I have spent my live trying to discern why people do what they do. We do what we do because we believe what we believe, it is all a belief system. In God's greatest creation, man, we were instilled with free will and a conscience. The first laws for mankind did not appear on Mt. Sinai, nor Constitution Hall; from the very beginning, we knew natural law, right and wrong.
Paleontologists have discovered that even the earliest civilizations knew that it was wrong to kill one another, to steal one another's possessions. The years of recorded history have shown that we have developed in technology (from smoke signals, to cell phone, etc.), but human nature has not changed. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, could not keep just one law, not to eat of one tree; obedience, holiness to almighty God. Shelves of law books in libraries and lawyer's offices, has not denied or delayed the breaking of the most fundamental laws, we still lie, cheat, and steal, even the “best and most educated” among us. Just as there was murder in the first family, Kane killing his brother Abel; America, world superpower, the most advanced population, has the largest prison population, 2.2 million.
We know that 84% of all Muslims believe that their fellow Muslims should be killed if they convert to another religion. Other religions cannot be too critical, because even in Christian America, a Democrat party supports the abortion of the most innocent of life by a plurality of the same, 84%.
Until the Great Flood, 4090 BC, sin had so increased that God decided to kill all of His chief creation. He selected Noah and his family to survive. For those pitiful people who refuse to believe our history, traditions and redemption, from Noah until the Cross, I cite to you Genesis 10, 11, 12, the genealogy of Noah's sons; then from Abram, the first Jew, old covenant history.
We are left beleaguered and confused about the behaviors of these ancient civilizations. Those of us who have studied Egyptology, the remarkable architecture of the pyramids, Abu Simbel, Thebes, the enslavement of these early civilizations, man's inhumanity to man, and yet the mental ability necessary for the construction of these great edifices. For instance, the Great Pyramid, 450 million tons of stone, blocks weighing 60 tons, so perfectly joined together that even a human hair cannot go between them. Yet, when the Israelite slaves left Egypt, these people, God's chosen race, had plundered all the gold, silver and valuables of Egypt. Yet, these chosen people, when Babylon captured Jerusalem, were still such slow learners. In 587 BC Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had destroyed the greatest building in the history of the world, Solomon's temple, plundered all of the gold of the city. Neither King, father or son, learned of King Nebuchadnezzar cruelty. After King Zedekiah's sons were put to death right before his eyes, his father imprisoned, Zedekiah himself blinded and thrown into a Babylonian dungeon, then he may have realized the depravity of man, man's ability to do greatness and man's ability to do evil.
John Newton, as a boy, could curse for two hours continuously, without ever using the same word twice. He became a slave ship captain, but his tongue changed when his heart changed. After God changed His heart, he could write the world anthem of the Christian church, “Amazing Grace”, and pastored a church in England (St. Mary Woolnoth) for 28 years, until his death.
The YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) was founded in England in 1844. The first YMCA in America, was in Boston (1851). President Lincoln encouraged this YMCA to distribute thousands of Bibles to the troops during the Civil War. Today, the YMCA has lost all Christian identity, has become a place of family recreation, discourages disabled and handicapped people from even attending. This writer, who had the longest membership at the local YMCA, participated in a hearing brought under the Americans with Disabilities Act to this facility, and was forced away from this local group. The YMCA, like most so-called Christian churches, like most so-called civic clubs, have lost their identity with rightness, Christianity, adherence to either natural or civil laws. Again, Satan's magic having done it's work, it has a morgue for the profane.
We have seen the depravity in the minds of Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Stalin, Mao, and others who have make it no secret. We know the heights and depths of the Bilderbergers, politicians and kings. The Emperor of Japan, considered a God to his people, spoke to them for the first time in history, other than in time of war. Like Emperor Hirohito before him, few worshipers had ever heard his voice, but a 9.1 earthquake, threat of nuclear fallout, “changes things”. The sovereign God of the universe talks to His believers anytime, anywhere. To the unbelievers, he speaks through earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and certainly to follow, famine. The US federal government has put 480 million MREs (meals ready-to-eat) in storage. Believers, those who are not pretending, those who are not imposters, those who aren't mechanical figures trained to bow to decadence must depend on the blessings of a compassionate, heavenly Father who will never leave us nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)
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