One of my best friends, when I was in the Army as a field-grade medical officer; was a black medical officer who was born and reared in the delta of Mississippi. This was many lifetimes ago, we were both young, the military was newly integrated, did not have many black doctors. He had an interesting story, born on a delta cotton farm, his family, through every dime they could raise, saw him graduate from college at the black Meharry Medical School at Nashville TN.
Retired, living in Florida with his daughter, he showed up on my doorstep, having taken a flight from New York, stopping off here just to visit me. We went out to lunch, and before he had to leave on his next flight, we talked about many things. I asked, “what has happened to the black population, spiritually, politically, morally?” He said, “because of abortion and AIDS, the black population will rapidly disappear. AIDS, as you know since you have been there, is wiping out the black population of Africa. It is doing the same thing in America, and because of abortion, 52% of all black babies are killed.”
I asked him, “we know the attitude of the liberal, black communist politician...Waters, Rice, Powell, Holder, Rangel, Obama, etc, but what has happened to the black theologians, ministers, black doctors, lawyers, teachers, have they lost their senses through black nationalism, liberation theology, Rules For Radicals?” He said, “they don't care, they do not care what happens to this nation. They cannot get over physical slavery, and so they have substituted it for mental slavery.”
In my youthful questioning of my faith, and others questioning my faith, it was always difficult for me to reconcile God's gift to the world in His only Son, yet the slaughter of so many innocent male children by Herod the Great at the same time. The patron saint of New York City should be Herod the Great, because even more horrific than the murder of 52% of black babies by abortion nationally, this figure is as high as 62% in New York City. On the Avenue of the Americas, New York City, a sign was put up on February 23rd of this year by the “Life Always” anti-abortion group, showing a beautiful, young black girl in a pink dress with the words “The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb.” Immediately, black liberals, especially black women activists and Reverend Al Sharpton led protests, demanded that the sign be removed. Black councilwoman Letitia James said, “It is misguided to use Black History Month as a tool to promote this message. Every woman has the right to make personal choices in regard to her body, and I respect many different points of view.” The anti-abortion group, removed the sign, but not to be defeated, the same group put up a sign this month in Chicago reading as follows, “Every 21 minutes, our next possible leader is aborted”, showing a picture of President Obama. Today, there is outrage about this sign.
Americans have a “Las Vegas” mentality, just pulling levers, hoping for the best. If we are invaded by a terrorist nation, could more damage be done? Bizarre moral equivalence, same-sex marriage, division of the denominations because of gay bishops, lesbian pastors (Lutherans, Anglicans). The great television preacher, Dr. Robert Schuller, at odds with his family and choir concerning morality in the church, he wanting to tolerate everything. Dr. Schuller, the church has been too silent, too long, about sin everywhere, in the church and outside of the church. Think of a judiciary unconcerned about the murder of 53 million babies, an effort to force the gay agenda on everyone (don't ask don't tell, same-sex marriage). The family defensive marriage act passed the congress 457 to 81. Already, the defensive marriage act has been thrown out by the corrupt, communist Obama administration.
The exceptionalism of America is built on the foundation of faith and family. We have never understood the deception of family life in Islam...slavery of women, honor killing of children, frightful controls of dress and behavior. The very fact that a Muslim woman cannot drive a car, is so restricted in every activity of womanhood, should bring out brigades of American liberated women to fight for Muslim human rights. But, liberal Democrat women have blind spots about the murder of babies, the enslavement of personhood in other countries.
Ever since the Muslim split in 600 AD, Sunni, Shia. There has been a rafting by responsible societies to escape the misery inflicted on the women and children of this religion (out of sight, out of mind). Only the tourists who have visited these 44 Muslim countries, only academics who have studied this religion, could talk about the insanity involved in Islam. But, the Muslims do not abort their babies, are careful of diet, careful of debilitating habits (drinking, smoking), they honestly feel they are a superior race. According to Chapter 9 of the Koran, they must either convert or kill all infidels, all non-believers in Islam, the last religion. They do not honor any other religion. They actually believe that the rocks and trees will talk to them at the end of the world, telling them where all the unbelievers are, so that at the end of the world there will be nothing left alive except for Muslims.
Is anyone concerned with the ridiculous idea that we can establish a democratic society in such chaos? Has anyone considered that Christians and even members of other faiths, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, should build their belief system on a solid foundation of truth and justice. Christians know that through prayer, all things are possible. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. (John 15:7)
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