Keep these facts in mind when "donating".
As you open your pockets for yet another natural disaster, keep these facts in mind:
Marsha J. Evans, President and CEO of the American Red Cross... Salary for year ending 06/30/03 was $651,957 plus expenses. (That's $74.42 an hour For EVERY hour of EVERY day.)
Brian Gallagher, President of the United Way receives a $375,000 base salary, plus numerous expense benefits. (That's $42.80 an hour for EVERY Hour of EVERY day.)
UNICEF CEO receives $1,200,000 per year plus all expenses and a ROLLS ROYCE car where ever he goes and only cents of your dollar goes to the cause. (That's $1369.86 an hour for EVERY hour of EVERY day.)
The Salvation Army's Commissioner Todd Bassett receives a salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization.
No further comment necessary.
Addition by Dr. Morris:
Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day, a day first set aside by George Washington for “thanks giving”. A national holiday giving glory to God for His benefits. Today, is black Friday, when normal American citizens make fools of themselves, getting up real early, going to stores, trying to find bargains, things, most of the time, things they do not need.
This totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean conflict spent Thanksgiving Day listening to radios, people talking about eating, feeding the homeless, feeding prisoners. There is nothing wrong about feeding our armed forces, feeding prisoners, feeding the homeless, as long as we keep everything in perspective.
In this long line of ludicrous salaries for CEOS of “do-gooder” organizations, which are supposed to be in servitude for a cause, I want to add the Audubon Society, those interested in bird-life. The President of the Audubon Society gets $180,000 a year. This group rented office space from me, in all my rentals, over many years, it was the first time it was necessary to completely redo a building, including replacing the carpet.
I have one policy in contributing to these do-gooder organizations: IF they live better than I do, they should not expect me to give my money. IF they do not have the same moral fortitude that I have, they should not expect my money. IF they have not given as much as I have, to God and country, they should not expect a contribution from me. I am so tired of people who get these big jobs, however they get them, do-gooder groups, politicians, pastors, who are supposed to be in servitude for a cause, but just use that cause to live better than the rest of us.
The goodness and kindness of God leads one into a path of servitude, spiritual or physical. Just as salvation is His choice, not our choice, so we should feel that working for a cause, whether it is the welfare of birds (Audubon), people in distress (Red Cross), community development (United Way), faith in God should determine our passion, just as God's Word revives a dead soul.
So many civic, political, spiritual, people and groups have forgotten their mission. Do we actual think the saints, martyrs of our faith, could actually be paid for their commitment or devotion, they knew that life was in giving and even dying for a cause. There is no resurrection, no redemption without death to self. Take two kernels of corn, totally dead, plant them in your yard, in the good earth. When these dead kernels (but with the passion of life inside, dead soul) sprout, give them water, make sure of enough sunlight. The ears of corn from these two plants (thousands of kernels), planted in fields, those in turn planted in fields, exponentially for seven years, would soon have enough corn plants to feed the world, much could be done with money honestly, sacredly given, if it were not for the greed involved by those who have their hands in the management.
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