Precious stones, Gold, radioactive metals are not found on the surface of the earth, you have dig for them. The smaller the amount, the greater the worth. If the entire crust of the earth were covered with gold, men would lie, cheat and steal for a handful of dirt. All the Gold mined on earth so far, is only a cube of 75 feet. In my lifetime, so obvious to anyone who would dig around, men have learned to comply, compliance has been the word, we have learned to follow instructions, paying taxes, every human activity controlled by a permit or license, dancing to any tune played by the government. Our lives have been sculpted by those who would control us.
In my travels (8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries) I have spent much time in Italy, I love the scenery, the food, the art, the people. Back then, I had a little vision in one eye. I noticed that almost every Italian city claimed to be the birthplace of Michelangelo, in my opinion, and in the opinion of most people, the greatest artist who ever lived. I walked in to the Sistine Chapel, the first time in 1959. Looking up, I was in awe at the ceiling, in later trips I noticed that so many people left St. Peters weeping. I had seen Michelangelo's pieta at the New York City World's Fair, but it was only when I walked into the museum which contains just one Michelangelo statue, David, that I fully recognized the greatness of this sculptor. After finishing Moses, he hit the sculpture with his hammer and said, “speak to me.” It is hard to realize such human greatness. I freeze when I think, if it were me, after achieving such I would have made a mistake at the end. But for him, he said, “in every block of marble or stone, there is an angel waiting to escape.”
So it is with our lives, God's greatest creation, made in his image, each of us, with the potential of being filled with the godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And, those of us who have been redeemed, when filled with the Holy Spirit are creations capable of anything. Unlike Allah (Koran), God gave to man, dominance over the lower animals, even to name them. Man's crowning glory is his nervous system, his ability to think and reason. God blessed the lower animals with superior senses otherwise, smell to the canines, muscles to felines, vision to the avian, a far superior digestive system to the equine.
In my lifetime, 80 years, I have witnessed the destruction of the freedom of thought, the freedom of will. There was a time when our school youngsters, even our are college matriculates, were encouraged to think, to succeed, to accomplish. When Thomas Watson took over IBM, there were signs in every building with just one word: “THINK”. We have become a fat, spoiled, lazy, docile society, content to let someone else do the thinking. To just constantly watch a daily diet of pablum trash on the television screen. I am a veteran of the Korean conflict era, as medical officers, we learned about Chinese thought control. The most pitiful human beings in the world, totalitarian, authoritarian communists, who are slaves and do not know it; or, maybe they do, and like it. Just letting the government make every decision in their life. I have been in communist China three times, along with most other communist countries, even crossed Russia on the trans-Siberian railroad. The masses, turn their children over to the state right after birth, everyone with an assigned job. Just surviving, not living. Each commune had its own crematory, never saw a church steeple, but always a crematory. They actually showed me, in a hospital, prisoners taped to tables, opened, as they removed vital organs for transplant to sick patients.
I saw their socialized healthcare system, their bureaucratic, militaristic education system. The destruction of the first gift to man by God, the family. In 1935, the writer Sinclair Lewis wrote the book, It Can't Happen Here, he knew, just as we know, that the Babylonian empire, the Persian empire, the Greek, Roman, Egyptian civilizations have all fallen because of a culture of indolence. Until you understand the parables of Jesus Christ, such as the vineyard, the sower, the prodigal son, the good Samaritan, etc. you will not understand what has happened to this country. To understand God you must know God. Everything seen and unseen, everything for a purpose is leading to eternity.
Liberal, anti-Christ, union people do not like the parable of the vineyard. That workers hired last are paid like those hired first, that one converted on the deathbed, gets the same reward as the one who has worked in the vineyard his entire life. It does not seem right that the thief on the cross, asking for forgiveness of our blessed Lord. Instead of like the other thief, or Barabbas, forever unforgiven. Just one chapter in God's word states 26 times, “the mercies of the Lord endure forever.” (Psalm 136) God has given us an escape from the hardness of stone, rock, or marble, he has given us light, but men prefer darkness (John 3:19).
Character determines destination, individual or nation. Did we think there was consolation-compromise with our blood soaked, evil attitude toward the killing of the unborn (sanctuary of a mother's womb), the killing of innocence along with evildoers in warfare around the world. Most politicians and even generals have never suffered pain...physical pain from injury, psychological pain from fright, the pain of hunger or thirst. Think of the small children, or “the huddled masses” (Emma Lazarus' poem) yearning to be free or just left alone.
Those of us, the largest minority of Americans, the disabled, the veterans, the real American heroes, parents, producers, we've been lied to so much we do not believe anything anymore from a government designed by our forefathers to protect us. Our judiciary and law enforcement has deteriorated to “who you know”, our healthcare system has deteriorated to spending time and effort to detoxify your system from the greed concoctions of Big Pharma, our education system has resulted in indoctrination, entertainment, just going through the motions, accepting without question, jumping through the hoops, whether obeying body scanners at the airport, or eating man-made instead of god-made foods (seedless watermelons, genetically engineered corn).
The greatest tragedy of this enlightened nation, progressive, technology-filled world, collegiate professors and university institutions, so addicted and dependent on government largess. Even those with knowledge, even those who know better, do not speak out because of fear. Fear of being cut off from the government trough. The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. It is time to stand up for our belief in truth..
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