In 1999, the Modern Library ranked Brave New World fifth on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. Futuristically, the book predicts much of the addictive claims of President George H. W. Bush's new world order. Today's globalists, seeking to satisfy every qualm and queer with technology, promotes learning while sleeping, resolving unhappiness by taking a pill, and emphasizes conditioning over breeding and the chemical infusion to embryos in order to achieve maximum potential.
The “brave new world” is upon us. Absolutes such as the periodic table with atomic weights which have not changed since creation, the twelve notes on the piano, whose tones have not changed since creation, the interaction of oxygen and carbon dioxide, totally necessary since creation, have become ambiguous in the need to satisfy those contented with mediocrity. As a scientist, as a believer in balancing the equations of science, one who knows the laws of human nature, I have little leverage or compromise with those who rationalize absolutes. As a born again, committed Christian, a believer in the supreme Creator, I can understand why God hates unbelievers and idols. Man is a vertical as well as a horizontal being, desperate for the spiritual as well as the physical precepts of life.
The entire concept of political correctness should annoy anyone. You never hear a politician answer a question with honesty, only trying to appease everyone. There is always so much ambiguity involved in every act or thought of life. I heard a senator say recently, “we remain in ambiguity about our relationship with Taiwan.” There was a time when our country would have gone to war with Communist China over the islands between Red China and free China, Quemoi and Matsu. Now we dance around porous borders, whether attached to our country, or to a country where we are supposedly involved in a war: Iraq – Syria - Iran, Afghanistan – Pakistan – Iran.
We try to buy friends abroad with billions of tax dollars from hardworking, sweating, frugal, God-fearing Americans, whose basic creed is the honor of God, family and country. American governments take advantage of that creed at the point of a gun. Mediocrity promotes the bailout of American conglomerates (financial, manufacturing, insurance, etc.) while paying out bonuses to inept executives and board members.
It is time to understand that the reason the medical community is receiving so little support in this health care debate, is because these average citizens have been treated so poorly by the health care community, particularly in emergency rooms and the cutthroat practices of hospitals enabled by profiteering insurance companies (staph infections in hospitals, ten dollar aspirin tablets, denial of claims, profiteering drug companies).
It is time to realize that the reason Americans have so little affection for airlines is the way they have been treated on airlines (schedules inspections, harassment, fake charges, etc.) My only son recently asked me to visit his family which would of necessity be a flight. I said, 'It has been 20 years since I was on an airplane and I never expect to get on another.” As a totally blind, 100% disabled veteran, service connected, who gave his eyes for your country, I refuse to be treated like cattle in a cattle car, or chickens in a coup, both on the way to market, by any other human beings or disreputable business with little or no oversight, such as airlines. This comes from a traveler who has been around the world 8 times by air.
It is time to understand why the church receives so little support from the Christian and those secular citizens who only recognize hypocrisy. We have seen the cheapening of devout faith by the likes of Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, and many other millionaire, “servant” freeloaders who never miss an opportunity to advertise a book, a cruise, or just a donation for someone, somewhere, mostly them.
You will never see a con man that you do not like; because we are contented with mediocrity. Restaurants come and go because many accept mediocrity. (Have you ever sat and eaten just anything because you did not want to make a fuss?) Ten percent of all products are recalled. But of the recall, only one customer in 100 will take it back.
The tyranny you live under is the tyranny you put up with. Most doctors have never had a patient to question a diagnosis. You better make sure the pharmacists can read his writing. The greatest cause of death in the health care community is the taking of the wrong medications. How many times have you read the printed material which comes with every pill which warns you about taking it? Parents will hold a screaming child for a vaccination many times affecting the child's health an entire life, when we know full well that vaccinations have lead to many diseases, even death. Can you imagine the stupidity of having another person's blood transfused into your body with all the antigens, mutations and complications which genetic tissue from one individual brings to another. Much of the microbiology is yet to be discovered.
Remember, you only go around one time. Be sure. Be very sure, your compass is correct. Don't be contented with mediocrity.
Like a partridge that hatches eggs it did not lay is the man who gains riches by unjust means. When his life is half gone, they will desert him, and in the end he will prove to be a fool. (Jeremiah 17:11)
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