There is not much in our controlled news about it, but the NASA space probe MESSENGER, after a 7 year, 4.9 billion mile trip is now circling the planet Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun. I hope, after this time and distance, money spent, Americans will receive some good from this exploration/exploitation.
It is very much like the long wait, particularly in North Carolina, for conservatives to gain a small foothold in local and state government. My ancestors, first landing in and founding Morristown New Jersey, then arriving in eastern North Carolina, the only Republicans in the community, would weep as they witnessed the corruption and domination of the Democrat party in this state. Christian conservatives, hard-working, God-fearing, taxpaying citizens, they had to be content with any crumbs that fell from the Democrat table. The semblance of freedom they had inherited, the Satanic magic visited upon responsible people.
It was a Saturday morning, I was enjoying my beach house, right on the ocean at Wrightsville Beach, NC. The doorbell rang, she introduced herself, was looking for one of my former tenants, a university student, the daughter of Dr. Ira Trollinger, former school superintendent of the State of Virginia Schools. I had met this lady when she was a newspaper reporter, interviewing me, her lawyer husband did some work for me. So, we sat on the porch and had a civil conversation. I could not understand why this lady, intelligent, personable, would be a member of the Obama campaign, out searching for a girl who had moved out, stealing much of my property, beautiful french-provincial furniture. I described to her the problems me, two lawyers and an insurance company had encountered trying to collect my damages from her father who had signed all the lease agreements. I told her that her boyfriend was assistant manager of a local store, my lawyer had actually talked with him. But no one seemed to know the whereabouts of the girl she was looking for, a supposed voter for Obama.
The Obama campaign worker left my house better informed about many things, I was better informed about many things, because I realized then, more than ever before, the reasons the Democrats had a stranglehold on politics in North Carolina. They could depend on such workers as she, a professed liberal, to get out the votes for the liberals who simply want to live off the hard work of others...lying, cheating, stealing.
Another thing was evident to ,e, and I always try to impress upon Republicans and Independents, it is “only the fists” that will give real Americans political significance, a fist made up of many fingers. The disabled, the largest minority; the veterans, those who know the inexplicable joy of service to God, family and country; evangelical Christians, those who are supposed to value life, from the womb to the grave; Libertarians and Independents, those who are well-informed on the Constitution, a society wrestling with debt that can never be paid; tea party patriots, citizens who have tolerated long enough, the ravishment and raping of this democratic republic.
Republicans should find that Americans are tired of sending their sons and daughters to endless wars, the government-controlled media is already in “war mode” again. In Iraq, it was nerve gas; in Libya, it is mustard gas; in Kuwait, it was throwing babies out of incubators; in Egypt, enslavement by dictator. They tell us that Putin and Gaddafi have dragged out the word “crusader” again. One way or another, Middle East and North Africa is aflame: Bahrain, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Tunisia, Somalia, even Saudi Arabia, “wars and rumors of war”.
I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected medical officer veteran of the Korean conflict. I do not believe any one doubts my patriotism, however, not once in all the years I have lived at my address, has the Republican party, and I have been a registered Republican all these years, come to my house, seeking my vote. I heard my parents and grandparents lament about the same thing, “when will conservatives and Christians unite/organize to bring strength to the opposition Republican party in this state?”
My internist is in a practice of 62 doctors called Wilmington Health. I had finished my appointment and was waiting at the front of the building for a taxi cab. A very nice older lady said to this old blind man, “I saw you when you arrived, the taxi driver trying to get you into the building, why don't you have the van from the Dept. of Aging bring you for your appointments? I am waiting for the van now.” I said, “I did not know such service was available.” She said, in all sincerity, “you must be in the clique to get these services, your politics must be right. If you vote right, you will be taken care of, by the county.”
And so it is, from the time I was a child, if you were to teach school, work for the state highway department, work in a state hospital, even teach at the University of North Carolina (I know I what I am talking about, I saw the papers on one professor), you must be approved by the Democrat party. Even in recent years, to drive a school bus, you must be approved by the local democrat officials.
When will Republicans learn they have been scalped long enough by Democrat lawyers, judges, party bosses. For too long, content to sit in the bleachers, watching the game. For too long, evangelical Christians, particularly Baptists, hypocrites supporting the Democrat party of abortion and euthanasia. For too long, children of the disenfranchised, in despair, forced to support a political party whose principles they could not defend, a juggling circus in a jungle of political hypocrisy.
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