Beyond the comprehension of man, the human mind, an estimated 100 billion neurons. We are told that man does not use but about 50% of his brain potential. From ancient times, men have tried to change the minds of other men. We do what we do because we believe what we believe, and most of our doing is because of “stinking thinking”. Light came into the world, but most men preferred darkness to light. (John 3:19)
With accuracy, we can determine scientific equations, duplicate experiments, but just as good tissue, unable to coexist with cancerous tissue, health unable to coexist with disease, we still think that evil and good can coexist together, that instead of the church changing the world, the world has most definitely changed the church. At the temple in Jerusalem, there was the Courtyard of the Gentiles, where gentiles supposedly would learn about Judaism, become converted to Judaism, share belief with unbelief.
This week, in Paris, France, a new “Courtyard of the Gentiles” is in session. At several Paris locations including the Sorbonne, academics, diplomats, intellectuals, and clergy are meeting together, believers and non-believers, Pope Benedict will address the group. The only prerequisite for attendance: one cannot be convinced of their own convictions. As is the case with the liberal church (both Christian and Catholic), politicians, educators, everyone should be “broad-minded”.
King Solomon, considered the world's wealthiest and wisest man, son of King David, “a man after God's own heart”, was known for his wisdom, wives, and wealth. He built to the glory of God, the world's greatest building, built entirely out of cedar wood and gold, covering thirteen acres, at its dedication, 22,000 oxen were sacrificed and sheep beyond number. When God, as a majestic cloud, entered the building, the great choir stopped singing, the musicians stopped playing. Solomon had knowledge and wealth beyond compare, but towards the end of his life, having lived as no other man has ever lived, the largest library in the world, more gold than any other man in the world, he summed up everything in these words: ...Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)
For the believer in God, there are no concessions, no compromises. Solomon knew the history of the Jewish people, installed pillars at the Red Sea where the children of Israel crossed on dry land. He knew about the Nile turning to blood, the locusts, the passover. I was in Australia, and several other places in the world, where locusts had devoured the crops.
One does not have to be convicted or convinced of locusts, you hear them, you smell them, they devour everything edible. The early Mormons did not have be convinced or convicted of locusts. One of the greatest moments in Mormon history occurred in 1848, when the first crop in Utah was threatened by a plague of locusts, crops needed for their survival. They fought the locusts in every way possible, and when it seemed that all was lost, after much prayer, a great cloud of seagulls came in and devoured the locusts.
When will we learn that there is no negotiation between God and Satan? Apathy and agnosticism, masquerading, playing footsie with the devil, has just about destroyed the effectiveness of the church, Catholic, Protestant, particularly the Baptists. The locusts of skepticism, deception, humanism, modernism, has taken over the religiosity of denominations. In England, two church buildings are auctioned or sold every day. In America, the congregations are small, with white hair.
The more I am around religious people, the more I am convinced that the road to hell is paved with religion. Playing church, many supporting a Democrat party which is brazen enough to highlight eugenics and the homosexual agenda in its platform. Blacks, voting 99% for the Democrat candidates, nationalism, liberation theology; Catholics, the most pro-life denomination, and the world's largest denomination, able to control most votes, voting 54% for pro-choice candidates; Baptists, loving their social gospel more than God, compromising in every area of theology, in eastern North Carolina, responsible for the decadence and the poverty of the state. The Southern Baptists and Free Will Baptists have given their votes to the Democrat party, year after year, as the world, the flesh, the devil, has taken over.
Americans spend 9% of their income on food, slowly but surely, food prices will double, then triple. At sat across the table from the president of a Christian college at lunch, he told me that he voted for Obama, the pro-abortion, pro-Islam candidate. I am sure that most of his other Christian college faculty did the same, Satan has these people right in the palm of his hand. Social locusts, spiritual locusts, and even physical locusts can bring starvation to a once prosperous nation. God has always warned about plagues, we have no fear of God anymore, even though he talks with us through volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, droughts, and even nuclear fallout. Productive, crop-yielding farm lands, can be poisoned from toxins. My advice to the people in the Courtyard of the Gentiles, my advice to those in the temple, the church, the cathedral, the world-wide classroom. Fear God and keep His commandments. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)
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