First made popular in 1920, the Yo-Yo is a spool on a thread with a knot at the end where you put your finger. Yo-Yos come and go, about every 10 years, there is a growth of popularity with Yo-Yos, learning to do tricks with them, etc...The American government is very much like a yo-yo, coming and going, producing tricks. From its inception, some of the world's smartest men differed in their opinions... President Thomas Jefferson, a great believer in state's rights, Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, a great promoter of federalism.
An organization called the Democratic Socialists of America, in its October 2009 newsletter said they have 70 (Democrat) members in the House of Representatives, 11 on the House judiciary committee. Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “if America were to go Communist, it would have been during the Great Depression.” FDR was doing everything in his power to bring on Communism through his Vice President Henry Wallace, an avowed Communist, and his Chief of Staff Harry Hopkins. Then and until now, there has been a slow but sure take over of American lives by American government, the takeover will be complete with the microchip in an identification card. The objective of Socialists in government, Socialism leading to Communism, always begins with labor unions; Stalin's Russia, Hitler's Germany, and everywhere else it has been tried. Many of us remember the bushy eyebrow-ed John L. Louis, President of the United Mine Workers Union, even then the mine workers were not as rabid in their decadence as supposed “quality people” teaching school, like those in Wisconsin.
Democrats have promoted and passed everything possible leading to Communism. Their Democrat leadership, led by President Lyndon B. Johnson, wanted civil rights, but it took Republicans to pass the law. Democrat votes have socialized healthcare, the gay agenda, abortion, and as certain as the sun rises in the east, euthanasia. Most healthcare dollars are spent during the final years of a citizen's life. The fastest growing population is those over the age 85. If Democrats will vote to kill the most innocent, the unborn, they most surely will vote to eliminate the most expensive, those who they think have been here long enough. Every book, every movie, every direction of our indoctrination system points to elimination of the old and disabled, costly citizens.
Your political party is a reflection of you. If you call yourself a Christian, support and vote for the Democrat party, you should question your salvation. Don't look for justice in the world, as long as those who legislate justice are deceived by the master magician, Satan himself. Has it bothered anyone that America has been unable to win a war since 1945? Has it occurred to anyone that the 53 million babies killed, if they had been allowed to live, would have families, and would be paying taxes and in every way contributing to this republic and preventing this present recession?
When the children of Israel crossed the Jordan on dry land, entered the Promised Land, confronted the seven civilizations there, they immediately conquered Jericho, the largest fortified city there. Joshua could not understand the loss of life when they attempted to conquer Ai, since there had not been the loss of one Israelite life at Jericho. On his face before God, God let him know that there was too much sin among his people.
America has become a profane nation: abortion, pornography, greed, homosexuality, apostate churches, useless warfare, killing of the innocent with drones and chemicals such as depleted uranium. America has sent $500 billion to Israel, $500 billion to Egypt, spent trillions on other wars, while the home front disintegrates. With heart attacks, cancer and strokes leading the list, 50% of the population diabetic and/or obese, more suicide among young people, addictions of every type, alcoholic children from alcoholic parents, 50% of all marriages ending in divorce, more annulments in the Catholic church in America than all of the rest of the world combined, we have sown to the wind and we have reaped a whirlwind. (Hosea 8:7)
This week begins Lent, the time Christians celebrate the second greatest event in the history of the world, the Resurrection of Jesus after He had been crucified. His disciples had watched His miracles, they knew Him best. At His crucifixion, all ran except for Peter who watched from a distance. Later, as an old man, Peter could say that our faith is more precious than Gold. (1 Peter 1:7)
Today's Christians do not need the yo-yo, rather they need to make a trip to the potter's house, watch the potter with the wheel, creating out clay. (Jeremiah 18:1-4) The potter never takes his eyes of the wheel, his creation, burned in the heat for service.
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