We have all seen a workman on the highway waving a red flag, giving us warning. But, it is only a person's conscience that can determine the effectiveness of the warning. This is the reason so many highway workers, highway patrolmen, and vehicle repairmen are killed on the highways. It is reported that three highway workers are killed and about a hundred more injured each day, in spite of the red flags.
We can predict new regulations, new restraints by government officials waving red flags. It is known that the so-called Christmas “underwear bomber” was a red flag for the government to start scanning bodies with X-ray machines in airports. The machines were already ordered and ready, security just needed an excuse. This week's red flag, mailing explosives in a shipment of packages, will further limit air travel. Those who ship anything, anywhere, by any method, know the restrictions on parcels, that anything with wires or white powder will not be accepted. Strange that a UPS plane had not been in Yemen, and Mr. Obama described the incidents before European leaders knew anything about such.
Red flags could be seen all over the JFK, RFK, MLK assassinations. Nothing about the Waco, Oklahoma City, 9/11 tragedies, makes much sense, all surrounded by red/faux flag ambiguities. Perhaps planes knocked down two skyscrapers, but why did the third one fall?
Many books could be written about warnings in history, warnings not heeded. Surely, those onlookers standing on the fortress walls of Jericho, having been informed of their miracles already, could expect something to happen, these thousands of young (the old had died in the wilderness because of their unbelief) marching around the city, not speaking a word. But on the seventh day, the seventh time, the physics of shouting, horns, the walls went down. Gideon, an army of 32,000 men (God told those who were scared to go home), finally just 300, breaking of pictures, showing of lamps, blowing of trumpets, 120,000 killed, 40 years of peace.
Is it possible that people around the world have been so dumbed down that they can see their economies totally wrecked, by the foolishness of totalitarian control which we call communism, the scheme and scam involved of the forfeiture of human free enterprise. The hoax that I will be satisfied getting the same paycheck for long study and hard work, as the one who sits around and does nothing.
The red flags are flying, telling us that when you are in a hole, stop digging. When you are obese, diabetic, stop eating the wrong food; when you are choking with throat cancer, stop smoking. When you lose your way, God is always there, you can depend on Satan to always overplay his hand. Satan wants you to fail, to ignore red flags, before victory there are always doubts. Remember you are not the first one to go through a battle, life is a battle of value for value. Worship is showing thankfulness for value, worship like giving is a value judgment. We make a mistake when we base our giving from an organization frame of reference instead of an organism frame of reference.
The organization approaches with a begging bag, Christ told his disciples not to beg for anything. There is a red flag when the church or any other organization is more interested in the organization than the organism. What has happened to the millions of dollars given for cancer research, diabetes research, autism research; the economy would collapse with the solving of the cancer problem. Many birds would happily sing if money given to the Audubon Society went to the birds, instead of the organization. Beware of red flags in your generosity, your philanthropy, I do not give to any person or any group who live better than I live.
One famed television evangelist, founder of a university which bore his name, had his meals served to he and his wife in their private suite in the hotel. Seven years ago, 2003, the president of American Red Cross was paid an annual salary of $470,000, the president of United Way was paid $430,000. Of course, this does not include their entitlements, such as transportation, hospitalization. I do not set myself up as an example of anything, I have never had a meal brought to me, not even a pizza pie, at my home or in a hotel. I do not own one article of clothing which was not purchased second-hand. God knows that I give nearly one-half my income to His work, would give more if not for such exorbitant government taxation.
Beware of the red flags of greed involving religious and other charitable institutions, Franklin Graham is paid $1.2 million, his retired father is paid $200,000. But this is the bottom of the collection plate, just think, Oprah Winfrey is paid $220 million a year, Rush Limbaugh, $33 million a year. The red flags should be lowered to half-staff to honor veterans, deceased and disabled, who gave everything and have gotten very little. It is believed that the Queen of England is worth $3 trillion, at the end, she does not have enough money to buy one more second, we all leave the same way, with empty hands. In my lifetime, I have seen the cheapest of caskets, some very expensive caskets; like the air we breathe when we walk through the airport, the rich and the poor, cannot tell the difference.
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