In my young days, at public meetings, civic clubs, even the church house, I was always known to be “the craziest one in the room”. I always let people know that you cannot move a box while standing in it, you can only move a container from the outside. Most people are so politically correct, so afraid of offending someone or something, they just go along to get along, sit in the comfort of the box, and that is the reason things never change.
At the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown, before the survivors were taken away, they were stripped naked, hosed down and covered in blankets. Nothing from the place or the surrounding area was allowed to leave, except for the naked survivors, most of whom later died. If any unauthorized person went back to Chernobyl (everything was full of radiation) and was caught, the person was immediately shot. They meant business.
When I was in Africa, if the government of Botswana caught Ivory poachers, they were shot on the spot. There is less crime, less poaching, when the news of the consequences gets around. We still have parents, a society, allowing deadly, addictive drugs to be sold to their children. We are much too empathetic to do anything about it. We could have ended the illegal drug trade years ago by executing a few pushers, we could have ended child molestation by executing a few perverts. Instead, we send them to a training camp-prison, where, at the taxpayer's expense, when they are not sleeping or watching television, they are getting graduate courses in not getting caught next time.
The greatest of preachers, Charles Hayden Spurgeon's prayer, “help those with hard hearts to be soft, and those with soft hearts to be hard.” One prominent politician in my town, told one of my friends, “Dr. Morris is too hard about chloride and fluoride in our water system, too hard about crime on our streets, too hard about the culture of corruption in politics.”
I don't know about yours, but in this town many churches have taken the word “church” off of their signs. They prefer to call their non-denominational church by a name: “rock”, “vineyard”, “assembly”, etc. At least the Catholics are still proud to put the word “Catholic” on the walls of their church. Can you imagine a McDonalds without the golden arches? The problem is the church-Christian has never realized the power possessed, power that has changed the world, power in western civilization that makes the difference. You realize this when you travel through Godless, pagan and communist countries. They are all controlled from a tyrant on the top. One does not dare challenge anything. The tragedy: this American democratic republic is rapidly getting that way.
The government at the top controls news sources, the government controls academia through research grants, student loans, permits and promises of every type. The government at the top, controls pre-college education: the federal government's contribution to the local school system is only 6% but in order to get that 6% there are endless mandates and regulations. Federal and state governments control all commercial enterprise through permits, directives, rules and regulations of every type.
The government at the top, controls all financial institutions: banks, the securities industry. A certain group of Americans can hardly wait for 1/6 of all financial power in the healthcare system to be turned over to the federal government. Go down the list, commerce: FTC; healthcare, medicine: FDA; communication of every type, FCC; investing and banking: SEC; housing and building: FHA; agriculture, food health: FDA; social services: FSS; air travel: FAA; national security: NSA; homeland security, etc. etc. and so it goes.
Your world, your country, your life totally controlled by a tyrannical system intent on keeping you in a box. You are not supposed to get out of the box, to ask any questions, even of those who “represent you” at the national, state or local level because their next election, their popularity, depends on your obedience. The chain of command, as in the military services, does not permit your freedom of speech and certainly your freedom of action. The people have yet to realize that they are slaves, permitted to keep working and paying taxes.
The difference between the police state, communist, socialist, tyrant system of government, you are still permitted to pretend that you own your own house as long as you keep paying the taxes on it. You own your own vehicle, furniture, equipment by which you make a living, as long as you keep paying taxes on it. You still own your children as long as you dance to the tune that the government plays. You can still buy your own food, supplements, “light bulbs” and other necessities of life as long as there is some tag on the article showing government approval.
Believe me, you cannot believe anything from local news, the only reputable news source is international shortwave news. Never more evident than this greatest physical disaster in world history, a 9.1 earthquake and tsunami off the coast of Japan. There are 54 nuclear plants in Japan, the six on the fault line are in a meltdown, which could turn into a “china syndrome.” It is evident that Japan was not prepared for the disaster, to cool down of the reactors or care for their citizens who are in danger, geographically. We know there was a 3000 foot mushroom cloud, the equivalent activity of 4 hydrogen bombs. We do not question the Japanese resiliency, people with the world's highest IQs, scientific and industrial advances, the world's second largest financial power. Nations should have a real national defense program enacted, people stocking up with supplements and food. Throughout history, with the holocaust of earthquakes, volcanoes, because of the poison in the atmosphere and the poisoning of the soil famines have followed. These disasters are coming so fast and furiously, already we have forgotten Christ Church, Haiti, Chili.
Remember, the cure is often in the cupboard: activated charcoal, holistic clay, oregano, kelp, rosemary, etc. Americans have shown their disdain for their own body with addictions, tattoos, piercings, they have shown their lifestyle interests by spending time with such characters as Charlie Sheen. As implicit and intransitive as an artist's rendering of the baptism of Pocahontas, found in the Rotunda of our nation's capital, our body of 70 trillion cells, still dependent on the divine Creator.
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