The most famous security checkpoint in the world was on the Berlin Wall separating East and West Berlin. I went through Checkpoint Charlie twice before the wall was torn down. The East Germans were so paranoid because of their Russian indoctrination, no one in their right mind would want to escape to East Germany, the bleak Communist poverty everywhere. Most escapees those trying to escape, east to west, going through I remember the sniffing dogs, the long mirrors use to look under vehicles.
I well remember my first airplane flight, during the time of propeller-driven planes, those who flew, back then, were well-dressed, treated royally by the airline. Like the transatlantic luxury liners years before air flight, passengers used steamer trunks, and were treated like royalty by the shipping lines.
Starting in my youth, we have seen a gradual, certain incremental lowering of all privacy, fascination with sex, voyeurism, and those who do not mind exposing themselves...in general, sexuality and insensitivity converging to today's airport. There has never been any fascination with the sexuality of old people, disabled people, fat people, ugly people, it has all been a matter of the sexual promiscuity and attractiveness of youth. The screen magazines, such stars as Lana Turner in a sweater, a fascination with breasts, then came Dolly Parton. Fortunes have been made from nudity in such magazines as Playboy, and such homosexual magazines such as Playgirl. I understand Playgirl offered $250,000 to both Michael Jordan and Prince Charles to publish a picture of them in the raw, since the news was out that they were both well-endowed. It is a matter of the loss of privacy, intimacy, the violation of sexuality, which has been so offensive in cases of rape and pedophilia.
Fortunes have been made from the pornography industry. On the backstreets of almost any town were “porno shops”, then came private booths where porno films could be viewed. These stores have since disappeared because the best of any type porno is now found in your own living room via the internet. Sections of some cities such as Times Square, Manhattan, were filled with sex movie houses along with the female prostitution and gay bathhouses, all usually converging together, agenda of the gay-communist-pagan taking over America and the world. Now, instead of a child waiting until the age of 18 to enter a porno store, it all starts early, boys, girls, housewives, every age, every social ladder, every academic background. All thinking that it is done in secrecy, that no one will find out.
We became slowly but surely adapted to the takeover of our privacy for the sake of security in bag searching. This was all a hoax, particularly in America. In traveling the world, my camera bag was actually searched, my checked baggage searched. I always carried a large bag of pens, cigarette lighters and such, to give away to those who I photographed, etc. Such was actually found by foreign airlines, the captain would have me pick up this contraband at the end of the flight. I once bought 12 pearl-handled steak knifes at a shop in New York City. I thought, in my camera bag, they will be found, but I can pick them up at the end of the flight. As usual, my bag went right through the so-called X-ray machine, and the attendants, talking to one another, never noticed a thing. I tried the same with a .22 caliber revolver, in the same camera bag, which I transported from North Carolina to New York City. I had promised the doorman in my condo apartment building a revolver, with which to defend his family. Nothing found, nothing said.
I talked about these incidents on the radio. If the local sheriff had any interest in security on airlines, he would have investigated to see which day I flew and who was on security.
35,000 feet in the air, no one questions the need for safety, it is unsafe enough just to be flying in this germ-laden cylinder. Most diseases are rampant because of the air we breathe, the air coming from someone else's nose to mine. The face triangle is the area most associated with disease and disease prevention, the mouth and nose. The nostrils have cilia which filter out much debris, the mucosa of the nostrils have cilia which become erect, sensitive to all particles, only the genital areas of the body have such cilia. It is microbiology entering the body through the air we breathe from the nose and mouth, into the lungs, distributed throughout the body, contagions, which cause most of our diseases. Nothing is more unhealthy than air flight.
I landed on the French island of Reunion in the Indian ocean, a stop-over for most airlines. Because of the nudity at the swimming pool, I stayed clear of most social activity. I noticed that all the airline crews were frolicking, partying, drinking until the early hours of the morning. A member of the hotel staff said to me, “it is always that way. You could not hire me to get on a plane which they fly.” I think most airline personnel, in spite of the splendid uniforms of the captain and his crew, know the dissipation of their lifestyle and professional work.
The derangement of accepted morals affecting society have culminated and converged at the airport. When Cosmopolitan magazine would publish the nude centerfold photographs of John Davidson, Jim Brown, or Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown. Why did we not think that society has gone in to an eclipse of degeneracy? We have become a perverse society, staging our perversion on the innocence of children, the chastity of women, the sissification of men. Only degenerates find enjoyment in fondling the genitalia of anyone: same-sex, opposite sex, and certainly that of children. Now, as an answer to prayer, the voyeurs, perpetrators of immorality, insensitive pagans are members of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Who cares if your privacy is violated, your body radiated?
It bothered me more that an animal's privacy was degraded in the sex act of reproduction, than gay Arnold Schwarzenegger in bodybuilding poses, or Vanessa Williams showing off her “stuff” in a centerfold. It has all lead to where we are now. I leave you with the following advice: “Don't Fly. Deny. Don't Buy. Don't Comply. Just Occupy Until He Comes.”
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