Biometrics is the control of humans through methods involving the measurement of physical and behavioral characteristics such as fingerprints, DNA, iris flex, facial structure, hand geometry, odor, voice, gait, and anything else that makes you you.
Government controls probably started with the inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, he had as his Vice President Henry Wallace, an avowed Communist until his death. Roosevelt was advised by several other Communists including Harry Hopkins; books have been written on the subject, the incremental controls affecting every lifestyle. Since the vast majority of the population was rural, it was easier to indoctrinate them. The agricultural stabilization program was the first “in-your-face” example of totalitarian control, acreage allotments, the killing of farm animals, controls on everything pertaining to agriculture. Until this time, there was not even a license for driving a vehicle, but with parity and controls on everything to the place that now a permit or license is required for everything.
Americans were totally set-up for totalitarian control, whether a license for every profession, a renewal license for every profession, job requirements, regulations involving every job. With advancing technology such as the garbage on television, a dumbing-down which has led to the acceptance of any false flag, any government lie.
The evidence is in, we have found that most of the people can be fooled most of the time: Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, assassination of JFK, RFK, and MLK, Waco, Oklahoma City Bombing, and for most thinking people, the 9/11 tragedy. Most experienced pilots could not fly a 7/47 into a tower; certainly two skyscrapers might fall, but why the third? Reactive, a man exploding his shoes without the blasting cap and other explosives necessary for such (now everyone takes off shoes in the airports). A man supposedly with a bomb in his pants without a blasting cap and other things necessary for an explosion (Now, everyone fondled and groped in order to get on a plane). Few have asked the question about the immediacy and rush to full body scanning, obviously already manufactured, the equipment was ready for use. With the former head of national security representing the manufacturer (Mr. Michael Chertoff). There was a time when real men would fight if their wife was fondled in the airport or anywhere else. Real men would object to groping, body scanning.
Slowly but surely the government has told us how to live, government knows best, the direction to follow in making our living, our life decisions. What we should eat and drink, through genetically modified corn, the most used plant in animal feed, we have an epidemic of diabetes which could be eliminated just from the non-use of corn. Dumbed down parents have allowed government to vaccinate their children, even infants, a few months old. Undisciplined schools, both students and teachers, schools and universities so dependent on government grants, taxpayer largess, that academic challenge is a thing of the past. Like the proverbial sheep, the Judas goat of government is just leading dumb sheep to the slaughter there will most certainly be another calamity, probably a plane explosion in flight, blamed on those who resent free boarding searches, those who resent violation of their body, the sacrifice of privacy for security.
Any one who points out these unholy conspiracies is called a nut. So, explain the chemical trails in the sky, fiat paper money which is worth nothing, constant advertisements about the buying of gold, a daily diet of financial failures in such places as Greece, Ireland, Portugal, California. Why are so many prominent leaders such as Tony Blair, George W. Bush, Newt Gingrich, finding shelter in the Catholic church? Why does America stand by while China takes over commerce? Why have dumbed-down Americans refused to realize that the bankers are now in charge, that we are borrowing from the banks instead of banks borrowing from the government?
Does it bother any believer for such characters as Bill Clinton, George W. Bush or even Henry Kissinger, to use the words “God bless you” when we know that they know little about God, or God's blessing? If many of those dominating the world scene realized the awesome power of God, they would die of immediate and certain fright. Jefferson said, “I tremble when I think of the justice of God.”
The great actor Claude Rains starred in 1933 film-adaption of H.G. Well's “The Invisible Man”. It is time for dumbed-down Americans to realize that there are invisible earth forces almost in total control of our lives. Forces headed by such individuals as Brent Scowcroft, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, the Bilderbergers, Rupert Murdoch, Baron Rothschild, and others in the world who have wealth beyond imagination, but who never have enough...money or power. Our individual biometrics means nothing to them, we are just slaves who are supposed to obey. They only get nervous when there are people of tea party vintage, patriots such as those of our revolution. When men and women with the American patriot spirit professing to love their children, professing to love the God, whom they serve, awaken to cauldron of horror which surrounds us, the American spirit will be resuscitated.
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