on buildings and in buildings) are able to do most anything and are always at work on time with a good attitude. I own an office complex; made many calls to get painting contractors to give me an estimate on painting. Like roofing, I could not even get an estimate for anything. Here comes Edwardo and Mario, Mexican immigrants. (I did not ask about green cards, pink cards, or family history.) They needed work ~ I had a job. They did my work and they were paid well and I was happy that I could find someone, this day and time, who not only worked, but treated me like a worthy employer.
To all you 'family value' people, I understand they actually send much of their earnings back home to their family. In a time when the courts are filled with “dead-beat dads”, carousing mothers, and delinquent children, it is refreshing to think that there are still parents, like my own father, who would go to better paying areas for work during WWII in order to build a nice home for his family.
While it is true that illegals, like natives, break the law, certainly those of us who have traveled through South America and other areas of the world, know that many foreign family units have far superior family values to those of America. Even in Communist China, which I have visited three times since it re-opened, parents love their children. Even in Russia, and I crossed Russia on the Trans-Siberian Railroad, as well as two other visits, parents love their children. And, in these countries, as well as every other county of the world, parents, schools, governments are preparing children for the future. Just the reverse from this country, in most countries and civilizations, the parents are the centers of attention of the children. Just the reverse from this country, the mother - father relationship is more important than the mother - child relationship.
The parenting book should be God's Book, not a book written by some philosopher who has never raised a child. God's Word has every answer for every problem you will ever encounter in raising children or anything else.
News casts are full of bombing activities: suicide bombs, suspected nuclear bombs, extra armor to protect the roadside bombing of our troops. America has been hit by the “love bomb”. Today, we are supposed to love everything: sin and sin's degradation, hypocrisy with all it's pretensions, the love of political correctness, love for education, impotence, love for pastoral and church masquerade, love for political corruption and charades, love for sexual perverts and puppets, love for the lower animals while destroying the beautiful babies and elderly, the chief of God's creation.
What is bad now is called good; what is lust now is called love. This “love bomb” is destroying the warp and woof of the American spirit, just as certain as Mr. Alfred Nobel's (giver of the Noble Prize, which the chief arbiter of destruction, Mr. Obama, just won) TNT discovery has brought destruction on buildings and lives of the entire world.
The answer is simple: light has come into the world and men prefer darkness to light. (John 3:19) Let's get back to fundamentals. My mother's four children attended Sunday School on Sunday. When we came home with our Sunday School card, on which there was a Biblical picture, my mother had us tell the story of the picture. Today's politically correct, atheist parents say they want their children to make their own decision about religion and about a spiritual life. This means of regressive education may lead your loved child down a path of distorted values, inappropriate actions, confused lifestyle and perhaps unexpectedly now or later, into the very jaws of eternal damnation. The saddest picture ever put on film or canvas – parents following the casket of a lost child to an empty grave. Oh how they loved the wonderful gift box but put little value on the jewel inside the box.
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