Homosexuality, was, and still is, the strangest mystery, polemic mantra, visited on my thinking. Physically, spiritually, psychologically, its extremities are beyond compare. I first encountered this deviance from the normal as a young, impressionable college student at the Cabala of liberalism and atheism in North Carolina, Chapel Hill. I honestly did not know what they were talking about, nor do I believe that my ancestors before me could ever be convinced that the time would come in this nation, founded on Christian principles, that news broadcasts and even polite conversations in the church house, school house, courthouse would center on same-sex marriage and the rapid rise of homosexual activity, a “gay agenda”.
The first time I heard of a same-sex marriage was right here in the town where I reside. St. Thomas Hall is a former Episcopal church, restored for civic activities. An educator friend from the university, told me he went to a wedding at St. Thomas. He said, “I would like to have seen the expression on your face, if you were there, as I told you what was going on. It was an assemblage of all the queers and rears of the area. Liberals, communists, perverts. Two female nurses from the hospital were wed. One was dressed in a white evening gown, the other in a black tuxedo. It was a wild foray into the exotic quasi-land of unbelief and disbelief. I now know what it is like to see centuries of civilization 'gone with the wind.' At the reception, there were gifts for the couple, a wedding cake with two women on top.”
The thing that bothers me most about this abomination is that the world, the flesh, the devil has swept up the church with it. You could never have convinced the prophets and evangelists of old that people who profess to know God, could climb so quickly into the cavern of disbelief along with Satan, the purveyor of deception and lies. Such reformers as Jehu of the Old Testament, Martin Luther of more recent times, would never be convinced that Sodom could become so extensive, that some denominations (Episcopal, Lutheran, Unitarian, etc.) would actually license such as preachers, pastors and even bishops. For instance, the Episcopal church has many lesbian bishops.
An entire alchemy is being formulated in the Catholic church to accommodate refugee members of the Anglican and Episcopal churches seeking to escape deception and find refuge in Catholicism. There are more Anglicans in Africa than the rest of the world combined. These “Christians” want no part of this heresy. How anyone with enough education to read can jump into the stew pot, concocted by such liberal neophiles and still read the inspired words of Paul in the New Testament, the law of the Old Testament, is beyond comprehension.
You cannot prop up something not-of-God, even if you call it love. We have found, to our sorrow, that most Christians are just “marshmallows”, they know nothing about the wrath of God, that God's Wrath was dispensed on His Only Son once and for all. The church representing Christ will certainly know the Wrath of God for participating in this debacle. God is very jealous as He protects the adequacy of His Son's dying for all, His death of atonement, the adequacy of the wrath dispensed on Him. I do not believe that most of these people have any idea about the Lord's table, His stripes for our healing, His Blood for our forgiveness. We are made worthy by Jesus Christ's Blood sacrifice. It must be a stench in God's nostrils to see the flaunting of His most sacred Creation, man and woman, the reproductive path for His chief creation, human life. Shame, shame, shame on imposters, pretenders, who make a mockery of the Christian church, the Christian family.
I have spent most of my life studying and traveling the world. God wanted me to see what the entire world is like, the depravity of nations not committed to Him. He wanted me to see the Hindu monkey temples. The dzongs and stupas of Asia, the mosques and temples of Islamic nations, the barren assembly halls of Godless, communist nations. He wanted me to see the brush arbors of Africans who have been converted to Christ. In every continent, poverty-stricken or areas of wealth, those who claim the name of Christ are prosperous. Wealth pursued Abraham (Abraham, the richest man in the world at his time), because he kept God's law, and so it has been throughout the history of man. Defy God and take the consequences.
100 new restaurants open in New York City every day, 100 restaurants close in New York City every day...tried and failed. As one real estate broker said to me one time when he was trying to sell me a restaurant building, “every prospective restauranteur thinks he has the magic answer.” Socialism has failed every place it has been tried, yet we have those who want to enforce it again on the rest of us. Central planning, in government, has never worked. Obama's healthcare will fit right into his pocket. Democrats believe that the truth, wisdom and goodness of Obama will supersede good sense. Like Obama's patronizing the homosexual community, the “politically incorrect guide to socialism”, and the gay agenda, would lead us on the fast track to disaster. Americans are still paying tax on the cost of the Spanish/American war. Few realize what the political correctness fed to us through state-controlled news media will cost due to socialism and the gay agenda.
Remember, there are no tears at Walmart when small businesses close. Big business has always been the enemy of small business, and small businesses have always been the enemy of big business. Ludicrous regulations, taxation do not bother big business. There is unholy alliance between government and big business. It will bother some Americans to get away from the idol worship of the television set, the internet, and think about what is happening to their civilization, their country, their church. God is displeased with idol worship more than anything else. You hang your body on the truth of the greatest sacrifice known to the body of man, your redemption provided for you, and then your relationship with your republic, the most blessed nation on earth.
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