Mr. Democrat, Sam Rayburn, serving longest as Speaker of the House, 17 years, was an old-time conservative Democrat from Bonham, Texas. One time he told one of his friends, “I have a doctor's appointment in Texas.” His friend said, “why don't you use one of the government doctors here in Washington?” Mr. Sam said, “I go to my doctor, who treats me as a person, not a chart.” I remember his funeral in Bonham, strange to onlookers on television, a plain, primitive Baptist church, no music, everything simple. He was a part of simple people in simple times.
A woman was standing in line in the post office, she said to a young man behind her, “you can go ahead of me because I just need to get some stamps.” The young man said, “why are you waiting in this line, there is a stamp machine over in the corner?” She said, “no, I'll wait.” He said, “why wait, it will be so simple to get your stamps from the machine.” She said, “the machine will not ask me about my grandchildren.”
In practice, the most important thing on a patient's record, something personal about the patient, children, grandchildren. I always asked about the children and grandchildren in the very beginning. I kept a birthday book in my office, when I was not real busy I wrote a personal note to each patient on the patient's birthday, almost always, some patient would say, “doctor, you are the only person I hear from on my birthday.”What has happened to the nobility of concern and consideration in our society.
Two of the largest pyramids in the world, the greatest landmarks of Europe, the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris and the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, both built of stone. The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt, 240 million tons of stone, blocks, 40 to 60 tons each, joined together so accurately that a human hair will not go between two blocks.
Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was completed in 1345, built of stone, above a stone structure that was built 400 AD, the great stone edifice has been subjected to wars, and even the abuse of the French Revolution.
In these two stone pyramids, citadels, though stone, we find much personality. Surely if stone structures can show personality, the human temple with a soul, should have this as the rampart of its existence. The human being is a temple, not a dumpster, made in the very image of God, created to show the best in godly characteristics, we are his workmanship. (Ephesians 2:10) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)
In Alexis De Tocqueville's book written in 1835, he said, “America is great because America is good.” We have never been afraid to self-analyze. Blessed is the person who has a friend to whom he can go with problems, a pastor with someone not a member of his church, a businessman with someone not associated with his business, a mother with someone with whom she can discuss her children; someone who can objectively give advice with honesty and sincerity. My first words to a lawyer, “be objective, not subjective with me.”
The greatest wealth one can have, is someone who only has your good fortune at heart, someone to share everything, such a friend is hard to find. Often, such electricity between two friends, is resented by a mate or family member. I have known male friends from youth to lose that friendship because of a jealous wife, who felt left out of the electricity, the close relationship. This often happens, even in families.
In human development, nothing replaces stability, preparation, recognizing the essentials for success, character determines destination, character is built on a foundation of both physical and spiritual qualities. Pyramids of solid rock must have a strong foundation, I can think of no greater foundation than that of spiritual morals and physical integrity. The object is not just the making of money, or even success, God only had to say it one time” For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (1 Timothy 6:10)
Recently, BBC (British Broadcasting Company) broadcast a program on the difficulty for American black women, college-educated, to find a husband. Like most of us, black girls have found that their road to success requires a college education. ¼ of all black men drop out of high school, 1/3 of all black men are either in prison or have a prison record, black women do not want to marry a man with a prison record, and black women prefer to marry a black man. College-educated black men often marry a white woman.
Dysfunctional families lead to dysfunctional children, and this is recognized throughout American life. I truly believe that much of this results from a drought of the mind...people refusing to consider and be concerned with the blessings of American citizenship. Every crop needs rainfall, every lawn a good shower, our ancestors knew that clear thinking, Godly preparation were the best roads to success. There are no shortcuts on the road to success, particularly if you have lost your way, got off the main road and lost your road map.
One woman who worked for me, Veronica, had given birth to three children, had never been married, she wanted me to meet a husband prospect, we had breakfast together. He told me about his youth, hard times, eating dog food. Later, I said to her, “he does not have a job, has never prepared for a future, you already have all the problems you can handle.”
In an interview, Tiger Woods said, “I lied to myself.” If you are going to survive, if you are going to be a rock-solid pyramid fortress, you need to be honest with yourself, and it would certainly be helpful to have a friend who is a stabilizing influence, to help keep you that way.
At the time of the ascension of Christ, there was probably only one Christian for each several hundred thousand people. Just think of what these few pyramids of faith have done for the world, the world would not be fit to live in if it had not been for the life and example of one God/man of history. Never wrote a book, never led an army, never traveled but a few miles from where he was born, did not own a change of clothing, born in a borrowed stable, buried in a borrowed tomb, every event in history dated by his birthday.
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