Since 1901, the Nobel Prize has been honoring men and women from all corners of the globe for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and for work in peace. The foundations for the prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his last will, leaving much of his wealth to the establishment of the Nobel Prize. But who was Alfred Nobel? He was a scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, author and pacifist. It is significant that he made all his wealth from explosives, (TNT, and other explosives used in warfare) and yet his awards are known as peace prizes.
The Nobel prizes have cheapened themselves by cheap winners, such as Al Gore, Yasser Arafat and God help us, Jimmy Carter.
There was a time when, if the Queen of England knighted a subject, or anyone and Sir was added to the front of the honoree's name, it was a real honor. But, in recent years as she has stuck her knighting wand to the shoulders of just anyone, the title has become so cheap that some, I am informed, refuse to even accept it. Singers who have been knighted by Queen Elizabeth in recent years: Sir Paul McCartney and Sir George Martin, the fifth Beatle, and Elton John.
The Nobel Peace prize has received it's last “hurrah”. From now on they should just keep the prize and use the money on some rewarding endeavor. Since the self-promoting President Obama had spent hundreds of millions to buy the presidency, evidently an attached promotional prize, the Nobel award, comes with the package. If the candidates for the prize had to be in Oslo by February 12th, the new president had not been in office long enough for anyone to know what he was going to do, certainly not the subsequent 8th month fiasco disaster, such as the bailouts, economic depression, flatulent czars and Copenhagen mish mash. This incompetent president pretends to be an internationalist and the Oslo accords are the darlings of the internationalists, the globalists, the one world ideologues. His favorite charity, ACORN, will appreciate the $1.4 million in money. But the honor, like the mistaken report of Will Roger's death, is greatly exaggerated. Mr. Obama campaigned on a policy of peace. Of course, when you kill all the enemies and you have all the weapons yourself, it is possible to have peace. It seems, much to the liberals' chagrin, that peace in war-torn Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other conflicted countries is easier said than done.
Of significance this past weekend, was Mr. Obama's favorite supporters, the Gay-Lesbian and Trisexual Coalition. (The trisexuals will try anything.) who were demonstrating on the mall of our Nation's Capital. As usual, their language on national TV and radio, like their morals, should have stayed in the closet. Their most resourceful anger was directed at the military on whom we are still depending on to win wars. Their chief military advice was to put gays, straights, and unisex all in the same barracks to end all domestic and international conflict. “Don't ask. Don't tell” should have been the title for the Obama political campaign. He has asked no advice and can tell little without his teleprompter. This totally blind veteran has traveled through Afghanistan 3 times and I could advise this very uninformed President that the jungles of Vietnam and the ice of the Chosin Reservoir were a “marry-go-round” compared to the Hindu Kush, the entrenchment of the nomads defending the poverty and poppies of Afghanistan's porousness.
Deception is Satan's greatest tool. In the voodoo scent of Mrs. Robinson's White House, the President has forgotten that God is still on the throne. There are enough praying warriors in this Christian nation to not only reverse the international enemies of the land of the free and the home of the brave; but we can transform our domestic enemies, by making our protest stations, our nations protractors.
The worm, the mule, the horse, even the Nascar racing car, will only turn right or left. The American patriot is not a horizontal citizen. We have a vertical dimension, always available to God's most precious possession, mankind, vertical salutation and eventual repatriation. To save our country, and we see easily it is up to us to save it, we will get off our knees, stand straight, and demonstrate the stability and fortitude ancestral worthy citizens bequeathed to us.
To visit monasteries, temples, zongs, stupas, and many other religious fortresses, I had to climb a hill. Lazy Christians stopped exercising in any way, long ago. Just to genuflect or cross themselves or kneel at the altar, is a righteous overreaction or fanaticism. Somewhere, somehow, some way, we will start reaching, grasping, and clinging to the mantel of sobriety known well by the prophets, priests and patriots of history.
Recently we have had much rain in the Southern USA. Think of the great, beautiful city of Manila in the Philippines, 80% covered by water. Weeks after the flood, much of the city is still covered by one or two feet of dirty, diseased water. Much of southern India (I have spent considerable time both in the Philippines and India.) has been ravaged by floods. The crops are gone. Once in India, during a flood, I witnessed the destitute looking for drinking water, the bloated dead cows, wrecked homes and infrastructure. They wonder, as we in our own lives wonder, if the sun will shine again.
Someone said that in each life some rain is bound to fall
And each one sheds his share of tears
And trouble troubles us all
But the hurt can't hurt forever
And the tears are sure to dry
And it won't rain always
The clouds will soon be gone
The sun that they've been hiding has been there all along
And it won't rain always
God's promises are true
The sun's gonna shine in His own good time
And He will see you through
“It Won't Rain Always”, song by Bill and Gloria Gaither
This blog is so one sided that it makes me sick. What are you trying to say, don't do the nobel prize anymore. And yes Al Gore was a cheap win, but just because he won once does not mean that we should just discontinue it altogether. Without it many people would go unrecognized for the great and wonderful things they do. Also, no one said that peace in the Middle East would be easy. Yes, sometimes peace is eliminating all threats, but everyone was happy when we killed bin Laden. I actually skipped most of this post, because I was to frustrated to finish. About the teleprompter, most presidents need a teleprompter and before there was one they used notecards and pieces of paper. Just because you happen to not like the president, you don't have to tear him down. He is the president, you have to follow his lead and I am not just saying that because I happen to like this president. Some people in the north didn't like Lincoln, but did they go and try to socially destroy him. Same goes for you.