Tonight is Halloween, at last Satan has a holiday all to himself. Halloween began in Europe with the Druids who worshiped evil spirits. The ancient Druid witches would kill viscous animals then use their skins to dress in and go around the villages trying to scare people. In Ireland, pumpkins and turnips became jack-o-lanterns with a variety of scary faces. Not to be out done, when the celebration of Halloween came into America, during my lifetime, it was first a more or less innocent partying time for college students, and then high school students, to go into their aura of pretending....wanting to be someone else. Of course, as with every other holiday, commercialization became rampant so that children are now involved. Halloween approaches Christmas as being the one holiday where the most money is spent. As with every other Satanic observance, from the school house the “haints” and goblins went out into the community in a “trick or treat” mythology. As if children were not obese enough and had enough “rotten” teeth, they are now led around in neighborhoods by their pagan parents knocking on doors seeking handouts. Is it any mystery that many of these children will be seeking handouts the rest of their lives?
The fastest growing religion in America among young people is that of Witchcraft. Today's x-generation knows much more about Harry Potter, his wizards and gremlins, than they do about the saving grace and marvelous faith of Jesus Christ. There are now Wiccan chaplains in the military services. The disgusting costumes, which many children wear, even children from Christian believing homes, are such things as a pregnant nun and a Roman collared priest. Mysticism and cultism is promoted in this Halloween celebration. It must provoke the wrath of God that some supposed “Christian” churches actually observe Halloween. Can you believe in any stronger way to put doubts and fears into the tender “believing” eyes of a child than the MIXED MESSAGES pertaining to the creator God and the paradox of obscene spirits?
Standing at the front windows of some friend's 5th Ave apartment in Greenwich Village I witnessed the tragedy of a gay Halloween parade. It is impossible to describe the Satanic elements of such a travesty. Without even thinking of the Christian principles involved, clear minded people would not participate in such activity. Even Godless communists do not observe Halloween anymore than they observe Christmas. Even the followers of Islam would not think of observing a celebration of wicked spirits anymore than they would observe the Christians observance of Christmas. In a time of adherence to the gay agenda, one would think that the solid mentalities, even if not Christian, would not risk children's lives in the criminal decadence of this horrendous observance just to satisfy the crossdressers of the gay community. Most gay men want to dress as women, and most lesbians want to dress as men. One of my employees and his wife, both recent graduates from the local university, were amazed and sickened to see the female contingent of university education management, all who seemed to be lesbians because they were dressed in men's suits and showing much affection for each other. My father had one sister, who was a bull dyke, was the most masculine woman I have ever encountered. She brought nothing but misery to the lives of her family, especially her children. Life is cruel enough for people who are mixed up sexually without adding to the complexity, or to children, the insanity of pretension in dressing as a “spook”.
Cross dressing has always been a mystery to this writer. I so much enjoy the nice clothes and the nice appearance of a real man. I respect my fellow man too much not to always look my best. One of the valued memories of my father, a dirt farmer, before he would go to town, or any place where he would be meeting people, he would put on a nice suit with a tie. You always do the best you can with what you have, and if God made you a man look and act like a man.
One of the businesses I owned was a large private club. Occasionally, my book keeper would pick me up and take me to the place. Usually on a Saturday night when there was much business. One night, I noticed three large black women signing the book and paying the entrance fee. It turns out, that these were cross dressers. They were automobile mechanics from a nearby town, who on the weekend, would dress in these outlandish, stylish women's gowns with wigs and authentic make-up and wearing much jewelry, furs and high heels. I do not know if they were gay or not but I understand this was the greatest thing of their life. They owned a large black limousine and would have their driver, wearing a black suit, take them to a nearby club each Saturday night where they would party and pretend to be women. This is just how far such sickness can go. Once, in London, a friend took me into a restaurant/bar which was a gathering place for lesbians. These large, loud, brassy women were all dressed in men's double breasted suits.
As Charlton Heston, who died recently, starred in 85 movies, said, “I was a good actor because I was a good pretender”. Pretending has now run the course. Pretending Christians have cheapened the very name of our blessed Lord. Pretending patriots have cheapened the mission of this blessed Country. GET REAL! The time for Halloween is over. The time for tricking and treating is over. The time for standing at the door with an open bag wanting a handout is over. The time for the disgusting costumes of political correctness, bailouts, sellouts, cop outs, is over. Reality is staring us in the face. Character determines destination. Mediocrity, ambiguity, hypocrisy, lying and cheating, is leading us in the wrong direction and not towards the destination of liberty.