In the history of the world, no nation has had a more evil military than that of Japan. Usually in speaking of the evil warfare of WWII, we think first of Hitler's killing of 6 million Jews, but the suicide Kamikaze pilots of the Empire of Japan...planes aimed at America's ships. The official number of ships sank is 70, but these suicide pilots accounted for 80% of America's losses toward the end of the war. One man I know was on an American ship when they abandoned ship with their life jackets. The only survivors were forced abandon their life jackets because the Japs could spot the yellow color, which made a perfect target for their guns.
A doctor I knew from Kentucky, Dr. Bill Oliver survived the Bataan Death March. Of the 72,000 American and Filipino soldiers in the death march, nearly 20,000 were killed, mostly because of the brutality of the Japanese using bayonets on them. Those who survived, like my friend Dr. Oliver, never recovered. During the six-week capture of the Chinese city of Nanking by the Japanese, the massacre which ensued killed hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and soldiers, and 20,000-80,000 Chinese women were raped. I stood at Corregidor near the Manila Harbor in the Philippines where General Joesph Stillwell and many Americans were killed.
It is a paradox that the Japanese are probably the world's most ruthless warriors, yet as has been proven, a very ambitious and prosperous country, an island nation with no natural resources...people with the highest IQs in the world. When you arrived in Tokyo, its tremendous population, skyscrapers, you realize that you are in a dynamo population. Before the new air terminal was built, I have never witnessed a place of so much pushing, and down-right, “survival of the fittest.” Some South Pacific islands prohibit Japanese from even landing on them, so much they remember and even despise these people. I was in one South Pacific island nation, a favorite vacation place for the Japanese, they took over the hotel, the dining room, totally arrogant and defiant about other guests.
Defeated in WWII, but because of their work ethic, Japan quickly became the world's second largest economic force (now third, because of China replacing them), the Imperial Palace grounds, reportedly worth more than all the real estate in the state of California. America is in debt to Japan for billions of dollars; America is in debt to everyone. Last week, America's 400 billionaires names were posted for the world to see. If these 400 billionaires were liquidate everything they own, they still could not pay America's deficit for this year which is $1.6 trillion. The total net worth of these 400 billionaires, $1.3 trillion.
The word “brand” comes from our west, where ranches branded cattle. The Japanese “brand” has become a source of economic wealth for both Japan and America...Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Sony, Mitsubishi, Nintendo, etc. I have steadfastly refused to buy anything that I knew was manufactured in Japan. I remember WWII, plus I have visited Japan several times. I still remember $50 for a hamburger, $5 for a cup of coffee, the brashness of the Japanese toward American tourists. They built 54 nuclear power plants, many on fault lines, 6 were shaken, at least three destroyed, total meltdown, in last weeks earthquake and tsunami, an earthquake so cataclysmic that it has changed the axis of the earth. A 9.1 on the Richter scale, strongest in history, untold thousands dead, property losses in the zillions of dollars.
Much of the radiological fission material has escaped into the atmosphere. We can only imagine what would happen if a nuclear cloud shrouds Asia, or perhaps crosses the Pacific. Perhaps young scientists, physicists have no idea of the destructive forces of nuclear power, maybe they did not see the 1959 movie On The Beach (story of a nuclear cloud covering the earth, killing everyone, heading toward Australia, the only place left). Japan just announced that they could mass produce nuclear weapons. Is it a coincidence that a few weeks later this great earthquake and tsunami happens?
Perhaps the most brilliant physicist ever, Nikola Tesla, in his New York laboratory perfected what is considered to be knowledge for a man made earthquake, mechanical oscillators generating resonance vibrations. In 1935, published in the New York American in which he stated “the earth could be split with atoms”. We have reason to believe that Russia has created earthquakes. Is it possible that some of these earthquakes, and there have been so many in recent years, were man-made, perhaps even a gigantic oil spill?
The earthquake in Haiti makes no scientific sense. Jesus spoke of earthquakes in the last days (Luke 21). The titanic is about to sink, our only salvation in the lifeboat of Jesus Christ. We are seeing with our own eyes, the last days of the history of the world, this is not conspiracy caffeine. Is it only with the eye of faith, not fear, through physical upheavals or even famine. We cannot respond to everything that is going on in the world today, the middle east aflame in warfare; Asia, a slough of brokenness, our own country in one of the worst recessions in history, we can only be responsible for self. Jesus Christ told us that all power, all authority is given to Him. (Matthew 28:18) He and He alone can handle the situations.
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