Mary, Mary quite contrary
How does your Kingfish Huey bayou garden grow?
With tainted 300 million tax bells, jambalaya, crawfish, pie shells,
Donkey whore senators in tow, in a row.
Everyday, in every way (print, audio), how can things get worse? Congresspeople, such as Louisiana's Landrieu, being bought off by your tax dollars to vote the Obama way. In direct revulsion to holy scripture (1 Timothy 3:2) a lesbian woman in California has been appointed a Bishop in the Episcopal Church. In direct repudiation of the scientific method, scientists across the world have been smeared by the brush of incompetence in manufacturing evidence to support the hair-brained, debatable, incompetent theory of “climate change” and/or “global warming”. If scientists, if scientific periodicals, can not be trusted, if university centers of learning have been so compromised for the sake of government grants, what type manure are we mired?
If the “sell outs” of our biggest and brightest conglomerates by political hacks are not enough then surely the “bail outs” of the financial system, which has made America the wealth depository of the world, the economic forecast of this country and the world, is beyond the eclipse of doom. In a time when 50% of all marriages end in divorce, when 50% of all young girls have STD's, when 60% of all children are reared in single family homes, when the world's highest paid, most famous athlete stays in the front lines for his sexual dalliances, when even the Oval Office of the White House was used as a place of perversion, when gate crashers can come and go at the world's most protected residence, when witches are used to cleanse this same residence of demons, are we surprised when 18 members of our military commit suicide each day?
The only nation in the world with an obese, diabetic problem (I have traveled through 157 countries and only in America do you find fat people), 50,000 or more overweight, eating, drinking fans in stands, watching 22 millionaires running up and down a field, who are in good shape and do not need exercise. Think of the foolishness of the millions sitting at home with comforts that the Pharaoh or ancient Kings did not know. Eating and drinking to their doom, unwilling to walk to a house of worship where just a very few short years could direct them to endless years.
Beware of voting for politicians, bureaucrats, or anyone else “picking your pockets”. Brokers (securities, insurance and real estate) have the right name, they will keep you broke.
Political correctness is the law of the day, stray away from the truth, people are addicted to lies. The truth will get you fired as were John Stossel and Lou Dobbs. The pulpit, with a diabetic gospel (sugar and substitutes), will ensure the broad road to hell.
This weekend one of my cousins was very insulted because her parent's church would not allow her two large Irish Setter dogs to attend her wedding in their church. Why should we be surprised? $45.5 billion are spent in this country each year on dog food. $34.5 billion was reportedly donated by all reporting denominations as being given to God's work last year. The omnipotent, omniscient, sovereign God of the Universe on which we depend to live, move and have our very being, receives less of our money, given in worship to Him, than the dogs (not counting the many other pets) on which many probably give more attention and love.
27 times in the Psalms, we find these words, “His mercy endures forever”. Help us pray for the mercy of God in these times marked by the inconsistencies and absurdities of man. Help us realize that the wrath of God is only superannuated by the love of God. HE LOVES US MORE THAN WE LOVE HIM. Only through His mercy will we escape the sin which has befallen us as individuals, our country and the world. When things seem inequitable, when the playing field is not level, words which should scare everyone, “Before the LORD; for he cometh to judge the earth: with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity.” (Psalm 98:9)
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