In the sunset years of my life, I am often asked what have been the greatest changes in my lifetime. It is not the conveniences provided by electronics, advances made by nanotechnology (computers). More than anything else, man's indifference with Pavlov's dog, feeding, salivation, ringing of bells, today's dogs have become so acclimated to the noise and confusion of life around them, that they must be taught to be a watchdog.
Einstein said, “when the honey bees disappear, man will not be far behind.” Have you noticed the disappearance of honeybees, the disappearance of frogs (amphibian population declines have been noted since 1980, pesticide use, disease, pollution)? When you see the chem trails in the sky, you may think it has no direct effect on you, but think of what it has done to agriculture, tree life, bird life, all in an attempt to control weather. Did you really think you would escape the horrors of magnetic fields, by keeping a cell phone to your head, a computer in your lap? It is well known that many infant babies cannot sleep in some rooms of the average home because of the electromagnetic field existing in the room. Television radios, computers, iPods, even the many electric wires in the walls of your home (there is nothing more dangerous than a dimmer switch). Your bed should be pulled away from the wall!
Use a Gaussmeter to measure the electromagnetic fields of the room in your house, and around appliances (the greatest offender of all, your microwave). Most sleep problems can be attributed to excessive electronics, an incessant bombardment by an electromagnetic field. Look at the plant life under electric power lines. One with any intelligence at all will not buy a house near high-voltage carrier power lines.
Noah was 600 years old when he entered the ark, the ark of salvation which God had designed. Noah had worked on this ship for 120 years, built to God's exact specifications (specifications still used in proportion shipbuilding today). It was just a large wooden box, pitched so it would not leak, it had to survive many days tossing on the water which God had used to drown the earth. After the ark was completed, all the animals had entered, two by two, except for the clean ones used by Noah for sacrifice. God did not say to Noah and his family, “go into the ark”, but he said, “come into the ark.” God always invites us, indifferent or not, to come into his ark of salvation. For seven days, Noah stood in the door of the ark, begging the scoffers and snoffers who had laughed at him, as a “preacher of righteousness.” But God gave a grace period of seven days, and anyone could have entered the ark along with Noah, his family, and the animals. Not one entered.
In this day of political correctness, government-controlled news media, dogs just refuse to bark, there are very few of us who give any warning about the coming disaster, the grace period that has been extended to us.
90% of the people in Afghanistan could not find the United States of America on a map. For centuries, they have been in a survival mode. I have been in Afghanistan three times, the country is now, much like as described by Rudyard Kipling. I saw men riding donkeys, women and children with goat herds, uneducated, poverty-stricken, just trying to survive. Why would a once-wealthy nation use drones to bomb them? Perhaps this is the reason that this once wealthy nation is now the world's greatest debtor nation. Americans are poor and have not realized it yet.
The best-sellers in grocery stores are energy drinks, Americans fortunate enough to have a job are working as hard as possible just to stay afloat as most of their homes go underwater. I know of no other civilization that has voted for slavery, that consistently votes for corruption, that tolerates crooks at the state house, the court house, the school house, and the church house. When will we learn that the borrower is always the slave of the lender? (Proverbs 22:7) There was a time when a watchdog would bark if the “master” were in danger.
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