At least forty years ago, when my son, my only child was in high school, I took him to Washington DC and we walked all over the important historical parts of the city. I wanted him to have an appreciation of the monuments, the capital building, Arlington National Cemetery, his historical ancestral heritage as an American citizen. The patriotism he should know from a descendant of early patriots. One night, we went into the Watergate to eat in the dining room. Like the Kennedy Center and many other landmarks, I wanted to be very careful in my description, I remember saying, “the half has not yet been told about what went on in this building, the Nixon presidency.”
With the publication of the Watergate Expose () we will learn just how rotten our nation's capital really is...how and why the gay agenda has gained such a foothold, if the gestapo or MAFIA had designed our government, the corruption could not be any more disabling. With absolute callousness, the powerbrokers, the reporters, the historians, have refused to recognize the inevitable.
Have we reached the place where we just don't care? I noticed that in Russia, every park, there were signs posted which read “dogs not allowed.” One would think that this would just be common sense. I noticed that in most of the large botanical gardens in the world, gardens where much time and money is spent on preservation and presentation, there were signs everywhere which said, “stay on the walkway.” I noted that in wonderful museums, palaces, fine homes of the world, open to the public, there were always signs which read “stay on the plastic runners”, “don't sit on the furniture”. One would think that people visiting these places would know that everyone could not walk on the fragile, old carpets, sit on the delicate, ancient antiques.
I heard the pastor of a large baptist church on the radio, they had just moved into a new, multimillion dollar building. They were having a homecoming service with food. The pastor had to say from the pulpit, “do not bring food into this new building.” I heard the same pastor (I listen to the services from this church each Sunday) say, “parents please keep your children under control in our church.” Dr. Gene Scott, pastor at University Cathedral, Los Angeles, did not allow children into the church service until they were 12 years of age, from 12 until marriage, children were instructed to sit with their parents. In many orthodox churches of the world, there are no seated pews, the people stand for the entire service, just as did the children of Israel, the early Jewish congregation in the wilderness and elsewhere. They stood as the parchments were read or the prophets or psalms recited.
Today's church attendees, carpeted floors, padded pews, mocking God with their smiles and indifference, smiling as they walked the aisle in “repentance”. Card signers, many of whom never entered the baptistry and most never partake of our Lord's supper. Absolute pretenders, deceived and naive, gullible enough to think they have been saved by the grace of God. Even with a new body contortion, is there really a new heart creation redemption? Make sure that the holy spirit of Jesus Christ has changed your heart. That Christ lives in your heart, that you are a living epistle, to be presented as a living sacrifice. (2 Corinthians 3:3, Romans 12:1-2)
It is a callous pastor, callous parents, callous people, who will allow someone to stay deceived. Your eternal security is much too important. There is not one picture of sin which is not horrible. The most horrible picture of sin, is the deception of sin. Every graveyard, every prison, every newspaper, tells us about sin, if not for sin, there would be no death, no prison population, none of the corruption which we face everyday of our life. It is essential to be forgiven from sin. Jesus Christ paid the supreme price for our forgiveness.
We were told today, that 600,000 people die each year just from smoking cigarettes. We were told today, that a city, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil where one of the largest Christian crucifixes in the world stands (Christ the Redeemer), there is so much drug crime among the barrios, that military vehicles go into the poverty-stricken areas, blazing away at the people, killing/maiming, an attempt to control sin.
Most of the world's population just does not care, callous, careless, condemned, sin always pays with counterfeit. One girl who worked for me, and her husband tried the Jehovah's witness religion. There is evidently a reason there are no windows in Kingdom Hall, I do not have a computer which can even give a figure about how much she stole from me. Blind, in another part of the house, she took my things to the front door for her husband to put in their car. All of my coin collection, foreign money collection, boxes of Stirling silver. Often, I ask people, do you expect to go to heaven when you die? It is not if you die, the mortality rate is still 100%, never have I had the first one to say that they expect to go to hell...all expect to go to heaven. God does not allow any unforgiven sin in His heaven.
Jesus was either the greatest hoax of the world, or He was who He said He was: the way, the truth, the life (John 14:6) He did not die for callousness, he does not need cowards.
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