United Race Parties
Recently, Joseph Pitts, Republican from Pennsylvania commented on a quote by Ruth Bader Ginsberg given to the New York Times during an interview for an article published on July 12, 2009. The article quotes the Jewish Justice, appointed by President Clinton in 1993, as saying she thought Roe v. Wade was decided over concerns of "population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of." This sounds very much like Margaret Sanger, who in her book in 1927, said, “black people were like weeds and should be eliminated.” Margaret Sanger (Hillary Clinton received the Sanger Award this year) like Adolf Hitler, and other members of the “Eugenics” mob has provided liberals such as Democrats (Obama and his administration) the impetus for abortion legislation and since the Obama inauguration, abortion prodding following the January 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.
This week, Senator Barbara Boxer’s arrogance became subtle racism. Harry C. Alford is the CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, NBCC, and has been a common face on Capitol Hill and at the White House for years. He has testified before Congressional committees numerous times and advised the White House on a variety of business matters on behalf of the NBCC.
Alford opposes the Markey/Waxman Climate Change Bill and disagrees with government reports that green jobs have been created in California. (earth-warming farce) Thursday he was speaking on research the NBCC commissioned on energy, jobs, and the climate bill when he and Senator Barbara Boxer (Democrat, California) got into a disagreement. Boxer asserted that green jobs have been created in California and Alford disagreed. She challenged his California residency and thus his knowledge of the area. He responded that while he currently lives in Bethesda, MD, he lived in California from before she arrived and still owns property and pays taxes to California.
To counter Alford’s arguments on the value of the climate bill and its value in creating jobs, Boxer announced that she was going to place a few statements into the Congressional record supporting the bill, one from the NAACP and another from the 100 Black Men of Atlanta, both civic, not business organizations.
Alford challenged her choice of supporters, stating that neither the NAACP nor the 100 Black Men belong in a debate on energy policy.
“We’ve been looking at energy policy since 1996. And we are referring to the experts, regardless of their color. And for someone to tell me, an African-American, college-educated veteran of the United States Army, that I must contend with some other “black group” and put aside everything else in here — This has NOTHING to do with the NAACP, and really has nothing to do with the National Black Chamber of Commerce. We’re talking about energy.” Further, Boxer failed to understand Alford’s anger and why her actions were racist, and so she kept talking growing more arrogant as she tried to control Alford.
At the 100th anniversary of the NAACP, President Obama told young blacks, "Yes, if you're African American, the odds of growing up amid crime and gangs are higher. Yes, if you live in a poor neighborhood, you will face challenges that someone in a wealthy suburb does not. But that's not a reason to get bad grades, that's not a reason to cut class, that's not a reason to give up on your education and drop out of school. No one has written your destiny for you. Your destiny is in your hands - and don't you forget that." His words could have applied to any young American because youth, world-wide, faces the challenge of drugs, national instabilities, religious extremism, and every enticement Satan possesses to trick them into a life of promiscuity and infidelity. The integrity of the individual, God's chief creation, should be stressed to every young person-rich, poor, black, white-regardless of gender or national origin.
It is strange to me, as a 100% disabled, service-connected veteran citizen, that the largest minority in the country (estimated 32 million), are ignored by both political parties. Never, never in any campaign speech, in any political overture, will you hear the disabled (blind, deaf, crippled, etc.) mentioned. (I am totally blind for 40 years,) Democrats, have at the altar of their ideology all people of color, academics, unions, unconventional sex groups, atheists, and all those fringe groups who promote liberal causes. The Republican party, inefficient, adulterated by submission, just holds on to the informed and the realists. There was a time, when we were considered evangelical, fundamental, principled, benevolent, promoters of the Republic, abstaining from corruption and nepotism. But after the time in the “bushes” our credentials have been so compromised, our integrity so invoked, we have gone into seclusion, embarrassed by the leaders of our party, insulted by what RINO politicians have done to this country. I cringe when I think of the times when I stood alone in a civic club, a professional group, in an eastern North Carolina setting. My heart aches when I consider my parents and grandparents, the only Republicans in their community, and what they endured in standing up for the principles of Republicanism, honesty, hard work, independence, small governments and its interference. The true Americans are God-fearing, honest, hard-working, self-sufficient, uncompromising, self-sacrificing patriots whose political principles are not colored by self-service or vote-getting tactics, and willing to defend their country at any cost.
After the election of a half-black, half-white president and the careening of every liberal cause to the forefront, perhaps the time of the integrity of principal has come in the two party system. Corral all the people of color and obstinate liberal ideology to the fortress of Democrat party stratagem and let the rest of us honestly fight the good fight of Republican decency under the standard and within the garrison of political reverence, not intrigued.
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