I would be a more popular writer, speaker, if I were not who I am. I would be more popular with family and friends if I were not who I am. Christ, apostle Paul, the prophets, everyone who has ever stood up for God has been unpopular. Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. (James 4:4)
I have tried it, with my personality, at the gym, at civic meetings, even at family gatherings, when I was quiet about my Christianity, I was much more popular. Those who do not let the light which calls them out of the darkness shine forth in their life have not been sufficiently scrubbed by the redeeming Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ. When you have been born again, washed in His precious Blood, a new creature, you do not care what others think, you would just like for them to have the experience of your transformation. And, these family members, friends, neighbors do not want you to put them on their prayer list, because, they know that you have asked God to meddle in their business.
One of my friends told me that she was walking through the local shopping mall, a young girl approached her wearing a t-shirt on which the following words were found, as were seen in the 1966 Time Magazine: “God Is Dead“ - Nietzsche (this was the first time in its history that there were only words, no photo, on the cover of the magazine). She then looked on the back of the shirt and saw these words, “Nietzsche Is Dead” - God. There is no middle ground, you are on one side or the other, you have been scrubbed or dubbed (dead).
It is spring cleaning time. On the farm, after a harsh winter, all doors and windows in the house were opened. Beds, bedding, mattresses, rugs were given the best sanitizing known to man, sunlight, hanging on clotheslines and fences. The floors, everything was scrubbed. The barns, smokehouse, wash house, everything was cleaned. In the hospital, everywhere else I have worked, I was known as a crusader for cleanliness. In another commentary, I have talked about my inspection of hospitals. Do you want a doctor or nurse working on you, insufficiently scrubbed? Staph infections in hospitals come from filthiness. Illness in restaurants comes from filthiness, I learned early in life, that very few people know the healing of activated charcoal, you should keep charcoal handy for every form of sickness. This cheap, fundamental method cleans toxicity in the system better than anything else.
In my lectures to theaters full of new enlisted men and women coming into the military services, I impressed upon them the importance of cleanliness everywhere. I told them that in a foreign country, or even a strange community, when going into a restaurant, always without fail, send someone, or go in yourself, into the bathroom and see if the bathroom is clean. If the bathroom is not clean, the kitchen is not clean...get up and leave.
For a long time, but particularly in recent years, there has been an effort to scrub Christianity from western civilization. It started in recent history with Roger Baldwin, (founder and secretary for 30 years of the ACLU), Madalyn Murray O'Hair, (Texas lawyer who challenged Christianity every way she could), Robert Engersaw, Christopher Hitchens (now dying with cancer), Michael Newdow (California physician and lawyer). They have tried to remove God from all monuments, currency, military chaplains, and federal buildings, even the schoolhouse and the courthouse. The weak Christian church, trying to be politically correct, holding on to God with one hand, the world with the other. Prissy-sissy preachers most of the time did not show up, until it was too late. Those who would keep the posting of the Ten Commandments on the public square, in the public schoolhouse, often did not have the Ten Commandments posted in their own house. So, because of an innocuous 1963 21-word prayer, prayer was taken out of the schoolhouse, replaced by police patrolling the halls.
Even in my state of North Carolina, visiting pastors before the legislature were told not use the name of Christ. When I graduated from the state university, I was given a Bible. Today's graduates are not allowed to hear a prayer, the name of Jesus Christ, or God honored in anyway in a public ceremony, in buildings paid for by taxpayers. Academia, the satanic controlled news media, has done a good job of scrubbing Christianity from the public scene, aided and abetted by lukewarm Christians on whom God cannot depend on for anything. Hearts and consciences have been dulled by liberal churches and liberal denominations.
If I, in my writing or speaking, offend anyone, believer or non-believer, it is their problem. Most of my friends and family have no problem watching 3 ½ hours of television everyday, as is the average of the American people. But they do not honor God in their living, believing and giving. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. Who do you think you are fooling? Not even yourself. I am the first to tell anyone, if you profess to be Christian and still promote the Democrat party, you are unsaved.
Dr. Bernard Nathanson, was unsaved as the world's chief abortionist, even aborted his own child. The doctor just died three weeks ago, was consider the nations leading abortionist until he saw the unborn via ultrasound in the mother, was converted and became the country's most prolific pro-life speaker. Shame on my family members, my friends, my fellow healing arts practitioners who still support the Democrat party, a political embarrassment to our nation and to God, this political entity who promotes the killing of the most innocent of life.
When you have been sufficiently scrubbed through repentance and the baptismal pool, your politics will change. God hates idolatry more than anything else, your idols of political persuasion, money, entertainment, pride in whatever does not matter. God can only use you or me after we have been scrubbed clean by the “Blood of the crucified One.”
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