A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left. (Ecclesiastes 10:2) The right hand of the LORD is exalted: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly. (Psalm 118:16)
On this week of voting, perhaps the most important vote in our lifetime. I want those of you who are conservative, who proudly stand with the right, to understand why you are on the right, and not on the left. This very morning, I said to a congressman from my district, who is running for re-election, “there are non-negotiables which Conservatives, Christians on the right, will uphold to the very end: the evil of abortion, the evil of same-sex marriage, the evil of mixing heterosexuals and homosexuals in our military services, the evil of euthanasia, which will surely come with Obama healthcare, these are evils which those of us on the right will never accept, will fight to our death.
I did not say to him, but I have written it to him, I do not want any leader to ask for my vote, to call himself Christian, who supports a political party that supports evil. Furthermore, I cannot support any politician who supports such party members as Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reed, Clinton, Geithner, Holder, Wrangle, or anyone else who has proven to be a corrupt deceiver. I have relatives and friends who will never speak with me again, and that is all right, because it is time to take a stand. Just as there are many people who call themselves Christian, who I cannot call “brother” because of their lives and living, I cannot call anyone with pagan ideas and loyalty, “Christian” or “brother”. We need leaders who stand for truth and righteousness, we need men and women of integrity as leaders: local, state, federal.
Even Sirius, when he conquered Babylon, allowed the enslaved children of Israel to return home. Moses and Aaron were slow learners, some of the first leaders ever chosen by God. Moses, 80 years of age, Aaron, 83 years of age, were hesitant before Pharaoh. Satan has always had his counterfeits, impostors, pretenders. These two, like chosen leaders through the ages, knew that God was on their side, when the rod was thrown down and it became a serpent, Pharaoh's impostors threw down their rods and they became serpents also. Can you even imagine these two leaders standing in a room full of snakes? This takes true leadership, leadership which they would need in leading the children of Israel out of bondage. But Moses' serpent engulfed the other serpents; the real, the blessed, will always have victory, it is a matter of hanging on to the trust which we must have. Stand for the right, when the whole world seems to be in the wrong.
In my lifetime, politics has sunk to a new low of corruption. Is there is any area of life that has not been tainted by corruption? Millionaire ball-players, on ball teams, are paid tremendous salaries whether they win or not. How many have tainted by steroids, or some other unethical practice? In 1925, at the 1925 US Open, famed golfer Bobby Jones called a two-stroke penalty on himself for moving the ball, which no else saw, causing him to lose the match by one stroke. Later when praised for his honesty he said, “you might as well praise a man for not robbing a bank.” Today, whether athletics, beauty contests, race cars, bicycling, everyone is trying to get away with something.
One of the few freedoms we have left, the right to vote in an election, electronics have destroyed the sanctity of this act; all voting should be done on a paper ballot. There should not even be a scintilla of corruption in the voting process. We know that election boards are controlled by politics just as everything else. The last stronghold of our democratic republic is being destroyed by illegalities in voting, in the influence of money in elections, in pushing every election law just as far as possible.
Everything has become entertainment, even voting, even elections, it becomes a matter of just what we can get by with, instead of having a firm foundation of legality; curiosity about what is next, how big can the lie be?
This leads young people to believe that everything is just a matter of curiosity, lies; curiosity about various religions...Mecca, Medina, Buddha, Bethlehem, all sacredness has been taken from our living, and no fear in dying...no responsibility for anything. Young people should know we once had integrity, 51% of college freshman have never used a telephone with a cord. Now, they just assume that everything in the world is corrupt, “do others before they do you.” There are no absolutes, no good, no evil, no heaven, no hell, their only relationship with heaven is perhaps Led Zeppelin singing Stairway to Heaven, which they consider a fantasy. A reversal of everything: evil is good, light is darkness, lying and liars are just expected.
Already, we know that the so-called Chicago underwear bomber was just a front for the installation of body scanners in airports and elsewhere, which had already been purchased. Next will come more restrictions on mailing and aircraft use, since explosives have been found in some packages. The time will come, much quicker than you think, that you will be stripped naked at an airport, they can fondle you now. In Africa, every orifice of a human body is searched.
Extortion and entitlements have become as much a part of the young person lexicon as black cats, moonstones, and occults. Young people know the fakery of Christmas trees, Easter rabbits laying chocolate eggs. Distortion has become a way of life, whether at the bank, or the 5 million additional people who will lose their homes through foreclosure. Have you thought about how many homes are empty, the security and abode of young children, the dreams of wives, the work of industrious men? Trick or treat takes on a new meaning, the snares awaiting us, political and physical. (Deuteronomy 12:30)
The history of government trying to stay in power, getting more for less, trading liberty for security. Mark Twain said, when he saw the number of disgruntled, hateful people who think they are going to heaven, “he is ready to change the way he lives.” Nice people, politicians, are called alcoholics, dreary working people are called drunkards. I could talk the rest of my life about those elected (not chosen spiritually) who think they are God's gift to the world, they don't have any water to turn into wine, cannot feed thousands with a boy's lunch, cannot raise the sick or the dead, but they think they are exceptional, better than the rest of us. The greatest example God left for man was the example of the servant...one willing to wash another's dirty feet. The only time in His life Christ ever wrote anything, He wrote on the ground, separating the attitudes of people. The greatest word of a leader, “how blessed we are that God loves us, and that He most assuredly has loved this country.”
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