"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."
-Anonymous writer from Czech Republic
I was walking on the beach in Ghana, Africa, a black man, nominal intelligence, interested in me as a tourist and as an American, wanted to practice his English, and started talking to me about his admiration for America, his great desire to go to America. He said, “I can only imagine such a great country which has given us all the great discoveries of the world, even sending men to the moon.”
I did not have the heart or the time to disillusion him, there is probably more evidence that America did not send men to the moon in 1969, than that they did, in fact it is almost a scientific certainty that Americans never went to the moon (mystery of the Van Allen radiation belt). That in spite of our industrial expertise we are rapidly becoming a third-world nation; exporting our factories, as well as our jobs. Through self-restrictions, self-imposed, self-inflicted, organized policies of communism sprinkled with inherited Christian and patriotic symbolism, we have allowed the destroyers, instead of the builders of our once divinely-inspired, sovereign-protected nation, to take over.
The producers, those with intellectual acumen, those with moral integrity are now ruled by the non-productive, lazy, spoiled, hapless, indifferent. The vote of tax-evader, drug addict, drop-outs of life and living, counts just as much as the industrious, workaholic entrepreneur. The one who wants nothing, owns nothing, cares for nothing except his animalistic, sensual necessities, is priced as a voter. (His religion is his belly, all interests are mostly sexual)
Most of my relatives, family, friends, and indeed, even the people around me whom I know enough to evaluate their lifestyle, are on a bullet train traveling as fast as possible, straight to hell. They have a totally unnatural love for the world, the things of the world, and so despise, and are so offended, by anyone who lives and thinks on a higher level. Long ago, they stopped believing that man is made in the image of God. Even those pretenders who warm padded church pews, are offended by the thought that children of God, believers in Jesus Christ are filled with the Holy Spirit of a trying God...much more concerned with what the world thinks of them, than what God knows about them.
Thank God I have known real Christians, real patriots in my years, men who had not yielded to the love of the things in the world, have not been corrupted by the desires of the flesh. I attended the funeral of James Evans, minister of the Gospel for 75 years. I saw him wearing patched trousers. I attended the funeral of Hardy Tauten, legislator in Raleigh for many years, the last time he was in my presence, he was wearing shoes without socks. Even though a Democrat, he had not been bought off by the cabal of Satanic corrupters in the state capital.
The very first chapter of the Bible, separation, God divided light from darkness (Genesis 1:4). In the church, in politics, in business, even in education, America has become a cauldron of ambiguity...no clear lines of separation, almost impossible to tell the conservative from the liberal, Christian from anti-Christ, committed student from one just wanting to get by. Business in a stranglehold of unexpecteds and excessive taxation. As a nation, buying shiploads of everything from abroad, sending the largest container ships known to man, back in the other direction, empty, because we produce nothing. Our ancestors are turning in their grave to think we have become a welfare society.
We have no pride anymore in our exceptionalism, readers of the Bible know that in the Old Testament, sons were always traced by lineage, always the son's name, and then his father, there was pride and security in a family name. Our country observed special recognition for its heroes of battle, and even the names of the battle, it was unheard of to consider the fact that our own country, our own politicians, our own forces of security, such as the CIA and FBI, are known to be enemies within, willing to kill fellow citizens, destroy our own property to obtain an objective.
Did we ever think that our own tax funds would be turned against us? Did we ever think that politicians would feather their own nest with their fellow citizen's tax funds. Did we ever think that a President would talk out of both sides of his mouth, unashamed, as he discusses limiting government expense while he, himself, and his family, forays into one of the world's poorest countries...40 transports planes, an entourage of 3,000 people, taking over several five star hotels, spending $200,000,000 a day; at a time when probably 15% or 20% of the country's citizens are jobless, 106,000 veterans are homeless, many Americans depending on food stamps.
The Czechoslovakian writer, unlike the controlled new media, politically correct in this country, writes truth. It is only truth that will set us free. (John 8:32)
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