Not this week, not even this year, but eventually Americans will discover what this writer discovered and has promoted for many years, that we have been completely captivated by a bizarre satanic system of mind control. There is a subliminal impulse in the television screen, to which Americans in my lifetime have been completely addicted or an impulse in the satanic beat and message in rock music. We know that the scientist in China and other Asian countries have been involved in this technology for many years. The technology was used during the Korean conflict with Americans captured by the North Koreans-Chinese. Most of these prisoners are dead by now, but they were probably the most disabled veterans of war I ever encountered.
Don't tell me, that intelligent thinking people will believe a plane hit the pentagon when there were no plane parts left from the explosion. Do you believe that people will keep smoking toxic tobacco when danger to the health has been proven in so many ways? Think of the millions who are still dying from smoking. Certainly, young people as dumbed down as they are by public schools, will not use addictive drugs when they have seen what such addictions will do to their own bodies as well as the lives of their friends. Why would serious minded people keep eating the wrong foods when they know the consequences or take exotic chemical prescriptions into their bodies when, almost daily, we find that FDA approval was erroneous.
The American media, because of advertising revenues and the American political system because of the importance of elections, gives little time to the subject of brainwashing and mind control. Even today, Elmo teaches children how to sneeze, reminds children to “correct” their parents. Facebook and Twitter has more influence on young adults then anything else. Don't tell me, that an open sewer running through your living room in the form of the satanic addictions found on television and on the computer would be allowed by loving parents unless and because of mind control.
The book which opened many eyes who's techniques makes people meek conformist in the cauldron of mental biophysics was written in 1954 by the Dutch scientist Joost A.M. Meerloo and is called “The Rape of the Mind.” The exposure, in this book, of the tactics used in the Korean war are studied today and we are all probably more victims of the technology then anyone wants to admit. Propaganda, government programs, marketing, in fact, about every area of living, lends itself to such mental capture. Intelligent people in full control of their faculties will not buy such stupid ideas such as Cap-N-Trade, putting their children and grand children, as far as the eye can see, in total enslavement. There is no way the national debt of this country can ever be repaid.
A nation which took pride in a great automobile industry, financial institutions controlling the worlds wealth, insurance, health care, academic excellence beyond compare, would not fail or be bailed out by competent minds. Would anyone suggest that the very minds who caused the problems would be used to correct it? A nation with scientists capable of nano technology, wherein I can put an object for sales online this minute and by pushing a button in a few seconds the item can be seen all over the world... every viewer recorded, every action recorded, phenomenal inspections recorded, and finally a sale with every motion identified. Yet, billions of dollars can evaporate in a ponzi scheme right under the nose of regulators who proffered no knowledge of this North Pole type operation.
Certainly, you do not believe what is presented on the news broadcast. Certainly, you do not believe the print media. Certainly, you do not take a pill when there are pages of material telling you why you should not take it. Certainly, you are suspect of most foods, especially meats, when there are daily recalls. Certainly, you do much praying before getting on an airplane when you know the addiction problems and the partying that goes on in most hotels between pilots and crews. Certainly, you do much praying before driving on the highway when we know that 10% of drivers are impaired by drugs.
Young children memorize jingles before they can learn to read. The mind controlling emperors of advertising in cooperation with the control czars of government health care now have your children singing jingles about viruses and vaccinations.
Last winter was the coldest winter in European history and a large part of the American hemisphere. Both the arctic and antarctic have increased with ice. Yet, everyday in every way we hear about global warming.
The thing I remember most about Timbuktu, Mali, Africa, a goat herd was coming down the main street down the city towards me. Herding, in every other African life has been changed for the worst, not because of global warming but climactic changes, mostly due to cooling. My guide and I rode on camels to some nomad tents where I was told that it isn't as pleasant to sleep in the desert anymore because of the change in temperature. In fact, there are fewer tourists into the Sahara then ever before. Even there, beyond comprehension, I noticed a television under one of the tents (No one escapes the mind control of the media, study the mind control of suicide bombers).
Religious zealots, even terrorism experts, found long ago the most effective weapon known to man kind is the weapon of mental twists and turns involving the synapse controlling the cells of mental ability. Before you drink the Kool Aid, leap into the cleansing baptistry's of God's divine providence where a clean mind is awaiting you.
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