Yesterday, the brass at ABC News issued orders forbidding reporters to wear American flag lapel pins or other patriotic insignia. Their reasoning was that “ABC should remain neutral about 'causes'.”
Just as we have already lost the “war against poverty”, the “war against drugs”, the “war against illiteracy”, so we have lost the “war against terrorism”. Alexander Hamilton said long ago, “that men would eventually give up all privacy for security.” The full body scanning at the airport now can tell you if a man is circumcised. You can be sure that your privacy is gone, and most dumbed-down, liberal products of American public education, don't seem to care. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere, they don't have time to challenge TSA's infringement on their travel rights. Will these same dumbed-down sheep actually rebel when the government actually comes into your home to check your medicine cabinet, to check your refrigerator, to take away your methods of defending yourself?
Most Americans think that flight began on the North Carolina coast at Kitty Hawk. Those were just play things, the space age began in 1942, in Germany. Hitler wanted a guided missile that would travel 200 miles. In tunnels, slave laborers worked on the rockets that were perfected and used by Hitler's Germany. An estimated 26,000 slave laborers died in these tunnels where the rockets were built.
How history repeats itself when you do not learn from it. It began in Germany in 1912, with the alien Aryan idea of racial supremacy: antisemitic, Darwinian, “survival of the fittest”. This Germanic idealism, a cult following patterned after the Masons, using the swastika as their emblem, intended to build a superior race with space flight as it's ultimate objective. The 1921 BREL society taken over by Nazism and Hitler, became serious about space conquest as well as world conquest.
The first ballistic missile went 50 miles, rocketry took it's toll in the bombardment of London. One can only imagine what the world would be like today if Hitler had succeeded with jet propulsion, which he was working on, and which was transferred to Red Stone Arsenal, along with the scientists involved, and the atomic bomb which he was working on. It just so happens that the scientists involved in jet propulsion, as well as atomic/nuclear bombs, became subservient to America. But, as we are seeing each day, the Nazi practices of identification, control (“let me see your papers”...“let me search you, let me radiate you”) is as much a part of the American security system as space travel, guided missiles and jet aircraft.
We are now faced with a generational slippage into a cauldron of despair and disillusionment. For a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected, medical-officer war veteran who has spent everyday of his life in darkness for the past 40 years, it is inconceivable that Americans, particularly those in places of power are ashamed of their flag, are willing to give up, so easily, everything that so many have given up so much for.
We were all bought at a slave market, pitiful that some prefer to stay slaves. Abraham Lincoln witnessed the slave market in New Orleans in 1855, saw black women examined, black men's genitals examined. He said, “One day, god willing, I will put an end to this indecency.”
The apostle Paul, in his letter to Hebrews, said, “for here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come.” (Hebrews 13:14) Think of the height and width of these words, think of how easily we throw away everything that has been gained, gained through the history of mankind: bloodshed, toil and tears. We in America just take our democratic republic so casually. Hard-working, God-fearing, tax-paying Americans sent $8.9 billion to Iraq which was lost, unaccounted for. We know that Americans were killed with weapons which the enemy purchased from Americans.
Only Americans have voted for slavery, chains of indifference, indecency, now we have chains of unforgiveness. How does one forgive the depravity, corruption of eastern North Carolina politicians who have kept this area of the world in depression for so many years? How does one forgive family members, churches, denominations (Southern Baptist, Free Will Baptist, Primitive Baptist), who have supported these scoundrels of the bizarre, prosperity for the few, discouragement for the many? I find it difficult to encourage young people in such a desert of apathy.
Nothing is impossible with God. He has cleansed everything in the past, He can do it again. When the ark, about the size of the Queen Mary, pitched to keep out the water, was bobbing up and down as water covered the planet, you can be sure that there were earthquakes, volcanoes, earth eruptions of every type, as the earth took a new form, as everything was changed. Over and over, in the manufacturer's written instructions to us, He said, “he who has ears, let him hear.”
As in the Garden, as before Noah's flood, as in every message on each side of the cross, we have refused to listen. It is not just the flag of which ABC is ashamed, ABC, like so many blessed Americans, is ashamed of the greatness of God as manifest in this great country.
We have become a country of perversion, a world political scene of ambiguity. Why should mothers and fathers go through the turmoil of raising sons and daughters to defend a country when the enemy is not easily recognizable? it seems evident that we have as many enemies inside the perimeter as we have outside the perimeter. WWI General John J. Pershing said, “time will not dim the glory of their deeds.” I'm sure he meant, not only the deeds of the American military men and women, but the deeds of the honest, God-fearing, tax-paying citizens who are proud to sing about the stars and stripes forever.
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