(These are the connotations and denotations of the commencement address at Notre Dame University, as I see it-Dr. Morris)
Rev. Father Jenkins, members of the faculty, graduates and your families, I appreciate you being here today in spite of the malarkey that has arisen about my being your speaker. I hope these remarks are being sent by radio to the jailhouse and other places where Dr. Alan Keyes and others who object to my being here are being housed.
I regret that most of the Catholic bishops in this country and abroad, object to my liberal philosophy concerning life.
I want to assure President Jenkins that if he is fired from his position here he will join my close knit group of advisers such as my former pastor for 20 years Rev. Wright, a group who have had problems paying their taxes, Gov. Richardson, that fine democrat from New Mexico, the former Democrat senate leader Tom Daschle, the chairman of the House Ways and Means committee Charlie Wrangle, the former governor of Illinois and my good democrat friend Rod Blagojevich and some others both in and out of jail.
As I promised in my campaign for the presidency, I want president Jenkins to assist me in making everything in Washington absolutely transparent as he has with the millions of emails and letters sent him here. I want the transparency of speaker Pelosi’s attachments and multi-million dollar interest in Star-Kist tuna and the island of Samoa, the real estate dealings of senator Reed and all other Catholics such as senator Kennedy and governor Cuomo brought to the attention of the public someway since you can be sure, the news media which will say nothing against me or any other democrat, will not inform you. I am instructing my secretary of the treasury, a Jewish catholic, Mr. Geitner, to replace the current motto on federal money with a motto made popular by such great Americans as Gus Hall and John Dewey, “The end justifies the means.”
I will use my administration to correct statements and philosophies made by former democrat presidents. Firstly, FDR who in 1933 said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” You will know the real meaning of fear, fear of starvation, fear of speaking freely, fear of owning a gun, fear of going out of your house, if you still have a house.
I want to correct the statement of another democrat president JFK, who said, in 1960, “Ask not what your government can do for you but what you can do for your government.” This is foolishness, you want your government to do everything for you. We, your government, do not need any advice or interference from you. These supposed representatives you send to Washington in your behalf, are just there to enjoy themselves at free buffets, golf tournaments, sexual exploits provided by well meaning lobbyists, and then go home with a nice retirement.
You will have nothing to do with your schools, the money for running your schools, like the curriculum and books for your schools will be provided by your government with your government's absolute control. It has taken many years to completely indoctrinate school administrators, teachers and even the school board members which you think you elect into the enslavement philosophy of the socialist, liberation technique. We have overcome.
Just as many businesses have closed including one half of all automobile dealerships, the socialist workers initiatives will not only design future technology, but the workers themselves will manage and control everything pertaining to the former corporation motto. The government will not have many problems with the third area of absolute socialist control. The news media, print, radio, TV, and all other methods of communication will be controlled by a government agency dedicated to the elimination of free thought, hate speech, criticism of the government, the president of the government and his chosen interlopers, such as your president Jenkins.
The so-called church has been a thorn in the side, to quote your famed apostle Paul. In the establishment of the ultimate aim that human beings fortunate enough to be born, not aborted, will depend entirely on government checks, not an invisible God. When you pray, and you will continue to pray, in and out of the closet, you will pray for your government to smile on you. Because, if you do not behave yourself, as in Cuba or North Korea, your government will frown on you and you will wind up in confinement eating whatever bark or roots someone might subtract from a tree. You will have the addition of working for the government which you did forsake until the Obama heaven you declined by your own choice, uses you for fertilizer.
Like my church in Chicago, which I attended for 20 years, but like Sergeant Schultz, “I heard nothing,” in this nationalist church we had a portrait of Harriet Tubman, one of the first freedom fighters, hanging in the vestibule. Portraits of black freedom fighters such as Tubman, Jackie Robinson, Jesse Jackson, will be hung in the vestibule of every church. In the front of every church the famed words of Roger Baldwin, founder of the ACLU and for 30 years, its director, will be printed, displayed and recited at every service with much more vigor and feeling then you recite the Lord’s prayer or the apostles creed.
“I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”
Roger Baldwin
In closing, I want to thank you for this honorary doctorate you are giving me. Dolly Parton just got one from a redneck school in Tennessee. My friend Oprah Winfrey jetted her private jet down to NC to get an honorary doctorate from another redneck school that made its money from smoking tobacco. I will assure the Catholics, and their fellow travelers, the Episcopalians, whom I love most because of their gay pastors and same-sex couples, that the day of the “fat cat” conservatives who have built these elitist universities where the creme de creme have carried on their incestuous relationship with Satan’s hordes, long enough, change has come.
You promised my ancestors, at the end of the Civil War when we fought for our freedom, that everyone of us would get 40 acres and a mule. Right now, today, I promise every minority in this country, black, Mexican, Asian, forty acres with freedom of choice and a new foreign made car, Honda, Toyota, Nissan, their choice, because, I do not want to leave from here with any mistaken impression that I believe in anything but choice. I am more convinced then ever, as the most pro-abortion president or world leader, that a woman should be able to destroy her child before or immediately after birth.
One day, you will all celebrate my birthday, because I am going to give all of you free healthcare, your greatest interest. Since ¼ of the American electorate is catholic and you voted for me, even though you knew that Michelle made $315,000 dollars a year working for a hospital that did not admit welfare patients. But you will all become welfare patients, good luck. Not only will you celebrate my birthday, but like Lenin, you will file past my enshrined body having accepted, without question, mine and Nikolai Lenin’s philosophy.
“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.”
Thank you, now bring on the honors.