Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cross Dressing

Tonight is Halloween, at last Satan has a holiday all to himself. Halloween began in Europe with the Druids who worshiped evil spirits. The ancient Druid witches would kill viscous animals then use their skins to dress in and go around the villages trying to scare people. In Ireland, pumpkins and turnips became jack-o-lanterns with a variety of scary faces. Not to be out done, when the celebration of Halloween came into America, during my lifetime, it was first a more or less innocent partying time for college students, and then high school students, to go into their aura of pretending....wanting to be someone else. Of course, as with every other holiday, commercialization became rampant so that children are now involved. Halloween approaches Christmas as being the one holiday where the most money is spent. As with every other Satanic observance, from the school house the “haints” and goblins went out into the community in a “trick or treat” mythology. As if children were not obese enough and had enough “rotten” teeth, they are now led around in neighborhoods by their pagan parents knocking on doors seeking handouts. Is it any mystery that many of these children will be seeking handouts the rest of their lives?

The fastest growing religion in America among young people is that of Witchcraft. Today's x-generation knows much more about Harry Potter, his wizards and gremlins, than they do about the saving grace and marvelous faith of Jesus Christ. There are now Wiccan chaplains in the military services. The disgusting costumes, which many children wear, even children from Christian believing homes, are such things as a pregnant nun and a Roman collared priest. Mysticism and cultism is promoted in this Halloween celebration. It must provoke the wrath of God that some supposed “Christian” churches actually observe Halloween. Can you believe in any stronger way to put doubts and fears into the tender “believing” eyes of a child than the MIXED MESSAGES pertaining to the creator God and the paradox of obscene spirits?

Standing at the front windows of some friend's 5th Ave apartment in Greenwich Village I witnessed the tragedy of a gay Halloween parade. It is impossible to describe the Satanic elements of such a travesty. Without even thinking of the Christian principles involved, clear minded people would not participate in such activity. Even Godless communists do not observe Halloween anymore than they observe Christmas. Even the followers of Islam would not think of observing a celebration of wicked spirits anymore than they would observe the Christians observance of Christmas. In a time of adherence to the gay agenda, one would think that the solid mentalities, even if not Christian, would not risk children's lives in the criminal decadence of this horrendous observance just to satisfy the crossdressers of the gay community. Most gay men want to dress as women, and most lesbians want to dress as men. One of my employees and his wife, both recent graduates from the local university, were amazed and sickened to see the female contingent of university education management, all who seemed to be lesbians because they were dressed in men's suits and showing much affection for each other. My father had one sister, who was a bull dyke, was the most masculine woman I have ever encountered. She brought nothing but misery to the lives of her family, especially her children. Life is cruel enough for people who are mixed up sexually without adding to the complexity, or to children, the insanity of pretension in dressing as a “spook”.

Cross dressing has always been a mystery to this writer. I so much enjoy the nice clothes and the nice appearance of a real man. I respect my fellow man too much not to always look my best. One of the valued memories of my father, a dirt farmer, before he would go to town, or any place where he would be meeting people, he would put on a nice suit with a tie. You always do the best you can with what you have, and if God made you a man look and act like a man.

One of the businesses I owned was a large private club. Occasionally, my book keeper would pick me up and take me to the place. Usually on a Saturday night when there was much business. One night, I noticed three large black women signing the book and paying the entrance fee. It turns out, that these were cross dressers. They were automobile mechanics from a nearby town, who on the weekend, would dress in these outlandish, stylish women's gowns with wigs and authentic make-up and wearing much jewelry, furs and high heels. I do not know if they were gay or not but I understand this was the greatest thing of their life. They owned a large black limousine and would have their driver, wearing a black suit, take them to a nearby club each Saturday night where they would party and pretend to be women. This is just how far such sickness can go. Once, in London, a friend took me into a restaurant/bar which was a gathering place for lesbians. These large, loud, brassy women were all dressed in men's double breasted suits.

As Charlton Heston, who died recently, starred in 85 movies, said, “I was a good actor because I was a good pretender”. Pretending has now run the course. Pretending Christians have cheapened the very name of our blessed Lord. Pretending patriots have cheapened the mission of this blessed Country. GET REAL! The time for Halloween is over. The time for tricking and treating is over. The time for standing at the door with an open bag wanting a handout is over. The time for the disgusting costumes of political correctness, bailouts, sellouts, cop outs, is over. Reality is staring us in the face. Character determines destination. Mediocrity, ambiguity, hypocrisy, lying and cheating, is leading us in the wrong direction and not towards the destination of liberty.

City Upon a Hill

One of the great visual delights of the world is to fly over a great city of the world at night and witness the lights such as Istanbul, Rio de Janeiro, Chicago and certainly New York City. When Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and he was in the shackles of his slave masters (the very iron shackles which must have given him an immunity against sin) and the antigens which see him through a life, putting him near the top of God's heroes. He could probably see the lights of Hebron and his 17 year old heart must have been crushed. A City Upon a Hill was used by our blessed Lord in his Sermon on the Mount. The Sea of Galilee is perhaps the most famous body of water in the world. I have been around the sea several times, it is 39 miles long and about 17 miles wide. This mountain where the beatitudes was preached is near the sea. Christ was speaking to believers in this sermon: "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." (Matthew 5:14).

The three great cultures in the history of the world. The Greek, in which we have so much literature. The Roman, in which we have so much history, and the American, in which have so much confusion. We are still a young culture, 230 years is a young country. In the past 70 years, the keyword has been “out”. Gays have come “out” of the closet. Religion has come “out” of the schools. Integrity has come “out” of government, servitude has come “out” of the Church. We bailout failure, give handouts to the lazy, shellout to our foreign enemies and generally speaking taxpayers are soldout.

The greatest spin-out in history is the attempt to convince everyone that we are physically sick. In this time of health care legislation, when 1/7th of the total revenues of this country will be spent on sick care, the government, the media, everyone, has convinced the public that we are all sick. There is no reason that anyone should be sick. God's word has given us a lifestyle, method of preventing illness, which if followed, would keep everyone well. Such diseases as diabetes and arthritis are unnecessary. We eat the wrong foods, enjoy bad habits, are prescribed exotic chemicals and expect “this greatest of God's creation” not to rebel at these toxins. The Jewish people, the Islamic people, Bible believers, know God's diet. It is beyond comprehension that one thinks he can eat the worst pork products (chitterlings, lungs, feet, etc.) and expect to stay well. More people die from overeating than die from starvation. With an increase in age, should be a decrease in the ingestion of food. Yet, I have known old people who just gorge themselves, can hardly wait for the next meal. On cruise and expedition ships, there are usually at least five big buffets a day. These elderly, overweight passengers were always in line gorging themselves as if it were “the Last Supper”. The eating of large portions of meat is the greatest stress a human being can put on the body's physiology. I hear of the size of steaks at steakhouses and can only surmise that the eater is a glutton. There is nothing more disgusting than a buffet.

Recently, a product of organic living told me she did not eat commercial apples because they had been sprayed with poisons. She evidently did not think the peelings, the most nutritious part of the apple, could be washed. Right after that, she lit up a cigarette. I told her, that I was reared on an eastern North Carolina tobacco farm. From the time the tobacco seed is put in the ground until the last leaves are harvested, the plant is poisoned every week. The sticky leaves (gum on the leaves) are put into the curing barn where the poison is baked into the leaves. It is in the tobacco leaves that you smoke in cigarettes, chew in chewing tobacco or smoke in smoking tobacco. 500,000 people die in America each year from the habit of smoking cigarettes. The FDA (Federal Drug Administration) is the greatest promoter of disease known to mankind, giving people the idea that we are all sick and they have approved the cure for our sickness. Those in white lab coats are always correct. This fraud President, Obama, made sure the “doctors” who are pushing his “sick” plan, all appeared with him in white clinic coats.

Vegetarians are the only human beings sensible in their eating habits. Next to vitamins B-12 and B-17 we get about all the vitamins and nourishment we need from vegetables. Cultures who eat fish are usually healthy. Every food entering the gullet should be well cooked.

The greatest evil to the diets of mankind has been the generic engineering and modification of plants and animals. Can you even imagine the foolishness of buying seedless grapes and then going to the health food store to get the benefits of grape seed? Potato peelings, as well as the outside of most vegetables and legumes, are a great source of health. Wild berries from the woods and ditch banks are healthy beyond words to describe.

The most dangerous substance known to man, as far as diet is concerned, is aspartame, synthetic sweeteners. We are stupid enough to pay employees in the public school who, supposedly, direct healthy eating for students. Can you even imagine the stupidity of having soft drink machines in the public schools, filled with aspartame and other synthetics, simply because the school officials would rather have the money put into the drink machines than healthy, vibrant students.

Politicians, like school board members, like school officials, like the pharmaceutical industry, like doctors, often even to my sorrow, like parents and preachers, will lead by deception. We are living in a world of deception. God is not mocked and you will not forever be fooled. You will reap what you sow, the light upon the hill still fights the darkness.

Mafia Lifestyle

Let's face it, we all have an almost morbid curiosity and fascination about the lifestyle of many people. Some are arrested as peeping toms, more are glued to the idol in your living room called the television set. The soap operas, the National Enquirer, People, etc., all try to give us a glimpse into the lives of the “rich and famous” and even the poor and depraved.

From the mansion on the hill to the hut in the valley, we have a wonderment concerning how other people live their lives. There is no such thing as a normal person, a normal couple, a normal home. The greatest adjustment in the life of a young married couple is to weave a new fabric of home life from the experiences of their families, their friends, their education. The foreign Christian missionary has trouble reconciling his servitude to the early martyrs who plowed through the foliage in preparation for him. He, likewise, cannot understand, at least this is my thinking, how he can give up so much while the elegant clergy, basking in the splendors of a great Cathedral, and well decorated manse lives in the bounty which God provides for both. It was reported this week that Franklin Graham, son of evangelist Billy Graham, has been receiving $1.2 million dollars a year in salary.

We hear the moans and groans of ministries pleading for funds and relating their hard work, troubles, trials and temptations (1 Peter 1:7). It is strange that the sons of these great preachers, if they have witnessed the despair and depression of their fathers, would want to follow in their footsteps. But, they always do, think about it. Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Oral Roberts, Richard Roberts, Robert Shuller, Robert Jr., Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King Jr., Pat Robertson, Gordon Robertson, Jimmy Swaggart, Donnie Swaggart, Jimmie Baker, Jay Baker, etc., etc., etc. If life were so terrible in these ministries, if hunger were involved, I doubt these sons would follow their fathers even if they had the love for Christ, which they should have and must have, to be successful.

Of great embarrassment to the world's largest religion, the Catholic Church, has been the pedophilia of priest and the inconsistent lifestyles involving many priests such as the recent exposure of Pastor Andrew Trapp of St. Michael's Church in South Carolina who won $100,000 playing poker on a television game show. I actually heard him say in an interview, that he was “a good witness to those with whom he made contact”. He stated that he learned to play poker while a student at the seminary. That they spent most of their time playing pool and poker. Perhaps this is the reason in seminary-season and pastor-season Satan has so little difficulty in deceiving not only Christians but pretending Christians and lost sinners.

On the battle field, there is no time for relaxation. Satan is always on the job and God has no hands but our hands. A good example of what the Christian Church is up against is shown in the following “The Gay Manifesto” first printed in the Congressional Record in February 1987. Please read this and weep because it has so much truth even though it was presented as a satire. The truth is the truth whether anyone believes it or not. The past twenty years has brought out the truth of the following statement:

The Gay Manifesto

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.

Women, you cry for freedom. You say you are no longer satisfied with men; they make you unhappy. We, connoisseurs of the masculine face, the masculine physique, shall take your men from you then. We will amuse them; we will instruct them; we will embrace them when they weep. Women, you say you wish to live with each other instead of with men. Then go and be with each other. We shall give your men pleasures they have never known because we are foremost men too, and only one man knows how to truly please another man; only one man can understand the depth and feeling, the mind and body of another man.

All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men.

All homosexuals must stand together as brothers; we must be united artistically, philosophically, socially, politically and financially. We will triumph only when we present a common face to the vicious heterosexual enemy.

If you dare to cry faggot, fairy, queer, at us, we will stab you in your cowardly hearts and defile your dead, puny bodies.

We shall write poems of the love between men; we shall stage plays in which man openly caresses man; we shall make films about the love between heroic men which will replace the cheap, superficial, sentimental, insipid, juvenile, heterosexual infatuations presently dominating your cinema screens. We shall sculpt statues of beautiful young men, of bold athletes which will be placed in your parks, your squares, your plazas. The museums of the world will be filled only with paintings of graceful, naked lads.

Our writers and artists will make love between men fashionable and de rigueur, and we will succeed because we are adept at setting styles. We will eliminate heterosexual liaisons through usage of the devices of wit and ridicule, devices which we are skilled in employing.

We will unmask the powerful homosexuals who masquerade as heterosexuals. You will be shocked and frightened when you find that your presidents and their sons, your industrialists, your senators, your mayors, your generals, your athletes, your film stars, your television personalities, your civic leaders, your priests are not the safe, familiar, bourgeois, heterosexual figures you assumed them to be. We are everywhere; we have infiltrated your ranks. Be careful when you speak of homosexuals because we are always among you; we may be sitting across the desk from you; we may be sleeping in the same bed with you.

There will be no compromises. We are not middle-class weaklings. Highly intelligent, we are the natural aristocrats of the human race, and steely-minded aristocrats never settle for less. Those who oppose us will be exiled.

We shall raise vast private armies, as Mishima did, to defeat you. We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible as were the ancient Greek soldiers.

The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence--will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants.

All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men. We adhere to a cult of beauty, moral and esthetic. All that is ugly and vulgar and banal will be annihilated. Since we are alienated from middle-class heterosexual conventions, we are free to live our lives according to the dictates of the pure imagination. For us too much is not enough.

The exquisite society to emerge will be governed by an elite comprised of gay poets. One of the major requirements for a position of power in the new society of homoeroticism will be indulgence in the Greek passion. Any man contaminated with heterosexual lust will be automatically barred from a position of influence. All males who insist on remaining stupidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and will become invisible men.

We shall rewrite history, history filled and debased with your heterosexual lies and distortions. We shall portray the homosexuality of the great leaders and thinkers who have shaped the world. We will demonstrate that homosexuality and intelligence and imagination are inextricably linked, and that homosexuality is a requirement for true nobility, true beauty in a man.

We shall be victorious because we are fueled with the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed who have been forced to play seemingly bit parts in your dumb, heterosexual shows throughout the ages. We too are capable of firing guns and manning the barricades of the ultimate revolution.

Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks.

Presidents, politicians and some pastors will welcome every type pervert into the institutions of decent people. It is beyond the comprehension of most Christians who have ever read God's word, that the Episcopalian Church will ordain a homosexual bishop, homosexual pastors and condone same sex marriage. A repudiation to our blessed Lord and his holy bride the Church. Martin Luther, the Great Reformer, in his last sermon at Wittenburg in 1546, said the Jews were big liars. I wonder what he would say about his own church, the Lutheran Church, and their voting to put gay pastors into Lutheran churches at their meeting in Minneapolis 463 years later. Even after a tornado appeared from nowhere, and disappeared into nowhere, after it had torn up the roof where the convention was meeting, partially destroying the Lutheran Church across the street, these pretenders did not get God's message, nor have most pretenders during my lifetime. Satan is amazed, having a rollicking good time at the ease with which he is taking over America, the Christian Church, a surrendered world.

Topsy Turvy

Americans who think they are so in love with the idea of socialism and communism have never seen raw communism, what it does to a country, what it does to people. I traveled through the USSR three times while it was textbook communist. I have traveled through mainland China three times, still a textbook communist country. One cannot even imagine what this system of government does to the human mind. The three largest employers in the world, the Chinese Army, the train travel service of India and the British health care system. All socialized, all using enslaved people. When you go to a health facility in England, you realize the disparity in “health care”, or a better word, “disease care”. (In all of the rhetoric in Washington, I have heard little about preventative care. The healthiest people are those who stay away from doctors and hospitals. Who have learned about their own bodies, who have studied available literature about supplements and ways of maintaining their own health).

In communist Cuba, everything, including health care, is under the authoritarian control of the government. The Committee for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) in the totalitarian control keeps a careful watch on everything a Cuban citizen does. Every street, every road, in the entire country is patrolled. Every dwelling is under scrutiny, you lose all privacy, all freedom. As Dr. Franklin said long ago, “You sacrifice freedom for security and eventually you have neither”.

The signs of fascism, which proceeds communism, is as follows. The government first takes over all media. Who can doubt that we now have a government controlled media in this country. TV, radio, newspapers and to a great extent, slick magazines. If you do not want to get placed on President Obama's enemies list, such as Fox News, and many news reporters and commentators (Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, Alex Jones) you parrot at the directives of the White House. It is a sad commentary that newspapers, such as the New York Times, who has on it's front page, “All the News that's Fit to Print”, now dances to the tune, “Play by the Democrat Party”. Only liberal hogwash is printed in most newspapers. The local newspaper, in this town, is owned by the New York Times. I recently sent a letter to the editor, well written, within the parameters of their guidelines, about the ridiculous amount of money spent by the City Council on an excursion to Washington, DC. The members took their spouses, etc., and spent and spreed all over the Nation's capitol at taxpayer's expense. This at a time when the city is supposedly cutting back. The newspaper refused to print my comments. It should sicken most of you that all news is carefully diced and spiced to suit Mr. Obama and the democrats. It is necessary for me to use shortwave for reliable and credible news. When America's citizens have been sufficiently brainwashed by the media, by the public schools, by the public colleges and universities, the citizens are then ready for fascism.

Next in line is the take over of corporations and the banking and financial systems. The military is usually next on the list and we are seeing almost as many contractual civilian jobs at the battle front and other government agencies as those in uniform. It was significant that drug agents were killed this past weekend in military planes. We are told that there are special forces, military and civilian, operating all over the world. Recently Guinea Bissau and certainly in Somalia. A bewildering development in our present conflicts, both in Iraq and Afghanistan. The terrorist enemy being paid off by tax dollars to change sides. I said to Senator Jesse Helms, when he was chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, “The next time we go to war, let's just throw bundles of money at the enemy. It will be far cheaper, and just maybe, they will become as corrupt as our own public officials”. Evidently, someone believes what I said. This is the fascist system, “The end justifies the means”.

Anyone who doubts that fascism has accomplished it's purpose in America, check out your police department. Most are just schoolyard bullies who are now driving fast, expensive cars paid for by the taxpayer, who have about as much knowledge of the laws and empathy of justice as the crucibles of government tyranny permits. The oversight of police, the politics of elected money control. Only the wives and children of these officers with badges and weapons can tell you what they are really like. Yesterday, one with considerable seniority, plead guilty to the sexual abuse of a 4 year old child in the county in which I live. There was a time, sad to say, when the mother of a 4 year old little girl would feel safe in leaving her with a male law officer. But, there was a time when a 7 year old girl in Florida could walk safely from a school bus and, a 15 year old girl could go to a school dance without getting gang raped by about 10 of her peers while another 10 watched.

Fascism has excised from the schools, from the churches, from the decency of human beings, everything that the defenders of a democratic republic holds vital and dear.

Anytime you see “National” or “Federal” in government, you know that those who are paying the bills have surrendered: NIH, NASA, Federal Reserve, FCC, FTC, FDA, FAA, etc. Only those who are willing to “toe the line”, who offer no objections, who support the party, will stay at the trough.

In October 1942, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy gave a memorable show before marines at Quantico, VA. How refreshing it is to hear the sound of male laughter in this recording. Bergen and McCarthy were appearing before real men. Frances Langford, the shapely blond, who was a regular on the show said she had filled out her form to get a new job. The laughter was sincere and manly. I recently attended the funeral of a pastor of 75 years. He died at age 95. Many male pastors were there. When the congregation sang his favorite hymn we expected to hear deep, bass, voices. It was like a woman's chorus. To clean up the fascism from America, it is going to take real, red-blooded men who still love their wives, children and country, who set the example in their community for security and decency. The time for political correctness is over. The gays and the gadflies came out of the closet and now march up and down the streets with “pride”. There is no longer any shame in perversion, prostitution or unwed pregnancy. Due to the slop (liquid garbage) on television, online and on every street in America, our most precious wealth, our children and elderly, are confused and condemned by actions of todays adults. With brooms and mops, pitchforks and carbines, it is time to clean up the home front before our young men and women in uniform are endangered to our war battle front.

Taking Risks

Life is a hectic interlude in an otherwise peaceful non-existence. Before the universe was formed, God designed us each a totally separate person (John 1, Psalms 139).

Everything we do in living is a risk. The parent learns early that everything about a child is taking a risk. You lay a baby in his bed and there is a risk that the baby will never awaken (SIDS). There is always a chance of choking on food regardless of age. Every time you ride in a vehicle on a public highway, you risk someone coming from the opposite direction who may have a tire failure and you can be killed in a terrible crash. Every time you get on an airplane and you go up 30,000 ft in the air, there is a chance of an idiot pilot (such as those who went 150 miles past their destination) or, a terrorist bomb. When you take a tablet, there is always a possibility that someone at the pharmacy could not read the doctor's poor writing, that someone at the drug manufacturing company made a mistake or there could be a severe chemical reaction with other chemicals in your body. You put on your socks in the morning, but a funeral director may take them off at night. Your great consolation is knowing that the very One who designed your body, the very One who designed every snowflake that has ever fallen, the very One who designed the iridial flex in the iris of your eye, or your fingerprints, that are different completely from the flex or fingerprints of any of the other billions of people who have lived on the Earth, the greatest artist, God Himself.

One of my friends, with degrees in music, won a national piano contest in this country and went all the way to Europe for the international finals. After arriving in Europe, at his destination, he would not take the risk of failure and withdrew from the competition. While in the military, I was selected to be the commander of the hospital battalion (the enlisted personnel assigned to the large army hospital). I was a medical officer and knew nothing about the military parameters and decorum of inspections, etc. But, I took the risk of doing the job because I knew that if others could do it, so could I. The very essence of taking risks, of not being afraid to step out, is essential in every walk of life. The test of a man is not what he does when everything goes right but how he handles things when everything goes wrong.

The idea I must get across to every disabled person is that God, in His omnipotent sovereignty, has selected you, or me, to show others that life goes on in spite of handicap. A blind person would never walk again if he only thought about falling. Any student would never succeed if they only thought about failure. Remember, Erma Bombeck said, “Don't confuse success with celebrity; remember Madonna and Helen Keller”. Helen Keller, born deaf and blind, said, "I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble."

Life involves just two concerns, the temporal and the eternal. Temporal matters have a way of fading away. Things that were important to us in youth become much less important with age.

If you ask the average young person what he wants to accomplish in life he will usually say, “To make lots of money”. A good name is rather to be chosen than silver and gold (Proverbs 21:6). One of my father's cousins, cousin Will, was a large land owner. He did not have a son to go to the war, but during WWII, he made the statement that if the war lasted long enough he could wallpaper all his barns with $20 bills (which 60 years ago was a lot of money). I remember accompanying my father when he visited him before he died. He was laying in his bed in his large, nice home. I would be willing to bet much money that a few weeks later, in his casket, his hands were empty. This brings me to the eternal. The only thing really worthwhile in our life is the eternal. We all leave with empty hands but we can know that we have the eternal security of eternal life. Fourteen times, in the first Epistle of John we are told that we can “know” that the risk has been removed, that the eternal, not the temporal, risk of this world have been settled.

In traveling the world, every continent (passport stamped in 157 countries) and both poles, there was always the risk of an airplane crash or of my falling into an hole on some remote street in a third world country. I could not see what I was eating. Often, there was a chance that a snake, or spider, or some other deadly varmint had come into my room which I could not see. I well remember, in Bhutan, a kingdom which had no electricity, large rats were running around in the best hotel there. I could not see them but I could hear them. Of course, in my long travel and risk taking business life, I could have sat around and done nothing. I can afford to be waited on but I choose to take the risk every day of preparing my own food, walking around electrical problems, even walking on streets where there are crazy people who would have as soon hit me in the head for anything in my pockets as to take the next breath. But life, healthy or handicapped, is just a vapor (John 4:14). And death can be just around the corner.

I try to be an optimist, particularly around young couples with children. I can only imagine a young couple's thoughts when they think of the risks involved in the rearing of children during the problems of today's economy, crime and family value pollution. Take the risk of life's challenges regardless of age, regardless of economy, regardless of security. Learn this, “Trust in God”. He has told us, he will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

Thursday, October 29, 2009

First Things

“First Things”, a wonderful Catholic magazine was founded by the late Father Richard John Neuhaus. Neuhaus was one of the most prolific minds of the 20th Century. Only a sightless person, such as your writer, can know the importance of first impressions. The sighted person, analyzes others with an almost cruel measuring stick.

Have you ever considered the first time for the first things in your life? In this rapid moving world of technology, we get a very accurate perspective. I remember the first time I went into a self help store, where you push a cart around and pick up what you want. It is hard for young people to realize that until about 50 years ago, there was no such thing as a self help store. I remember my first self help service station. Until then, someone came out to put gas in your tank, check your oil and most of the time, would wash your windshield. I remember the first time I ate pizza. I was in the military service. I had pie my entire life; but had never heard of pizza pie. What a loss! As a young doctor, I remember the first time I encountered human body odor and the first time of the odor of death, and the first time I saw an obese woman's body. I thought, how in the world could any man on earth get excited over that? While on this subject, the best diet in the world, is to eat each meal for one week, with five fat people......naked!

I remember the first time I realized abject poverty. I was just a child. A man in the community who I liked, a house painter, Mr. Bargie, died; and my mother told me I should go to the funeral. It was at his house. He was in a cheap casket, already bloated, in his white overalls. The casket was next to the bed in the small house. As I looked around at the poverty stricken people, I knew poverty more than I have ever known it before and probably, after traveling through the world, since.

Seventy years ago, the poverty in eastern NC was astonishing. Only God could understand it. I have very little patience with today's spoiled children and the parents of these spoiled children. They do not know what it is like to go to the table and there is a bowl of potatoes on the table. They have never seen their mother or grandmother darn socks, seen patches on clothes, seen their mother pick out hog feed sacks for her dress, seen entire families riding in a wagon with a mule pulling it to town or to church.

There may be a first time for today's “bloomers” to know hunger and to know walking. I'm advising families as the value of the dollar sinks every day to buy canned food and to buy comfortable walking shoes.

I remember the first time I was cheated by a store. I had saved my money from working in green tobacco and purchased a beautiful shirt from Leader Bros., Smithfield, NC. The first time the shirt was carefully washed, it faded into a gray morass. Of course, the store told me it was not washed correctly and refused to refund my money. I remember the first time that this 100% disabled, service connected, blind veteran went to a VA hospital. My military career had been spent as a medical officer in a military hospital. When I was decorated in Washington, D.C. I was told that I would be cared for. The usual liberal mantra is, “You have nothing to worry about.” Those of you who believe this slop, are as misguided as was the writer. If only the poor, deceived public, knew what awaits them with the government socialized health care. The VA hospital was a mockery to everything we hold dear as citizens. It makes no difference, that I am a doctor or even a field grade officer. At the VA facility, you just take a number, get in line, and take whatever abuse is shoveled your way. It will be the first time for many of you to know the callousness of Obama Communist care.

Capitalism is not that much different from Marxism. The peasants just get in line in both systems and take whatever the bourgeoisie master drips down to them. I am convinced that the world's repudiation of God's mercy has resulted in decadence almost beyond comprehension. It is not just in America, but world wide. The fastest growing HIV/AIDS population is in Russia, growing faster there than even in Africa. One million Russians now have HIV/AIDS. In America, 690 people were arrested recently in a child prostitution ring. There were 52 child prostitutes and 60 pimps. Most of these children will wind up with HIV/AIDS. From 300 to 600 thousand of the 2 million prostitutes in the US are under 18. More than one million children in Asia including Thailand, Philippines, and India, have been sold to brothels or street pimps for sexual exploitation. Juarez, Mexico on the border of the US, is the most dangerous and corrupt city in the world, with 2000 murders this year.

It is reported that the brother of the president of Afghanistan, Karzai, is the #1 drug dealer in the world and is a partner with the CIA. Think of this when you see the caskets of killed American sons and daughters returning from those battlefields. It is reliably reported that America in Afghanistan, like America in Iraq, is now paying your tax dollars to the enemy soldiers for conversion. Do we really believe there is any abuse or atrocity engulfing America that was not on the rampage in Sodom when the fire fell on that sinful city?

For my entire life, I only wanted the opportunity to work and worship. I have taken my life as a responsible venture. Come out of your slumber. Help rescue us all before all hope is gone.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


According to whichever source you believe, the homeless population in America at present, is somewhere between 1 and 3 million. Every town of any size has the problem. Most are able to handle this problem with the use of shelters. But all cannot fit into the shelters. And, some prefer not to stay in a shelter. They have a pet. They have been thrown out of too many shelters for perversions or addictions. There are just many problems involved in this national catastrophe.

I was walking down the street in NYC with a female friend and when we passed a homeless woman, pushing all her worldly belongings in a grocery cart, my friend said, “She has a small dog in her cart. She needs something to love and something to love her. The dog acts as if she is the greatest thing in his world.”

Walking in Greenwich Village, early one evening, there was much confusion, many blinking lights. One homeless woman was giving birth on a park bench. Oprah upset the homeless community by bringing attention to problems in Sacramento, California, where there was a large, homeless tent city. The shelters, such as St. Francis, were all overrun by the homeless. So, one by one, they settled in, until there were over 1000 pitched tents in a vacant, privately owned area. At first, Social Services provided toilet and washing facilities, hauled off the trash; but since they felt that this was only increasing the population, this public health feature ceased. The whole place became a smelly, dirty mess. This is when Oprah called in the cameras from all over the world. In my city, I understand there are homeless on the streets, particularly in a local park, around a lake. They go to feeding kitchens, but bring their food back to the lake to eat and share it with the ducks and other animals there. It has become a real problem; because instead of using the public restrooms which are dangerous, they use the bushes.

The word home, has been a source of nostalgia and memorable material throughout the history of man. Recent artists such as Elvis Presley, Randy Travis and Michael Buble have all sung about home. They all came up with the same sentence in their lyrics, “There's no place like home.” Even children who have been moved around the world always centered their thoughts on one favorite spot which they called home. The tragedy of foster children, the tragedy of children from broken homes, is their inability to have the established fondness for a home. Many college students learn for the first time in their life, what it is to be homesick. Many boys and girls in the military, who thought they wanted to get away from home, learn early in their military experience the attractiveness of home. In WWII, one of my uncles who had never been away from home, told me that he thought he would die of homesickness. He went to his commanding officer and told him that he just had to go home. He could not live otherwise. He had been sent from a tobacco farm in eastern NC to the frozen coast of the Aleutian islands. The officer told him as this writer, a former army medical officer, had to tell several people, “You will just have to get your mind on something else. We will all go home as soon as possible.”

One of the greatest experiences of the country church is homecoming. In the large, wonderful country church in which I grew up, it was a mystery to me that on homecoming Sunday, so many visitors would walk into the church and cry during the singing. Now I understand their emotions. Their emotions are tied up with childhood, family, memories of everything good that happened there. In a world they have faced uncertainty and abuse. Many attend high school and college homecomings, some for the memory of it all, some to revitalize friendships, some to actually boast about accomplishments and some to agonize over the failures of others.

I will never forget a prominent school teacher who came to me for contact lenses. She said, I'm going to my college homecoming. I have not been to one in 25 years. And those girls will not see me old and wearing bifocals.

This writer was reared in a very poor, humble home. But from college, from the military, from every era of my life, I always rejoiced and was relieved, to know I had a home, and that the great oak trees, the barns, the pastures, and the scent from my mother's kitchen, next to the splendor of heaven itself, was the greatest solace God has prepared for a mere mortal. I pity those who have no good memories. One young man, who worked for me years ago, said he could hardly wait to leave home. He had saved up his money, and was on the bus, escaping to the “big city.” The thought occurred to him that he had left the only “safety net” he had ever known and that “probably” his folks had always done the best they knew.

One time, I had a young man working for me; and as always, I asked him about his life. I knew he had run away from home. I said, “How long has it been since you have called your mother?” He said, “It has been several months since I have contacted her. I don't care to talk to my family.” My telephone hanging on the kitchen wall, was within my arm's length. I said, “What is the phone number at your home?” I dialed the number and wonder of wonders, his mother answered the phone. I introduced myself; and I said, “Donald is doing some work for me. I want you to know he is in good health and I am going to take him to McDonald's for us to get some food. Donald wants to say hello to you.” He spoke to his mother for a few minutes. Then I said to her, “Don't worry about Donald. He will be alright.” She thanked me over and over. Then, I said to him, “Your mother is the best friend you will ever have. Don't forget that.” The tragedy of homelessness, with all the facets of mental health, VA ineptness, parental disparity, addiction with all it's hellish results, will never be encapsulated unless and until we practice the great commandment of Christ to love one another as ourselves.

St. Starbucks

O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? (Galatians 3:1) In a wide circle of friends and acquaintances and even people who have never met me, if you ask the question, who is the tightest man with money you know, they would all give my name; because I am known far and wide for my frugality. I have never been in a Starbucks. To think of paying $2.50 plus for a cup of coffee, is as far from my mind as taking a walk off the top of my house. Recently, a university educator said to me, “We will go to a Starbucks for a cup of coffee.” I said to him, “If you can afford to go to a Starbucks, you are being paid too much.”

I don't want any crocodile tears about this recession from vehicular traffic, from the lines at restaurants, from the advertisers of radio and television. It is obvious that we are not in a recession. This week, it was announced that Garth Brooks would come out of retirement and give 15 concerts at Las Vegas. Within a few minutes, at $125 a seat, in a theater that seats 1000 people all tickets were sold. I am told by sighted people, that there are very few empty seats at athletic events, where seats sell from $100 - $250. I am told there has been little drop in movie attendance, airline flights, in weddings, (The average wedding now costs $30,000.)

Even though every agency in the federal government with debt that can never be repaid, such as Social Security, Medicare, Postal System. The man who has never worked one day in his life, as Commander in Chief, who has never shot a BB gun, who spends more time on Airforce 1, than any president in my memory, now is giving $18 billion to all Social Security recipients, a check for $250 to each.

Where is the outrage? Do not parents realize that their children, grandchildren, as far as the eye can see, will be in debt, and enslaved, to a communist authoritarian government?

Where are the conservatives? It is bad enough to live by the rules of the unsaved, the liberal lawbreakers, who have never known God's laws. Think of living under the laws of liberal politicians. The law makers exempt themselves from their own laws. The 50% who vote for the liberal lawmakers and liberal administration, know nothing of law keeping or conservation. Conservatives save in every way, their money, their health, their time, their environment, even their spiritual concern for everyone.

Only with conservatives do you have liberty and freedom which is in Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 3:17). The Holy Spirit of God living in you gives you the perfection only found in the life of Jesus Christ, who was truly a conservative, even when he fed the thousands, from a small boy's lunch, which a blessed mother had thought to prepare, they took up baskets of fragments and leftovers. You can give without loving; but you cannot love without giving. The money you have flitted away, in buying stupid things such as expensive coffee, you will never be able to invest for your personal welfare or give to God so that He can do his miracles.

Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Get Real

A very bright, young preacher asked me this question. “Do you think Jesus ever joked, laughed and ever had a good time?” I truly believe that our blessed Lord was too serious to spend one moment of his life in frivolity. Laughing and joking, He probably enjoyed life as much as most serious minded people enjoy life, even though we only have a record of three years of His life. I feel sure He played games as a youngster, had young pals that He shared thoughts with. But remember He was God. He had been with his Father in the very creation of the universe, (John 1). He put on a tent of human flesh and dwelled among us and became the Way, the Truth, the Life. (John 14:6).

He knew that we were mere mortals in a battle with satanic forces everyday. He knew that we were limited in our ability to think. I think He would even forgive many of the stupid people who are on television and the radio. I never ceased to be amazed at the stupid statements I hear on talk shows. So many people have just enough intelligence to dial a phone.

I never cease to be amazed about the decisions people make about their lives. They destruction of their body with addictive substances. They do not prepare for living or dying. Our ancestors, all the way back to Adam, would never believe that the inhabitants of this earth have tolerated the tyrants who have ruled them, who are always supported by military forces, born of ordinary people, but so brainwashed that they support the Herods and Hitlers of history. Hitler, himself, did not haul the Jews to the death camps in the Holocaust. Clinton and Reno did not hire outsiders to come in, kill and burn alive the 85 women and children at Waco. Most of us did not vote for Obama. Enough people have been brainwashed by Satan's arsenic of change that we will all pay the price.

It is so simple that there are tares among the wheat, that the tares have taken over the church. It is so simple that the sheep are lead into the slaughter pen by a Judas goat. The sheep, when they are slaughtered, never make a sound. This is where we find ourselves today. So many are just silent, blighted sheep. It must be a sad exposition and stench to a God of justice and glory.

Get real. Who do you think you are fooling? The triune God of the universe, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit knows more about you than you know about yourself. God is not surprised at anything. He knows the ending as well as the beginning of the parade. Politicians, pastors, prophets and poets have tried to fool God, as well as their fellow man. They will answer to God and in some rare cases to their fellow man. Slave masters may have a good life here on this earth, may enjoy a life for a season (Hebrews 11:25). We can rejoice in the certain knowledge that there is a pay day, one day.

Get Real. Do you think anyone that abuses a child sexually or otherwise will escape? Do you think any woman who will sell the most private part of her body and life will escape? Do you think a politician who will involve himself in graft and corruption will escape? Do you think prophets and priests holding themselves to a higher standard, living off the hard earned money their followers have given in obedience to God, if not true to their mission, will escape?

Get Real. Do not be a pretender. Lying, cheating, stealing, may not bother you; but it greatly bothers the happiness of our heavenly Father. Send this word to the White House, to the State House, to the court house, to the church house. He set the example. And He was not joking when he said to us, “Follow me.”

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

From The Goo, To The Zoo, To You

I was in the middle of my 8 years of university education in 1953 when the scientists, Watson of Chicago and Crick of Cambridge, announced their discoveries of DNA, the genome of life. I actually believed that this would end the debate about creation and evolution. The promoters of Godless evolution are so intent on living a Godless life that they will do anything to give man a Godless, hopeless existence.

A recent university graduate challenged me recently on my faith in God, even though I have degrees in science. I said to him, “I can write out all the formulas for the clotting of blood. I can write out all the formulas for the photosynthesis of plants. I can write out all the mathematical equations for the bending of light rays as they enter water.” At one time in my life, I could trace a drop of blood through every blood vessel of the chief of God's creation, your marvelous body. At one time in my life, I could stick a hat pin through any anatomical structure and tell you the cellular structure of every cell it penetrated. Your body is made up of trillions of cells, 14 billion in the human brain alone, each cell, with enough DNA information concerning your family, to fill 10,000 pages of printed material. It takes more faith to believe in evolution than to believe in the sovereignty of God. Pride is the beginning of every sin. Only the pride of man, would lead one to believe that he has the intelligence to understand the formation of the universe. (Genesis 3:22).

The most important thing in life is this knowledge, to know Him. (Philippians 3:10). To the young university student, I said, when you die, even as sanitized as modern man has made death, you just become fertilizer. As Carl Sagan said in his TV program “Cosmos”, “This is all there is to it. There is nothing more.” When I die, my body, too, will deteriorate. But, I have a soul (you cannot see, weightless and without mass). My soul has an eternal life. This is the difference in a scientist who has a sane belief system. He knows the absolutes of right and wrong, the absolutes of atomic weights and the periodic table, the absolutes of the decibels in the music scale, the absolutes of the colors of light refraction, the absolutes of the colors in chemical elements, the absolutes of Newton's laws of motion, the absolutes in the speed of light. Scientific evolution is a myth, a fraud. Anyone who has ever seen rust on metal, seen the deterioration of a virus, knows the scam that has been perpetrated on mankind and is still upheld by academia because man is inherently evil, and does not want to be held accountable for anything. He would believe in God if God would behave according to his wishes. All over the earth, men, wanting to believe in something greater than themselves, have carved out their own gods, of wood or stone, and then just discarded the scrapings.

The unbeliever, the atheist, the agnostic, easily recognizes hypocrisy. This is the first thing they throw in your face regarding Christianity. “I am just as good as so and so, and he goes to church.” They never recognize holiness. As I said to a group of university students in China, “Enlarge your thinking. You think your computer nanotechnology is marvelous. I have been to both the Arctic and Antarctic. There are 4.5 million square miles of glaciers at both the top and bottom of the world. The God I worship designed every snow flake, every ice crystal found there. The God I worship holds the oceans of the world in His hands. With His fingers he measures the heights of the Himalayas. He sticks his foot into the Marianas Trench, the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean, as His foot bath. Yet, the very hairs of the heads of His children are numbered.” (Luke 12:7)

Faith is action based on belief, sustained by confidence. Ninety percent of faith is just raw courage. Have the courage to test this faith. It is only available to those who trust him. (There is not much future for the rest of you.)

I do not see how a person survives life in these troubled times without an all-consuming faith. Man's inhumanity to man, since the Garden of Eden when the first brothers, one killed the other. There has been warfare involving individuals and nations.

If one ever questions the ability of God, He can take a boy born in poverty on an eastern NC tobacco farm, see him through years of professional education, protect him through a long military career, send him around the world many times and preserve him for continued service. It is not a chance that this type of thing could happen anymore than it is a chance that this universe could just fall into existence. Do you really think that a beautiful rose, a child's smile, a magnificent crystal, just happened?

Goofy Beliefs

I have one of the largest collections of antiquarian books in the nation. We sell books every day, all over the world. For instance, I had over 250 Old Sears Catalogs. We have sold these wonderful books all over the world. They are the greatest source of history, art material for movies. Few are left in existence; and I had those from the very beginning of the Sears Empire. There was a time in the history of this country, when the Sears Catalog was the most wonderful book in the house, read much more than God's word. I wish you could see the 1898 Montgomery Ward catalog which I just sold. The women's corsets were on the same page as the horse harnesses.

I have over 17,000 premier (many first editions) comic books. I was never allowed to read a comic book as a child and certainly cannot do so now. It has never occurred to anyone yet, certainly not education psychologists, that 95% of all comic books are purchased by boys, and 95% of all prisoners are men. Is there any correlation? There were many strange names, ghosts, Goofy, Daffy, Mickey Mouse, and of course the super heroes. Today's young people have moved from comic books to video games.

I understand the meanest bullies in the police academies and in military special forces have been acclimated and activated by ruthless video games. We will pay a price for the seduction of young minds by satanic forces. It was not necessary for Bill Clinton and Janet Reno to go out of country to obtain the militarists who killed and burned alive the 85 women and children at Waco.

In a time when our forces are spattering women and children in Iraq and Afghanistan, in a time when 3000 babies are aborted each day, (1400 black babies), in a time when old folks are euthanized, in a time when men given life sentences for murder, rape and robbery, are let out of prison for good behavior we have announcements that pets will be blessed at St. John's Church. The same thing went on at the Duke University Chapel a few years ago as these bubbling liberals brought their lizards and gold fish along with their dogs and cats for blessing. It was such a mess of fighting and sniping that I understand it was discontinued.

In Togo, West Africa, after visiting a fetish market, (a place to buy bones, skulls, etc.), I witnessed a voodoo service of dancing and cutting. Later, at a Catholic cathedral, I told the priest that I saw many of his parishioners at a voodoo service. I could tell because of their colorful clothing. He said, “They mix up their religion.” In Guatemala, at one Catholic cathedral, I saw people with pigs, chickens, in their arms going into the cathedral for blessing. I said to the priest, “What is this with the animals?” He said, “We have a mixture of Catholicism and Santeria.” Perhaps this is the new White House religion. (Read my commentary, “Woe Mrs. Robinson”.)

We have cheapened and trivialized religion, especially Christianity. One can do any perverted thing anymore without repercussion. One can hold onto any type spiritual belief and religious practice, except Christianity. The relationship of you with Christ is subjected to more furor and criticism than anything else you can do in your life. Christ said, “If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” (John 15:20, Luke 23:31).

Modern man has so sanitized death, that it has little effect on the human psyche, but remember God will not put up with your foolishness, your deception, disobedience. He orders you to obey. To obey is better than sacrifice. (I Sam. 15:22) The Bible is the law book. We are saved by grace through faith plus nothing. But you break God's laws at your own risk.

The same people, the black nationalist churches, the liberal white churches, all without exception have been hit by the love bug. All go to the church singing the Beatles song, “All You Need Is Love” or the Sinatra song, which he is still singing in hell, “I Did It My Way.” These same liberals wanting their pets to be blessed, are the very ones who promote the culture of death in which 1.4 million babies have been murdered each year in the abortion holocaust.

The love bomb, love of sin, love of the puppets and perverts, love of the unlovely, has tried to erase the fact that we were created by a God of justice. (Psalm 98:9). The projection and protection of the homosexual lifestyle is the epitome of the liberal church and liberal media. How any church goer can read the first chapter of Romans and then sit under the preaching of a gay pastor and condone a same sex marriage is beyond comprehension.

Euthanasia, abortion, same sex marriage, and homosexual pastors are an abomination to everything sacred in Christian belief. We saw with Hurricane Katrina, in capsule form the ending of the story of the great American republic. Prisoners were turned out of the jails to rob and rape. Old people in nursing homes were left on their beds to drown. Pretensions of the concern of patriots and Christians melted into the rip tides of deception.

Another Season

For many years, I owned a co-op apartment in New York City an extravagance, but one which I enjoyed since the city afforded a totally blind man, opportunities for meeting interesting people, which I could not get anywhere else. I lived on Beekman Place, (the East Side elitist street where Auntie Mame lived) right across the street from the townhouse of Irvin Berlin and almost directly across from the South Korean consulate. Just two blocks from the United Nations, and as a disabled veteran and world traveler, I was invited to many receptions, never was the “Pearle Mesta” of the East Side, but enjoyed these unusual contacts. I was friends with two media presidents as well as other interesting, well known individuals.

Owning some businesses in the south, I would go to certain supply houses on the West Side in the garment district. Even though I had the dinner jackets and clothes for any occasion, when on the streets, I could easily have been mistaken for a homeless person or a bum. Anytime I felt that I was about to be robbed, I would pull my coat up around my face, try to get real small and as the person approached me, I would say, “Can you spare a dollar for an old, blind man?” One day, in midsummer, I got caught in a rain storm in the garment district. I sought shelter under a metal canopy. I was joined there by two hookers who knew one another. I pulled my raincoat up around my head and pretended not to listen to what they were saying. They were discussing clients (Johns). One, talking about a well known NYC philanthropist, said, “If he ever picks you up, get him drunk. Make sure he pays you ahead of time. Remember he always has other money in his place. You know where to look.” It has been my experience, that you cannot hide money from thieves. They always know where to look. Every escapade is another season for them. I truly believe that what keeps most people going and most businesses going is just the love of another season. The famous movie starring, Jack Lemmon, portraying a famous designer and producer in the garment district, who realized he did not have long to live, said, “I just want another season.”

My friends in the mercantile business, always just wanted another Christmas season, the time when they made all their profit for the year. When I was trying to maneuver the streets in the garment district, anyone who has been there understands the racks of clothing being taken from one building to another. The place had a life of its own. Designers, producers, shippers and the buyers representing stores from all over America and the world, came there to put in their orders. With the movement of so much industry first to the south and now out of country, the drastic reduction in manufacturing of garments amounts to 90%.

New York well deserves the reputation of financial center of the world. The finance gurus on Wall Street, the power brokers in the banking industry, the opinion molders at all the alphabet news corporations, the large network of wealth management advisors and advisor services are all in a cauldron of greed. Most escape the season of responsibility. I have here in my house computer programs, which give in exacting detail, anything that happens in my business. It is hard to believe in this season of computer programs, oversight and regulations of security agencies, a ridiculous situation such as the Madoff scam, could go on for so long. The intrigue has only deepened by the depth of the swimming pool of one of his cohorts, Jeffrey Picower, a man who had contrived $5 billion from the Madoff scandal. I realize in the sorcery and debauchery of Washington politics, the skeletons of Wall Street discovery, SEC, IRS, employees look at the big deals with a blind eye. It is well known that everyone was aware of the Madoff looney operation (parties, drugs, etc.).

It is a 7 year old girl in Florida found dead in a landfill. It is a Richmond, California high school girl, gang raped as about 15 watched. It is two stupid pilots risking lives in the skies over Minnesota. It is the death of Soupy Sales known only for catching a pie in the face, that got most of the news casters attention this week.

Here in NC, the season of democrat political control and corruption has finally come to a head with the ex governor Easley, debacle. As I well explained in my commentary about republicans, “Reproductcons and Utopiaism”, #356, explaining my life long torture at seeing total corrupt democrat control of the state and the “wallflower republicans” who were just bench warmers, we have a chance to see just how honest and if the corporate media is in default.

Someone told me years ago that there must be many expensive funerals before things would change in NC. (Many rich democrat politicians would have to die.) They did not realize that their rich inheritors would be more corrupt than their fathers and grandfathers, that corporate TV and radio would be more biased and corrupt than the long time democrat “bible” newspapers, (“News and Observer”, “Charlotte Observer”, etc.) Walter Spearman, honored Professor of Journalism at UNC-CH, Guy Phillips, longtime Professor of Education at UNC-CH, both told me fifty years ago, that journalism and education were in the “jaws” of the democrat party in NC. This was before either of these professors had ever seen a black student on the UNC campus at Chapel Hill. You would never have convinced either that black nationalism operating out of black churches, in NC, would enslave themselves to the democrat party and walk in lockstep to vote for their former slave masters.

It must be a stench in the nostrils of God Almighty, creator of heaven and earth, that the season of justice has never come to the hard working, tax paying, God fearing, natives of NC, those who planted and nourished the flowers that illegal aliens, transported Yankees, and corrupt politicians pick with savage glee and disregard. I think of my aged grandparents trying to keep farms going while their only son was fighting in the South Pacific. I think of my own mother keeping a farm going while my own father was away during World War II. Still trying to recover financially from FDR's Great Depression, it was a matter of working night and day. They were in the fields during the day, churning and molding butter, and preparing produce at night to go to the local markets. All the while, politicians even then, with the use of nepotism and political contributions allowing their friends to buy their positions on every commission, every board of trustees, and take advantage of every political opportunity in the state. The newspapers would not even peak over the barrier that separated the black race, the cotton mill workers, the tenant farmers, the disabled, the dispossessed, the widespread poverty (Eastern NC from Hwy 95-301 to the ocean, the poorest area of the US.). The churches which call themselves Christian were the only hope of the these dispossessed people. But I'm sorry to say, most of the white preachers, like today's black preachers, sold out to the democrat party.

Josephus Daniels thought he had more effect on eastern NC than Jesus Christ. From his parlors at Wakestone, he controlled the eastern NC politicians. The Scotts, father and son, would surely tell you that the brown paper bags of money, greased the democrat wheels.

From the crucible of hell, petrified white, rich democrat politicians would warn their caucus “Watch out, there will be a pay day, some day.”