One of the most used words, vocally or in-print, is the word “energy.” If, when I was in Zimbabwe, about 25 years ago, I had accumulated $10,000 in Zimbabwe fiat currency, and hid it in the ground, today the sum would be worth pennies, if anything. If I had bought $10,000 in gold coins, and hid them in the ground, today they would be worth many times what I paid for them. If I had enough ground to hide $10,000 of crude oil, it would be worth many times what I paid for it, almost as much as the gold, because oil is truly liquid gold. We realize this every day as we witness the Middle East aflame, sending up the price of crude oil, sending up the price of gasoline at the pump.
I was reared at a time when there was little need for oil, gasoline. I remember my cousin's service station had a hand-pump gasoline tank into which he pumped gas for the few cars in the entire area. My family, everyone in the community, depended on animal power for turning the soil and crop production. We had mules on the farm, my favorite mule was Nell, she taught me to plow. Even today, in most of the world, donkeys, horses, buffaloes are used instead of the combustion engine. The world's economy depends on oil, food, plastics, transportation, warfare. I remember the first plastic, we never thought it would so monopolize our lives. I saw a water buffalo pulling a small lawnmower, cutting the grass at a Maharaja's palace in India. Oxen walking a circle all day long, pumping water. As a child, I remember water running under the grist mill, turning the wheel to grind corn, entire buildings built without a power tool of any type. Ferry river crossings using mules to pull the line.
In books and later in movies, we saw slaves rowing Greek ships in time of warfare and in commerce. You never heard the sound of a boat motor on a lake or even the ocean, boat paddling was some of the best exercise in the world. Students actually walked to class, families walked to church. At the beginning of the 20th century when 90% of the American population lived in rural areas, obesity and diabetes were almost unknown because people worked, gardening, care of grounds, raising crops, etc.
Today, the sissy-prissy politicians, academics, spoiled walmart-aristocracy, resent dispelling energy anywhere except at the gymnasium. God, please help the man who must ride a golf cart in order to get his golfing exercise. God, please help the woman who must have an electric beater or blender to prepare everything in the kitchen. God, please help young men and women, who find it hard work to push a lawn mower, and probably hard work to push the buttons on a video game. With all the new technology, laptops, iPads, the television set, please don't tell me I must push buttons on a remote. Let me just think, and the cameras on the iPad, and the channels on the television will change, without any energy on my part. Slowly but surely, we have become a lazy, spoiled, extravagance of human existence.
The greatest energy conceivable to the mind, was expended when God created the universe, the world and everything in it. He placed here, everything that mankind would ever need for living...the gold in every mountain is his. Every mineral, every element, every herb, we would ever need for living or healthcare, was placed here. God, in his infinite mercy and wisdom, large lakes and rivers of water, lending to such energy producers as the Hoover Dam, the Aswan Dam, most of the crust of the earth filled with crude oil, natural gas, coal. With the dependence on the combustion engine, great reserves of oil near the surface of Saudi Arabia, we have become spoiled to the use of oil.
With the gulf oil spill, we have discovered just how much oil is available right on our own backdoor. The ludicrous theory that oil was produced by dead animals and dead plant life (how did they all get down there?). Questions are asked, with the abundance of cheap, plentiful natural gas, why not liquify it and use in so many places. Coal was the main stay of industry for a long time, and we know about smoke stack cleaning.
America's greatest problem, a Marxist Sunni Muslim in the White House, who knows nothing at all about energy or anything else. His only experience with energy is perhaps bouncing a basketball. Supporting him, “pea-brained” politicians who cannot face the reality of energy, they had rather talk green...production of energy meeting present needs without jeopardizing the needs of future generations: renewable, solar, wind, wave, experimenting with equations which will not balance such as electric cars, wind turbines, solar panels, all these things costing more energy than they will ever produce or save.
These people who know nothing about conservation in their life habits or their nation's survival need to experience humiliation before jubilation. Bomb shelters are being built around Moscow, China is training 10,000 carrier pidgins to deliver messages in time of war, if as expected, all electric utility grids are wiped out. Purveyors of ignorance, Washington and the state-controlled news media have not realized that if Saudi Arabian oil is cut off, every financial system in the world will shut down...we are that dependent on Saudi oil. Everything we buy or sell because of the stupidity of world leaders, particularly Japan and Europe, dependent on oil, energy from oil. Saudi Arabia's princes, royal family got richer than Midas when crude oil was $5 a barrel. Wikileaks states that the Saudis have overestimated their reserves by 40%. King Abdullah and all his brothers (successors) are old and sick.
The height of stupidity, we should be accustomed to such from Washington, putting ethanol in the gas tank, producing food shortages and empty stomachs. One of the saints of long ago said, “God is more anxious to save us and help us than is a mother taking her child out of a burning building.” When will we learn that every thing we do is spiritual? We do what we do because we believe what we believe. I believe it time to end “stinking thinking” about energy.
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