In other commentaries, I have discussed my assignment to US Army Hospital facilities. One of the first of these facilities, US Army Hospital, Fort McClellan, Alabama, US Army Chemical Center, Women's Army Corp this innocuous Army post, WWI vintage, was near the Huntsville, Alabama, Red Stone Arsenal, Marshall Space Flight Center used by NASA and for many years known as the “Rocket City”, the center of American space activity.
The first day I was at this Army hospital, the officer I was replacing, chief of the eye clinic, said to me, “I don't know what is going on here, but it is a strange place and I am glad to leave.”
Things have changed so rapidly in my lifetime, my military career, WACS at that time, were separated from the other forces. They actually marched on the parade field in dresses. I had never heard of a McDonald's Restaurant in 1955, today, every crossroads in this nation and most of the world is decorated by a golden arch, the largest in Beijing, China, 49 cash registers, 48,000 square feet. You seldom heard of crime in 1955, today, crime costs Americans $1.7 trillion a year. Looking back, and I have traveled the world many times since then, I have a better understand of what was going on. Like wiping the fog from a window, I see more clearly even though I was well on the road to blindness while stationed there.
The hospital commander was a worn-out German alcoholic, almost every ranking officer at the hospital had a German name. I can say without fear of contradiction, strange then, obvious now, all were WWII German survivors, even the ranking nurse officers. I always found it strange that I was constantly looking into the eyes of Federal German CIA and other officials, connected to the rocket city, now I know.
As a student at Chapel Hill, one of my more memorable professors was Dr. Alfred Brauer, who would brag about his activity in rocket warfare. In Germany, he had helped develop the rockets which fell on London. Even before WWI, the matter of space travel was of interest to Germans, not to just those who wrote comic books. This was fundamental in cult activity, many dreamed of spaceships and space travel, including the Nazis, some thinking of guided missiles and space flight. The 1921 VREAL activity, and Hitler's 1924 rise to power, all involved in the scientific surge toward world conquest, an almost spiritual cult fantasy, as well as physical flight.
In 1945, at the end of German warfare, German scientists such as Werner Von Braun, were given a great American welcome at Huntsville. Their cultist space fantasies, along with all cults who hate Jews. Americans have forgotten that the swastika was a cult symbol until 1924 when it was taken over by the Nazis, along with Hitler's love for Darwinism and antisemitism. One friend, stationed at this Army Hospital, a German dentist, Dr. Martin Hubert, (who had been kept alive in Germany to remove Gold from teeth at the death camps), as well as a Jewish surgeon kept telling me, “there is something strange and mysterious going on here.” Now we all know.
The greatest minds of the world, science, music, economics, philosophy, those of the German people...more Nobel Prizes to Germans and particularly German Jews, than any other nation. Yet, in their literature, much occult thinking, particularly involving space travel...Aryan supremacy, male body supremacy, dislike for the disabled, their scientific exploits unsurpassed from their rocket engineering, jet airplanes. The space age began in 1942 with the first rocket fired into space, President Eisenhower opened the “Rocket City” in America, in 1952. The V2s which almost decimated London were fired toward the end of WWII, just think of what would have happened to the world if Von Braun and his ilk had remained in Germany with Hitler at the helm.
They tried, starting in 1943, 60,000 German slaves working in the tunnels of Balkan Wall. Toward the end, paranoid Hitler was killing everyone, including many of the brown shirts who put him into power. The infamous Operation Paperclip, Germans escaping to the west, and we know the rest of the story, Alabama, etc. including Red Stone Arsenal, and the nearby Army hospital. The English poet Francis Thompson wrote, “love is a many splendored thing”. The human mind is a matter of splendor for good or evil. Trying to satisfy a rich American Jew who wanted his fried potatoes cut thinner, a chef at the Saratoga Springs hotel invented potato chips. Electronics led to nano-technology, now the world is besieged by cellphones. Technology has changed the world, but not human nature. An older man came across a young boy holding on to a string, the boy told him he was flying a kite, the old man said, “at night, in darkness? You cannot see the kite!” The boy said, “no, but I can feel it.” The western world, responsible for many scientific advances, has looked into the darkness of space, but should not forget the feel of the one who made space possible.
I am sorry to tell you that the communist Karl Marx, the hospital commander colonel Marx, the author of Rules For Radicals (Saul Alinsky), chief of Surgery Kraskauff, Kornfeld, Brauer, etc. all had one thing in common, German names. The cult dream of tyranny, does not keep a death count, the Reichstag, Pearl Harbor, Waco, Oklahoma City, or even the questionable, nonsensical, 9/11. Don't be surprised if there is another “faux flag” lunatic event.
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