Thursday, March 31, 2011

May Day

CS Lewis, the great British writer, has said, “that the best and worst evidence for Christianity is Christians.” Christ does not need cowards to carry or defend His Cross. Good evidence of this is the reaction of Europe to a recent European court decision.

A Finnish-born mother, living in Italy with her two daughters, objected to the crucifix being displayed in the school classrooms as is the custom in Italy, a predominately Roman Catholic country. In its earlier ruling, the court had decided that the crucifix could be disturbing to some students, but the final ruling was that there is no evidence the display will have any influence on students. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! God help us when the display of the crucifix no longer has any influence.

One month from tomorrow, the world will have May Day celebrations, mostly in communist countries. A day of political demonstrations celebrated by unions, anarchist and socialist groups. Beginning in Australia in 1856, pointing to the later 1886 Haymarket Affair (a three-day strike in Chicago, after 4 strikers were killed by police at the McCormick Harvester plant), May Day celebrates the eight-hour work day. Every communist country celebrates the first day of May with a large parade, a display of military hardware, but most of all, workers for the state. I have attended May Day parades in Russia (In Moscow, I stood at the Kremlin with the delegation from Cuba), Mongolia and China...thousands of state-controlled workers, marching with precision in their controlled uniforms, carrying their controlled banners, proclaiming the idiomatic messages of Marxism.

Mayday is also used internationally as an emergency code word for a distress signal (repeated three times, so there is no confusion). At this time in history, there should be long distress calls of “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday” as we see the globalists rebalancing the New World Order. Just as the genuineness of the crucifix in the schoolrooms of the predominately Catholic country of Italy, so at one time, was the patriotism of the stars and stripes of the American flag in every school room of this democratic republic. In most schools, even a portrait of George Washington (father of our country), a man of unequaled integrity and secular appeal, was found in every classroom; the Holy Bible was found in every classroom, and every day American school students started their day with Bible reading, prayer, and a pledge of allegiance to the flag. An innocuous, 22-word prayer, was taken out of the schools in 1963, after a ruling by the supreme court. Prayer in school has been replaced by police patrolling the hallways; there are now more problems, drop outs, lower scores than ever in the public schools.

Lucifer has worked his magic through electronics devices (TV, computer, cell phone, etc); students of the last generation have been so dumbed-down (and now these are the parents of the other dumbed-down students), that they do not even recognize the Luciferian take-down of the world, such as was present in government and among the attitudes of the people before the Great Flood, self-interest above all other interests. Americans are mostly interested in their own selfish careers, their own bank account, their own children, their own social activities, their own doctor, their own lawyer. Me, myself and I; pride, the beginning of every sin, all that is important in this me-ism society....don't bother me with facts, knowledge, I want to live in a subliminal world, making believe that everything is alright.

Who has considered that while planes, burning kerosene, caused skyscrapers to fall to the ground on 9/11, supposedly starting fires which melted the steel, while the nuclear plants in Japan, with fire many times hotter has not melted their steel? Who has thought about the 47 floor building that just fell to the ground in its own footprint hours after the other buildings fell? Has anyone answered questions about the messy Murrah building disaster in Oklahoma City.

Protestors and demonstrators in one Muslim country after another: Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Libya. Who has given thought to the obvious: the need for oil from all of these countries. In America, our muscles of faith have atrophied. We hear theologians talk about the antichrist, the antichrist is here, in our foreign policy. Thousands killed on 9/11, thousands killed since 9/11, over 4,000 military, unknown civilian casualties. Jumping into one foreign “entanglement” after another. George Washington, who said he had rather be on his farm than emperor of the war, in his farewell address to the nation, told us to beware of foreign entanglements, especially in Europe.

Are we so dumb that we cannot recognize that the antichrist has taken over and is running things in America, judiciary, banking, finance, education, healthcare. Churches do not want to hear about anything that is Christian...the evangelical church world has bought the antichrist, prosperity gospel, ecumenicalism, the idols of this world. There is shaking and quaking in our healthcare system, once the envy of the civilized world, unemployment will worsen, with increases in inflation, many will take just any job. We face impoverishment simply because of the inequities of free trade and its domino effects on world economy. In previous depressions and recessions, the entire world was not in poverty. China is the only nation that will survive present impoverishment, China is building, buying and selling, plans on the drawing board to build 10 cities the size of New York City.

I will leave you with a silver lining to every dark cloud, many of us still have the vocation of concern, the vocation of gratitude, the vocation of faithfulness. God did not bring us this far to desert us now. There is no cure for a nuclear remediation, once radiated, nothing can be reclaimed, there is no protection from radiation, but to His own, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” (Hebrews 13:5)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ballad to Louisiana's Mary Landrieu

Mary, Mary quite contrary

How does your Kingfish Huey bayou garden grow?

With tainted 300 million tax bells, jambalaya, crawfish, pie shells,

Donkey whore senators in tow, in a row.

Everyday, in every way (print, audio), how can things get worse? Congresspeople, such as Louisiana's Landrieu, being bought off by your tax dollars to vote the Obama way. In direct revulsion to holy scripture (1 Timothy 3:2) a lesbian woman in California has been appointed a Bishop in the Episcopal Church. In direct repudiation of the scientific method, scientists across the world have been smeared by the brush of incompetence in manufacturing evidence to support the hair-brained, debatable, incompetent theory of “climate change” and/or “global warming”. If scientists, if scientific periodicals, can not be trusted, if university centers of learning have been so compromised for the sake of government grants, what type manure are we mired?

If the “sell outs” of our biggest and brightest conglomerates by political hacks are not enough then surely the “bail outs” of the financial system, which has made America the wealth depository of the world, the economic forecast of this country and the world, is beyond the eclipse of doom. In a time when 50% of all marriages end in divorce, when 50% of all young girls have STD's, when 60% of all children are reared in single family homes, when the world's highest paid, most famous athlete stays in the front lines for his sexual dalliances, when even the Oval Office of the White House was used as a place of perversion, when gate crashers can come and go at the world's most protected residence, when witches are used to cleanse this same residence of demons, are we surprised when 18 members of our military commit suicide each day?

The only nation in the world with an obese, diabetic problem (I have traveled through 157 countries and only in America do you find fat people), 50,000 or more overweight, eating, drinking fans in stands, watching 22 millionaires running up and down a field, who are in good shape and do not need exercise. Think of the foolishness of the millions sitting at home with comforts that the Pharaoh or ancient Kings did not know. Eating and drinking to their doom, unwilling to walk to a house of worship where just a very few short years could direct them to endless years.

Beware of voting for politicians, bureaucrats, or anyone else “picking your pockets”. Brokers (securities, insurance and real estate) have the right name, they will keep you broke.

Political correctness is the law of the day, stray away from the truth, people are addicted to lies. The truth will get you fired as were John Stossel and Lou Dobbs. The pulpit, with a diabetic gospel (sugar and substitutes), will ensure the broad road to hell.

This weekend one of my cousins was very insulted because her parent's church would not allow her two large Irish Setter dogs to attend her wedding in their church. Why should we be surprised? $45.5 billion are spent in this country each year on dog food. $34.5 billion was reportedly donated by all reporting denominations as being given to God's work last year. The omnipotent, omniscient, sovereign God of the Universe on which we depend to live, move and have our very being, receives less of our money, given in worship to Him, than the dogs (not counting the many other pets) on which many probably give more attention and love.

27 times in the Psalms, we find these words, “His mercy endures forever”. Help us pray for the mercy of God in these times marked by the inconsistencies and absurdities of man. Help us realize that the wrath of God is only superannuated by the love of God. HE LOVES US MORE THAN WE LOVE HIM. Only through His mercy will we escape the sin which has befallen us as individuals, our country and the world. When things seem inequitable, when the playing field is not level, words which should scare everyone, “Before the LORD; for he cometh to judge the earth: with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity.” (Psalm 98:9)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

St. Herod The Great

One of my best friends, when I was in the Army as a field-grade medical officer; was a black medical officer who was born and reared in the delta of Mississippi. This was many lifetimes ago, we were both young, the military was newly integrated, did not have many black doctors. He had an interesting story, born on a delta cotton farm, his family, through every dime they could raise, saw him graduate from college at the black Meharry Medical School at Nashville TN.

Retired, living in Florida with his daughter, he showed up on my doorstep, having taken a flight from New York, stopping off here just to visit me. We went out to lunch, and before he had to leave on his next flight, we talked about many things. I asked, “what has happened to the black population, spiritually, politically, morally?” He said, “because of abortion and AIDS, the black population will rapidly disappear. AIDS, as you know since you have been there, is wiping out the black population of Africa. It is doing the same thing in America, and because of abortion, 52% of all black babies are killed.”

I asked him, “we know the attitude of the liberal, black communist politician...Waters, Rice, Powell, Holder, Rangel, Obama, etc, but what has happened to the black theologians, ministers, black doctors, lawyers, teachers, have they lost their senses through black nationalism, liberation theology, Rules For Radicals?” He said, “they don't care, they do not care what happens to this nation. They cannot get over physical slavery, and so they have substituted it for mental slavery.”

In my youthful questioning of my faith, and others questioning my faith, it was always difficult for me to reconcile God's gift to the world in His only Son, yet the slaughter of so many innocent male children by Herod the Great at the same time. The patron saint of New York City should be Herod the Great, because even more horrific than the murder of 52% of black babies by abortion nationally, this figure is as high as 62% in New York City. On the Avenue of the Americas, New York City, a sign was put up on February 23rd of this year by the “Life Always” anti-abortion group, showing a beautiful, young black girl in a pink dress with the words “The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb.” Immediately, black liberals, especially black women activists and Reverend Al Sharpton led protests, demanded that the sign be removed. Black councilwoman Letitia James said, “It is misguided to use Black History Month as a tool to promote this message. Every woman has the right to make personal choices in regard to her body, and I respect many different points of view.” The anti-abortion group, removed the sign, but not to be defeated, the same group put up a sign this month in Chicago reading as follows, “Every 21 minutes, our next possible leader is aborted”, showing a picture of President Obama. Today, there is outrage about this sign.

Americans have a “Las Vegas” mentality, just pulling levers, hoping for the best. If we are invaded by a terrorist nation, could more damage be done? Bizarre moral equivalence, same-sex marriage, division of the denominations because of gay bishops, lesbian pastors (Lutherans, Anglicans). The great television preacher, Dr. Robert Schuller, at odds with his family and choir concerning morality in the church, he wanting to tolerate everything. Dr. Schuller, the church has been too silent, too long, about sin everywhere, in the church and outside of the church. Think of a judiciary unconcerned about the murder of 53 million babies, an effort to force the gay agenda on everyone (don't ask don't tell, same-sex marriage). The family defensive marriage act passed the congress 457 to 81. Already, the defensive marriage act has been thrown out by the corrupt, communist Obama administration.

The exceptionalism of America is built on the foundation of faith and family. We have never understood the deception of family life in Islam...slavery of women, honor killing of children, frightful controls of dress and behavior. The very fact that a Muslim woman cannot drive a car, is so restricted in every activity of womanhood, should bring out brigades of American liberated women to fight for Muslim human rights. But, liberal Democrat women have blind spots about the murder of babies, the enslavement of personhood in other countries.

Ever since the Muslim split in 600 AD, Sunni, Shia. There has been a rafting by responsible societies to escape the misery inflicted on the women and children of this religion (out of sight, out of mind). Only the tourists who have visited these 44 Muslim countries, only academics who have studied this religion, could talk about the insanity involved in Islam. But, the Muslims do not abort their babies, are careful of diet, careful of debilitating habits (drinking, smoking), they honestly feel they are a superior race. According to Chapter 9 of the Koran, they must either convert or kill all infidels, all non-believers in Islam, the last religion. They do not honor any other religion. They actually believe that the rocks and trees will talk to them at the end of the world, telling them where all the unbelievers are, so that at the end of the world there will be nothing left alive except for Muslims.

Is anyone concerned with the ridiculous idea that we can establish a democratic society in such chaos? Has anyone considered that Christians and even members of other faiths, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, should build their belief system on a solid foundation of truth and justice. Christians know that through prayer, all things are possible. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. (John 15:7)

Monday, March 28, 2011


Theocca, is The Center for Christian Apologetics located at Oxford University. In apologetics, the Christian, like the ancient Christian writers, gave reasoned arguments for their belief system. So many times, we think that our Christian belief, the stalwart systems upon which western civilization was built is totally obvious; but, many miss the obvious.

In this part of the world, there is one Baptist church with which I am familiar that is called Whispering Pines, there is also a nudist colony by the same name, located nearby. One family, one Sunday, wanted to attend Whispering Pines Baptist Church because friends had told them of the wonderful experience. They saw a sign, “Whispering Pines”, started down a road which did not seem appropriate. After several miles they seemed to be in the countryside, no houses, no signs of a church. Then, approaching them from the opposite direction, four bicyclists, all nude. The father, rapidly stopped the car, turned it around, trying to retreat before his son in the backseat saw that they had approaching nudists. The nudists passed them, waving. The son said, “those folks did not have on their bicycle helmets!” The obvious had not mattered to him.

A grandfather told his grandson that he would buy him a new car if he made the dean's list his first year in college. He said, “I want you to improve your circle of friends, and particularly, to cut your hair.” The grandson came to him at the end of the first semester, having made the dean's list, his friends were mostly in the local church. The grandfather said, “you still have not cut your hair,” to which the grandson replied, “I thought about that, but in my Bible studies, I discovered that Samson, John the Baptist, and even Jesus had long hair.” The grandfather said, “and those three walked everywhere.” The grandson had missed the obvious.

Sometimes Christians, most of all, neglect or forget the obvious. We know that most of the New Testament Gospels involve the last week of our Savior's life, everything progressing toward Golgotha. We forget that most of our lives are a progression towards the goal at the end of our life.

My greatest joy, my greatest ambition is to start new, a new year starting in January, a new week starting on Monday. We set our sights on accomplishment, starting at a point of renewal. I believe that success in every man's life depends on his routine, his habits. Study the life of every outstanding man, prophet or patriot, and you will find that he had good habits, his life was disciplined. The successful man, the disciplined man, starts everyday, every week, every year with enthused ambition. This day, this week, this month, this year, is going to be better than the last.

Michael Jordan was raised in this town where I live. It is obvious that he was not born a great basketball star. I am told that he practiced every day, even after he became a star. One sports reporter said that every day your could hear him heading to the basketball court; alone, he practiced all the fundamentals every day, even though he was a star. We are told that Caruso, one of the world's great tenors, practiced his vocal talents everyday, even after he was a great metropolitan opera star. The same for Van Cliburn, one of the world's great pianists, he practiced his scales everyday, even after he had become a great star. I am sure that Bill Gates is aware of every development in the computer field. I am sure that Warren Buffet is totally engaged in the stock market, even though a man with billions of dollars, still wanting to make another dollar. The difference between us and them, those who are so successful and those who are not, successful people never take their eyes, nor their thoughts, away from their goals. The things you do everyday, are either hurting you or helping you.

I have not seen myself in a mirror for nearly 50 years, I have no idea about my appearance, but I still go through the same routine everyday of my life...shaving, caring for my hair. I still try to dress correctly when I go out in public, always a dress shirt, tie and jacket. Onlookers, aware of my disability, would understand if this old, blind man looked like a slob. Discipline, routine, habits, will keep you going through the obvious. To the obvious, we are all terminal, all moving towards our Golgotha hill. This is the essence of apologetics.

Magically, everyone will not win life's lotteries, money, fame, absence of suffering. You prepare, you work, you pray, you always have the blessing of a new beginning, a new start, a new day. Even if you have messed up, even if others remember your failures, your new birth is up to you. We worship the God of new beginnings.

We are not promised a life of ease. The first thing to teach in apologetics, that this is testing ground, if you thought it was bad before you became a Christian, just wait, it will get worse. Remember, God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, (John 3:17) but that we might have an abundant life. (John 10:10) God is Boss, He requires trust, 1/10 of everything you make belongs to Him, whether you give it or not. 1/7 of your time belongs to Him, whether you give it or not. He built the stage, He has provided everything, including the manufacturer's handbook of instructions.

Friday, March 25, 2011


From the earliest civilizations, among more-or-less civilized human beings, there have always been an implicit rules involving the treatment of fellow mortals, referred to as natural law, or in the military, a “code of conduct”. Laws did not first appear at Mt. Sinai, when God breathed life into man, he breathed a soul with a conscience. We have learned to “endure hardness as a good soldier“ (2 Timothy 2:3).

Always, whether fighting with sticks and stones, or swords like in the American Civil War, we learned to control our emotions. Otherwise, the wounded would always be killed, civilians would be slaughtered, there would be even more destruction of property than is found in modern warfare. Civilized nations have learned the high price paid when warfare is not conducted by civilized means.

The American state-controlled news media had nothing to say about America's latest warfare embarrassment, the publishing of pictures in Der Spiegel, a German newspaper, of atrocities in Afghanistan (by the self-described “Kill Team”). Pictures repugnant to everything civilized people believe in. We all know that the media seeks to print and talk about anything involving fear, war, or sex, to push down, not push up, faith, family and friendships. The best-seller is always the worst-smeller. We are told that these American army killers are facing prosecution...that ambassadors and military brass are trying to keep things quiet. Likewise, the American installed President Karzai is equally trying to keep things undercover. The faces of the victims were blurred, but the atrociousness is apparent. In spite of our very evident flaws, our national decadence, the worst of us are ashamed of this depravity.

Every day, in every news broadcast, vivid with accounts of America sinking into the pit of sinfulness, of Satan's magic bringing everything to new low. Lying, cheating stealing is a steady diet. It is difficult to trust anyone or anything, especially the government. A great tsunami/earthquake, like a bulldozer with a blade many miles long and unbelievable force, just sweeps everything towards what ever will eventually meet the force (the mountains). Involved in this destruction, nuclear power plants, bringing on worries about radiation. We find that radiation from these meltdowns has already encircled the earth. As we worry about radiation protection, the magazine Popular Science, March 2011, tells us that protective wear for those venturing into outer space was/is not sufficient to protect from radiation. How were the astronauts protected that went to the moon?

The Babylon on the Potomac competes with Babylon on the Hudson, Wall Street in perfecting the lie...lying, cheating, stealing of, and from, the American people. It all started in this country at the beginning of the 20th century. Our forefathers were just hard at work trying to survive and later to make this a dynamic, constitutional, democratic republic. Sin was not rampant, certainly not out in full view. What would our ancestors think, if they could see the sewage piped right into your living room via the television and computer? I remember the first radios, much static; I remember the first movies, shown on the sides of a large building. In “fly-over” country, there were few bars, restaurants, clubs for the average working man to indulge in. The elitists, everywhere, had their country club fraternal orders (moose, elks, etc.), vacation hotels, where they could sin, isolated from the masses.

On the edge of most towns in the South, the great western plains, there were, what were called in my youth, “roadhouses”. I remember, there were very few motor lodges, fewer hotels, but as was the case, even in restored American villages (colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown, etc.) there were country inns; later, tourist homes, and now franchised motels. I remember there was a roadhouse, near one town which we would pass, called “Dixie Inn”. My mother would say, “that is a roadhouse, full of sin, don't ever go to a place like that.” The local good ol' boys, politicians, church reprobates would go there to drink moonshine, gamble, make smoke-filled room political decisions, and even a place for prostitution. Oh, but if sin could only have been kept in the roadhouse.

From the roadhouse, every form of immorality spread like a disease. The believers just turned the other cheek, the unbelievers thrived on the commerce, and now we have depravity in the military, corruption in politics, gnosticism in the church, and failures in commerce and every other facet of American life.

Elizabeth Taylor was buried yesterday. I saw her perform in London and New York, she was a woman of wealth and beauty beyond compare, husbands and children (7 husbands and children). Her life was filled with good deeds, but she never prepared for death; self and things, were her idols.

When God possesses your heart, you have the contemplation, loving awareness of God. I wish I had prayed more for the repentance, conversion and redemption of Elizabeth Taylor. When we are born, God assigns a guardian angel to us, this angel is with us to the end, giving us light, guidance, safety. I have failed God many times, but God has never failed me, all He wants is trust. He is boss. Your angel, assigned to you by God, reminds you of that minute by minute.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Beyond the comprehension of man, the human mind, an estimated 100 billion neurons. We are told that man does not use but about 50% of his brain potential. From ancient times, men have tried to change the minds of other men. We do what we do because we believe what we believe, and most of our doing is because of “stinking thinking”. Light came into the world, but most men preferred darkness to light. (John 3:19)

With accuracy, we can determine scientific equations, duplicate experiments, but just as good tissue, unable to coexist with cancerous tissue, health unable to coexist with disease, we still think that evil and good can coexist together, that instead of the church changing the world, the world has most definitely changed the church. At the temple in Jerusalem, there was the Courtyard of the Gentiles, where gentiles supposedly would learn about Judaism, become converted to Judaism, share belief with unbelief.

This week, in Paris, France, a new “Courtyard of the Gentiles” is in session. At several Paris locations including the Sorbonne, academics, diplomats, intellectuals, and clergy are meeting together, believers and non-believers, Pope Benedict will address the group. The only prerequisite for attendance: one cannot be convinced of their own convictions. As is the case with the liberal church (both Christian and Catholic), politicians, educators, everyone should be “broad-minded”.

King Solomon, considered the world's wealthiest and wisest man, son of King David, “a man after God's own heart”, was known for his wisdom, wives, and wealth. He built to the glory of God, the world's greatest building, built entirely out of cedar wood and gold, covering thirteen acres, at its dedication, 22,000 oxen were sacrificed and sheep beyond number. When God, as a majestic cloud, entered the building, the great choir stopped singing, the musicians stopped playing. Solomon had knowledge and wealth beyond compare, but towards the end of his life, having lived as no other man has ever lived, the largest library in the world, more gold than any other man in the world, he summed up everything in these words: ...Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

For the believer in God, there are no concessions, no compromises. Solomon knew the history of the Jewish people, installed pillars at the Red Sea where the children of Israel crossed on dry land. He knew about the Nile turning to blood, the locusts, the passover. I was in Australia, and several other places in the world, where locusts had devoured the crops.

One does not have to be convicted or convinced of locusts, you hear them, you smell them, they devour everything edible. The early Mormons did not have be convinced or convicted of locusts. One of the greatest moments in Mormon history occurred in 1848, when the first crop in Utah was threatened by a plague of locusts, crops needed for their survival. They fought the locusts in every way possible, and when it seemed that all was lost, after much prayer, a great cloud of seagulls came in and devoured the locusts.

When will we learn that there is no negotiation between God and Satan? Apathy and agnosticism, masquerading, playing footsie with the devil, has just about destroyed the effectiveness of the church, Catholic, Protestant, particularly the Baptists. The locusts of skepticism, deception, humanism, modernism, has taken over the religiosity of denominations. In England, two church buildings are auctioned or sold every day. In America, the congregations are small, with white hair.

The more I am around religious people, the more I am convinced that the road to hell is paved with religion. Playing church, many supporting a Democrat party which is brazen enough to highlight eugenics and the homosexual agenda in its platform. Blacks, voting 99% for the Democrat candidates, nationalism, liberation theology; Catholics, the most pro-life denomination, and the world's largest denomination, able to control most votes, voting 54% for pro-choice candidates; Baptists, loving their social gospel more than God, compromising in every area of theology, in eastern North Carolina, responsible for the decadence and the poverty of the state. The Southern Baptists and Free Will Baptists have given their votes to the Democrat party, year after year, as the world, the flesh, the devil, has taken over.

Americans spend 9% of their income on food, slowly but surely, food prices will double, then triple. At sat across the table from the president of a Christian college at lunch, he told me that he voted for Obama, the pro-abortion, pro-Islam candidate. I am sure that most of his other Christian college faculty did the same, Satan has these people right in the palm of his hand. Social locusts, spiritual locusts, and even physical locusts can bring starvation to a once prosperous nation. God has always warned about plagues, we have no fear of God anymore, even though he talks with us through volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, droughts, and even nuclear fallout. Productive, crop-yielding farm lands, can be poisoned from toxins. My advice to the people in the Courtyard of the Gentiles, my advice to those in the temple, the church, the cathedral, the world-wide classroom. Fear God and keep His commandments. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Brush Arbor

The greatest act of human existence is the act of worship...where the needs of mankind meet the greatness of God. In traveling every continent of the earth, I have witnessed all forms of worship, from the anointing spoon of India's Hindus to the voodoo dancing in Africa. In Christianity, Christians meet other Christians at the foot of the Cross, as different as solemnity of St. Patrick's Cathedral, 5th Avenue, New York City, or the tent revival of evangelist Oliver P. Green, in an eastern North Carolina town.

I have discussed many times, my experiences selling Bibles up and down every “pig path” in eastern North Carolina during my 8 years as a university student, paying my way through college and professional school. In eastern North Carolina, 70 years ago, the Pentecostals would have large revival services in brush arbors. In a wooded area, built a large frame-type structure covered with branches and trees which has been cut down to give shade during the day, a covering at night. This was before the time of air conditioning, the church house was just too hot for such services. Under the brush arbor, air could circulate, wood shavings to cover the ground, temporary benches, large crowds could be seated. For the music they either had a small transportable organ, or string instruments such as guitars. There would be a small raised platform at the front for the evangelist. Often in the sound and fury of the singing, those filled with the message would run around the area, often running into a tree.

There was as much difference in these worship services as Ryman Auditorium , Nashville TN and Avery Fisher Hall, New York City. I have been to both, I know what I am talking about. I saw mother Maybelle Carter and her daughter June Carter Cash singing at the Ryman Auditorium, and I heard Lawrence Melchior at the Metropolitan Opera. I have enjoyed Archbishop Fulton Sheen, R.C. Sproul, Dr. Gene Scott, and even the evangelist Dr. Oliver P. Green. I have never heard a singer in a concert or preacher in a place of worship that I did not enjoy to some extent. I do not understand how any human being can have any enjoyment for the staccatic decadence which they call music, that you hear from some cars at some traffic lights and in changing channels on the radio.

Music is a comfort to human existence, that in the worship service should be very different from that in nightclubs. Children should learn early in life, the sacredness, sanity and sanctity of worship. There is an attitude of worship, the Jews in the Old Testament stood during the reading of the Torah. Early Christians stood during the worship services. Too many, on padded pews, smug, sophisticated, regard the worship service as just another meeting, often whispering, doing something else during the service. At the University Cathedral in Los Angeles, I have heard Dr. Gene Scott (now dead), notorious non-conformist theologian, stop right in the middle of a sentence and instruct an usher to escort someone right out of the backdoor, who was not paying attention to what he was saying, whispering or otherwise inattentive. I have heard the great preacher, Dr. R.G. Lee, when giving the gospel invitation at the end of his impressive, incomparable sermon, tell people who were getting up to leave early, to never come back. “Everything done for God's glory during the week, here in this church, is directed toward this invitation. If you are not prepared to worship with us for the entire service, if the cafeteria line is more important than the souls of men, we don't need you here.”

The litmus test of evangelical religion is our attitude of worship. Many have tried to replace the Holy Spirit of God, replacing Christian hymns and sermons with drums and drama, bells and smells. These days, more churches have split because of music than anything else. The jet-set, rock-a-billy crowd wanting an acoustic frolic. We, old-timey Christians enjoying the message of the hymn, quality organ and piano. I love Chicago's Moody Church, turning the dial on my radio, I can recognize the Moody church organ.

At the great Riverside church in New York City, I saw the great bells played. I spent many thousands of dollars to have a schulmerich carillon put in the church where my parents worshiped. Of course, they did not appreciate them, did not want them, even though it made a clairant call to Christ in the countryside. Worship is not entertainment, is a part of Sabbath rest for the Christian celebrating the Lord's day. At our farm home in the country, we were never given any choice about Sunday school or church, Sunday was a day of rest, even all the work animals, mules, etc. went to the pasture on Sunday.

Sunday afternoons were a time for visitation by relatives, many of whom had enjoyed the church service and my mother's bountiful dining table. God rested the seventh day, told us to do the same. If you want good health, give your body a day of fasting and rest, each week. 60% of our energy comes from the air we breath, 40% from calories, the reason for illness: calories and chemicals. Most of our body's energy is spent just digesting all the food we have crammed into our gullet, the body needs a time to rest and restore, fasting is a vacation for our internal body. Joy comes in possessing something good, there is no greater joy than the neurological, psychological, physiological act of worship. O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. (Psalm 34:8)

Gods In White Coats

I had just arrived as a member of the staff of the US Army Hospital, Fort McClellan Alabama. The medical officers on duty hung out in the bachelor officer's quarters, watching television; if needed anywhere, could be easily reached by phone.

The first night I was there, the obstetrics officer said, “Tom, go with me to surgery, I am going to make a Cesarian delivery.” I had never seen a Cesarian delivery previously, and it was a rewarding experience. The next night, another obstetrics medical officer, father of four children, said to me, “Tom, go with me to surgery and gown up, I have to do an abortion surgery.” I hated to show my ignorance, but in school, we were embarrassed to even talk about such. I suppose, that in order to prepare me for the shock, on the way to surgery, he said, “this women lost her husband in the war, she already has three children, now we find she has cancer, in every way, she is a mess. She has decided that we end the gestation.”

I went in the room and watched. She was draped and I could see very little about the procedure until, with the forceps, he began to drag out the body parts of the baby. I would give most anything to be able to wipe this scene from my memory, those small feet, small hands, etc. I was so sickened, I just turned and left the room. Later he asked me, “what happened?” I said, “never mention this incident to me again.” But, between me and you, I never had another ounce of respect for the doctor, the fact that he could kill and deliver innocence, a man who had four precious children at home waiting for him.

The field of bioethics is new to the healthcare community...abortion, stem cells, in-vitro fertilization, cloning, etc. It has been said that in worship, man's needs meets God's goodness and greatness. I believe that in the treatment of the innocence of the unborn and those who are worn out with living, we find our measurement as a man, as a society, as a nation. Bioethics concerns ethical questions that arise in the relationships between biology, medicine, politics, law and philosophy.

The one person who enjoys more respect, than any other in our nation, is the doctor. Every area of specialty, naturopath, osteopath, optometrist, dentist, chiropractors, podiatrist. Many get the idea that they are God when they put on a white coat, particularly the medical scientists, those who work in medical schools, medical laboratories, those who never have the joy of the blessed interaction of doctor-patient care. This one factor was left out in the ludicrous Obama healthcare program/legislation, those who support the Obama/communist healthcare system, those who support big Pharma, socialization of all healthcare, are mostly just healthcare scientists rather than practitioners.

You are considered a nut if you even discuss life-giving, health-giving supplements. You are considered a “quack”, when you say that 60% of your energy comes from fresh air, 40% from food. You are considered radical when you say that calories and synthetics are responsible for most illness. To the scientists, it does not matter if life begins in the petri dish, rather than the love act of a father and mother. To the scientists, it is not immoral or unethical to destroy stem cells from fertilized embryos, new individuals, in each cell of the embryo, the DNA which could fill thousands of pages. Take heed, lest any man deceive you (Mark 13:5, Matthew 24:4) Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with … cares of this life (Luke 21:34).

Satan's magic has convinced many that there is no difference in good works and Holy works. University students, even those in the healthcare professions, know little about holiness. There is nothing, I repeat, there is nothing as Holy as the sensitivity of life toward the youngest, as well as the oldest. The individual of just a few cells, or the individual of 70 trillion cells. You can be sure that with limited resources, liberal indoctrination of healthcare workers will include the message that old people do not deserve the same expensive surgery and care as the young. You can be sure that the Alzheimer's patient will not deserve the care of the active, taxpaying, middle-aged patient (even though new neuron therapy is available to the Alzheimer's patient through the nose). In the future, the greatest question facing the doctor: will he preserve elderly life, for a few weeks, months, years longer?

Many years ago, in Manhattan, I attended the great 5th Avenue Presbyterian church. After the founding of Princeton University, this church would give every new preacher from that university a new suit upon graduation. Today, the chairman of the Bioethics department at Princeton, Dr. Peter Singer, now promotes the philosophy of abortion, even weeks after childbirth if the parents are not satisfied with the baby and that “killing a newborn baby is never equivalent to killing a person.“ God will apologize to Sodom if the treatment of personhood by the intelligentsia, academia, the Democrat party, escapes the wrath of God.

As a totally blind, 100% disabled veteran, I have talked enough with the disabled and disenfranchised of the world to know about man's inhumanity to man. I have traveled every continent of the world, seen poverty as very few other people, seen the beautiful faces of poor people, not one would have wished to have been unborn We are so confused, ¼ of all students in the Ivy League universities are there because their parents were able to pay the many thousands of dollars for consultants to make the connections necessary to get their children into these schools. There are thousands of applicants for every space at prestigious universities, most with all the credentials needed, scores, previous activities, etc. Elitist parents are now paying up to $40,000 to consultants who know how to pull the right ropes to get their children into these supposed launching pads to greatness.

In this jungle of life, if not perfect, if not from wealth, if disabled, learn to endure hardness as a good soldier (2 Timothy 2:3). In the council chambers of eternity, before God created the earth, He was aware of you. Of the billions of people who have lived on earth, no one else in the world is like you, your facial features, your voice, your mind, your fingerprints, your ability to love and be loved.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Juggling Circus In The Jungle

There is not much in our controlled news about it, but the NASA space probe MESSENGER, after a 7 year, 4.9 billion mile trip is now circling the planet Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun. I hope, after this time and distance, money spent, Americans will receive some good from this exploration/exploitation.

It is very much like the long wait, particularly in North Carolina, for conservatives to gain a small foothold in local and state government. My ancestors, first landing in and founding Morristown New Jersey, then arriving in eastern North Carolina, the only Republicans in the community, would weep as they witnessed the corruption and domination of the Democrat party in this state. Christian conservatives, hard-working, God-fearing, taxpaying citizens, they had to be content with any crumbs that fell from the Democrat table. The semblance of freedom they had inherited, the Satanic magic visited upon responsible people.

It was a Saturday morning, I was enjoying my beach house, right on the ocean at Wrightsville Beach, NC. The doorbell rang, she introduced herself, was looking for one of my former tenants, a university student, the daughter of Dr. Ira Trollinger, former school superintendent of the State of Virginia Schools. I had met this lady when she was a newspaper reporter, interviewing me, her lawyer husband did some work for me. So, we sat on the porch and had a civil conversation. I could not understand why this lady, intelligent, personable, would be a member of the Obama campaign, out searching for a girl who had moved out, stealing much of my property, beautiful french-provincial furniture. I described to her the problems me, two lawyers and an insurance company had encountered trying to collect my damages from her father who had signed all the lease agreements. I told her that her boyfriend was assistant manager of a local store, my lawyer had actually talked with him. But no one seemed to know the whereabouts of the girl she was looking for, a supposed voter for Obama.

The Obama campaign worker left my house better informed about many things, I was better informed about many things, because I realized then, more than ever before, the reasons the Democrats had a stranglehold on politics in North Carolina. They could depend on such workers as she, a professed liberal, to get out the votes for the liberals who simply want to live off the hard work of others...lying, cheating, stealing.

Another thing was evident to ,e, and I always try to impress upon Republicans and Independents, it is “only the fists” that will give real Americans political significance, a fist made up of many fingers. The disabled, the largest minority; the veterans, those who know the inexplicable joy of service to God, family and country; evangelical Christians, those who are supposed to value life, from the womb to the grave; Libertarians and Independents, those who are well-informed on the Constitution, a society wrestling with debt that can never be paid; tea party patriots, citizens who have tolerated long enough, the ravishment and raping of this democratic republic.

Republicans should find that Americans are tired of sending their sons and daughters to endless wars, the government-controlled media is already in “war mode” again. In Iraq, it was nerve gas; in Libya, it is mustard gas; in Kuwait, it was throwing babies out of incubators; in Egypt, enslavement by dictator. They tell us that Putin and Gaddafi have dragged out the word “crusader” again. One way or another, Middle East and North Africa is aflame: Bahrain, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Tunisia, Somalia, even Saudi Arabia, “wars and rumors of war”.

I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected medical officer veteran of the Korean conflict. I do not believe any one doubts my patriotism, however, not once in all the years I have lived at my address, has the Republican party, and I have been a registered Republican all these years, come to my house, seeking my vote. I heard my parents and grandparents lament about the same thing, “when will conservatives and Christians unite/organize to bring strength to the opposition Republican party in this state?”

My internist is in a practice of 62 doctors called Wilmington Health. I had finished my appointment and was waiting at the front of the building for a taxi cab. A very nice older lady said to this old blind man, “I saw you when you arrived, the taxi driver trying to get you into the building, why don't you have the van from the Dept. of Aging bring you for your appointments? I am waiting for the van now.” I said, “I did not know such service was available.” She said, in all sincerity, “you must be in the clique to get these services, your politics must be right. If you vote right, you will be taken care of, by the county.”

And so it is, from the time I was a child, if you were to teach school, work for the state highway department, work in a state hospital, even teach at the University of North Carolina (I know I what I am talking about, I saw the papers on one professor), you must be approved by the Democrat party. Even in recent years, to drive a school bus, you must be approved by the local democrat officials.

When will Republicans learn they have been scalped long enough by Democrat lawyers, judges, party bosses. For too long, content to sit in the bleachers, watching the game. For too long, evangelical Christians, particularly Baptists, hypocrites supporting the Democrat party of abortion and euthanasia. For too long, children of the disenfranchised, in despair, forced to support a political party whose principles they could not defend, a juggling circus in a jungle of political hypocrisy.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hunger For Laughter

In the early days of live television audiences, often on the street in the Times Square area, I was approached by someone offering me a ticket to a live television show. This was at the time of such television greats as Ed Sullivan, Milton Berle, Carl Reiner. Back then, several lifetimes ago, I had a small amount of vision in one eye, enough to get around.

At these shows, someone to the side would hold up a sign which said, “Applause”. To make the program, show, host seem entertaining, the audience was supposed to laugh and applaud at any little thing. At the warmup session, before the show came on the air, we were told that the world hungers for entertainment, laughter, applause. We, as the audience, were supposed to help with the entertainment, whether the subject matter was entertaining or not.

If you have one braincell still functional, you must have wondered at times, how could this audience find this so entertaining...people laughing and applauding at the simplest things, are we really so desperate for laughter? Fact is much stranger than fiction, just the absurdities of everyday life which we observe, which we hear about are much more entertaining than anything anyone could write or imagine.

The home of Juliette Gordon Low, Savannah GA, is a national memorial, open to the public. Juliette Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts of the USA in 1912, there are approximately 2.4 million Girl Scout youth, 900,000 adults. As is the case with the Boy Scout movement, no one knows of the good that scouting has done. As with most organizations not dependent on government largess, Girls Scouts raise their own money, in their case, by selling cookies. Savannah, like most cities, has some regulations which are so stupid, for instance, Girl Scouts cannot sell cookies anywhere around the Juliette Gordon Low house (which is considered “peddling on the street”).

There are two quotes from Henry Ward Beecher which I will never forget. One, “put a handle of truth on any lie and anyone will believe it”, the other, “laughter is God's medicine, everyone ought to bathe in it.” There is nothing more refreshing to anyone, at any age, than the laughter of a child. In South Africa, I talked at length with the ambassador from Angola. This Portuguese colony had just undergone a 27-year civil war. The ambassador said there was not one building left standing, and he never saw a smile on children's faces.

I was in India after a horrendous flood, the faces of the children there were so sad, one had to look away. I think about this after an earthquake/tsunami like the one that just hit Japan. With so many deaths, so much damage, you wonder if people can ever laugh again. It is so necessary to prepare for these unexpecteds, tragedies, disasters, diseases of living. Death is a part of life. One of the most remarkable things about the human eye, the chemical composition of the tears of sadness are different from the tears of gladness; God knew there would be much of both. If, as expected, the next earthquake (and they are coming so fast and furious) will be in the northeast of the pacific fringe. There has already been earthquakes in the southeast (Chile), southwest (New Zealand) and the northwest (Japan). Life's breath consists of happiness and sadness.

There are about 100 billion pieces of junk mail delivered every year. The face of Colonel Sanders (who died in 1980) is better known, worldwide, than that of Mao, Stalin, Hitler, or even Obama. Business enterprise did not start with business schools at the university, history did not start with history classes in colleges. We, as a civilization, as people of religion and faith were handling psychological problems before the time of the psychologist and even the psychiatrist. Entire civilizations became educated before there were schools of education, the more we learn, the more things stay the same, I feel sure that Jesus Christ and his disciples were home-schooled. We have no record of Jesus laughing, but the shortest verse in scripture tells us that He wept. (John 11:35)

In our dumbed-down, politically correct, systems of news, entertainment, and even sermons, we feel no one is successful, whether pastor, professor or politician, unless they can perform as a stand-up comedian. I had one bacteriology professor who felt he was more accepted and entertaining if he gave some strange, remote epithet for every microbe. A President of the United States, number 43, felt he was more successful if he gave a stupid classless nickname to every friend, such as is common with those in the “fraternity boy “set. Such is the narcissism which runs amok in the minds of those not disabled and disenfranchised.

I found in my world travels that the happiest people were often the poorest people. I truly believe it was because they did not know any better, that there was no better for them, in their mind, physically or spiritually, ignorance is bliss. Life on planet Earth is so short, full of troubles, trials, tribulations, dirt, disease and death. We are told that God laughs (Psalm 2:4), to think that those who have so much to gain, are so intent on losing.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Get A Goat

Sophocles (c. 497 – 406 BC) perhaps one of the best known Greek philosophers and playwrights (123 plays written, 7 survived), reportedly left the Greek state of Athens and went to Egypt inquiring how the fabulous Egyptian culture had been established. The Egyptians want us to know the same thing from the Greeks. He was told that the surviving Egyptian culture was a remnant of the lost city of Atlantis. Sophocles told the Egyptians that at the time of the Great Flood, some Greek herdsman had survived along with their goats by clinging to the tops of Greek mountains. He said, “with a goat, man can survive, because a goat can eat anything and nothing is better for you than goat's milk.”

In another commentary, I have described one of my heroes, a Catholic priest driving a pick-up truck; like me, waiting for a bridge to be repaired in the Congo. On the back of his pick-up truck, four dying AIDS victims with a nanny goat for nourishment, all heading toward Goma, where he hoped to find some healthcare for the victims.

If I had walked through the streets of a Japanese city, days, or even weeks, before the earthquake/tsunami carrying a sign, which on it said, “prepare”, I would have been considered a nut, telling the highest IQ people in the world to prepare for a disaster. They were evidently not prepared in any way for the disaster, even having witnessed the last great tsunami, just a few years ago when 300,000 were killed. The Japanese, like Americans, like everyone, fail to prepare for contingencies.

If I were to walk through the average American city carrying a sign that says “Prepare!” I would be considered a nut, probably a “religious nut”. You don't see them now, but when I was a child, there were “Burma shave” signs up and down the highway with funny sayings but all winding up saying, “prepare to meet God.” Every cemetery, every gravestone is a testimony that most did not prepare to meet God. Every news broadcast, every synapse of the human brain, tells anyone that it would be good to prepare for a disaster. They are coming so fast we cannot keep up with them. 300 earthquakes in the Pacific area alone, just recently. We have already forgotten about Christ Church, Haiti, Chile.

Only those who were loved, have not left those who will not quickly recover from these disasters. Only those who suffer the poverty of recovery from disaster, know the cutting aspects, the neurological leeching of hunger, thirst, need for shelter, the desire to do something for an innocent, uncomprehending child. Only a man who has experienced war, knows war. Only a person who has experienced God can know God. God always knows what He is doing. As 19 year old Joan of Arc said, just before she was burned at the stake, “I was born for such a time as this.” On the authority of God's Word, on the authority of everything I have ever read, every experience of my life, I can tell you that there is one psychological disease from which there is no recovery. It is the traumatic disease-experience of poverty, I don't care what anyone says, prophet, preacher, poet, you never recover from poverty.

Even though I was born to prominent, early, established families on the shore of America...just hard-working, land-owning farm people. As a child, there was never any doubt about my parents, grandparents, right on back, affections and afflictions, God, family, country. The church always came first, then the family, then community activity, predominately in the schools. The government was supported through paying taxes, and at time of war, records of family members who have died in conflict.

It was during the Great Depression, I had heard of inside plumbing, water coming through pipes into a building, only a few relatives had such. My mother picked out the patterns for her dresses from the hog feed sacks, she made her own so my sister could have store-bought clothes. My grandparents, old, worn-out, trying to keep large farms going with hired help, while their only son was in combat in the South Pacific. My father, all his brothers, involved in military service or the war effort, my mother and her children keeping the farm going.

I will never forget the old men of the family, and the community, who always wore shoes split, so as not to aggravate bunions (callouses from tissue and joint enlargement around the bases of the toes), this came from wearing ill-fitted shoes as children. Nothing, I repeat, nothing has gnawed at my faith like poverty, good people living exemplary lives, totally embalmed by faith, eeking out an existence.

From a small country school (13 in graduating class), I matriculated at our state university. Always aghast at those in the state elite...prep schools, fraternities, expensive sweaters and convertibles. I remember listening to these recipients of elitist state genealogy, profiteers of wealth, laugh about the “country hicks”, “country girls” they had besmirched. I thought, “they are talking about my people, my relatives, my sister.” Even today, I hear the country club generations talking about their great chefs. At Chapel Hill, I allotted myself $1 a day for food, 25 cents for breakfast, a bowl of grits and coffee, 25 cents for lunch, the cheapest sandwich and coffee, 50 cents for supper, a vegetable plate. You see, we never knew what it was to eat a large piece of meat. I still have the large cast-iron fireplace cooking pot which my ancestors used from the very beginning to cook their food in one large pot. They were still using that when I went to college, cooking in one large pan in the oven. My entire university career, eight years, it gnawed at me, night and day, as I worked every night in order to go to school during the day, economizing to survive. The question, why is God so unfair to his own? They have so little, while Satan's crowd, through his magic, have so much.

Back in the council chambers of eternity, our Blessed Lord had already made all these decisions, it is just up to us to obey. For instance, he wanted to see what I would do after living a live, such as I have lived, as a child, teenager, college student, commissioned medical officer. He wanted to see how I would react after I have lost my most precious possession next to life itself, my eyesight.

The test of man, the test of a believer, is not what he does when everything is going well, but what he does when everything goes wrong. Then, he wanted me to scurry around the world, smelling, hearing, asking questions, finding out, truly, how most of the world lives.

Surviving, preparing, everything about life involves preparation, sowing and reaping. Until you understand the sower, you will never understand our Blessed Lord's plan for the universe. I will never recover from poverty, but I am filled with thankfulness that I was shown survival on the family farm. I have also been allowed to see much wealth in the world, and I truly cannot comprehend how these individuals whether on Wall Street, “K Street” or Oxford Street, could depend on a goat for survival.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

In The Box

In my young days, at public meetings, civic clubs, even the church house, I was always known to be “the craziest one in the room”. I always let people know that you cannot move a box while standing in it, you can only move a container from the outside. Most people are so politically correct, so afraid of offending someone or something, they just go along to get along, sit in the comfort of the box, and that is the reason things never change.

At the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown, before the survivors were taken away, they were stripped naked, hosed down and covered in blankets. Nothing from the place or the surrounding area was allowed to leave, except for the naked survivors, most of whom later died. If any unauthorized person went back to Chernobyl (everything was full of radiation) and was caught, the person was immediately shot. They meant business.

When I was in Africa, if the government of Botswana caught Ivory poachers, they were shot on the spot. There is less crime, less poaching, when the news of the consequences gets around. We still have parents, a society, allowing deadly, addictive drugs to be sold to their children. We are much too empathetic to do anything about it. We could have ended the illegal drug trade years ago by executing a few pushers, we could have ended child molestation by executing a few perverts. Instead, we send them to a training camp-prison, where, at the taxpayer's expense, when they are not sleeping or watching television, they are getting graduate courses in not getting caught next time.

The greatest of preachers, Charles Hayden Spurgeon's prayer, “help those with hard hearts to be soft, and those with soft hearts to be hard.” One prominent politician in my town, told one of my friends, “Dr. Morris is too hard about chloride and fluoride in our water system, too hard about crime on our streets, too hard about the culture of corruption in politics.”

I don't know about yours, but in this town many churches have taken the word “church” off of their signs. They prefer to call their non-denominational church by a name: “rock”, “vineyard”, “assembly”, etc. At least the Catholics are still proud to put the word “Catholic” on the walls of their church. Can you imagine a McDonalds without the golden arches? The problem is the church-Christian has never realized the power possessed, power that has changed the world, power in western civilization that makes the difference. You realize this when you travel through Godless, pagan and communist countries. They are all controlled from a tyrant on the top. One does not dare challenge anything. The tragedy: this American democratic republic is rapidly getting that way.

The government at the top controls news sources, the government controls academia through research grants, student loans, permits and promises of every type. The government at the top, controls pre-college education: the federal government's contribution to the local school system is only 6% but in order to get that 6% there are endless mandates and regulations. Federal and state governments control all commercial enterprise through permits, directives, rules and regulations of every type.

The government at the top, controls all financial institutions: banks, the securities industry. A certain group of Americans can hardly wait for 1/6 of all financial power in the healthcare system to be turned over to the federal government. Go down the list, commerce: FTC; healthcare, medicine: FDA; communication of every type, FCC; investing and banking: SEC; housing and building: FHA; agriculture, food health: FDA; social services: FSS; air travel: FAA; national security: NSA; homeland security, etc. etc. and so it goes.

Your world, your country, your life totally controlled by a tyrannical system intent on keeping you in a box. You are not supposed to get out of the box, to ask any questions, even of those who “represent you” at the national, state or local level because their next election, their popularity, depends on your obedience. The chain of command, as in the military services, does not permit your freedom of speech and certainly your freedom of action. The people have yet to realize that they are slaves, permitted to keep working and paying taxes.

The difference between the police state, communist, socialist, tyrant system of government, you are still permitted to pretend that you own your own house as long as you keep paying the taxes on it. You own your own vehicle, furniture, equipment by which you make a living, as long as you keep paying taxes on it. You still own your children as long as you dance to the tune that the government plays. You can still buy your own food, supplements, “light bulbs” and other necessities of life as long as there is some tag on the article showing government approval.

Believe me, you cannot believe anything from local news, the only reputable news source is international shortwave news. Never more evident than this greatest physical disaster in world history, a 9.1 earthquake and tsunami off the coast of Japan. There are 54 nuclear plants in Japan, the six on the fault line are in a meltdown, which could turn into a “china syndrome.” It is evident that Japan was not prepared for the disaster, to cool down of the reactors or care for their citizens who are in danger, geographically. We know there was a 3000 foot mushroom cloud, the equivalent activity of 4 hydrogen bombs. We do not question the Japanese resiliency, people with the world's highest IQs, scientific and industrial advances, the world's second largest financial power. Nations should have a real national defense program enacted, people stocking up with supplements and food. Throughout history, with the holocaust of earthquakes, volcanoes, because of the poison in the atmosphere and the poisoning of the soil famines have followed. These disasters are coming so fast and furiously, already we have forgotten Christ Church, Haiti, Chili.

Remember, the cure is often in the cupboard: activated charcoal, holistic clay, oregano, kelp, rosemary, etc. Americans have shown their disdain for their own body with addictions, tattoos, piercings, they have shown their lifestyle interests by spending time with such characters as Charlie Sheen. As implicit and intransitive as an artist's rendering of the baptism of Pocahontas, found in the Rotunda of our nation's capital, our body of 70 trillion cells, still dependent on the divine Creator.

Mechanical People

I have spent my live trying to discern why people do what they do. We do what we do because we believe what we believe, it is all a belief system. In God's greatest creation, man, we were instilled with free will and a conscience. The first laws for mankind did not appear on Mt. Sinai, nor Constitution Hall; from the very beginning, we knew natural law, right and wrong.

Paleontologists have discovered that even the earliest civilizations knew that it was wrong to kill one another, to steal one another's possessions. The years of recorded history have shown that we have developed in technology (from smoke signals, to cell phone, etc.), but human nature has not changed. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, could not keep just one law, not to eat of one tree; obedience, holiness to almighty God. Shelves of law books in libraries and lawyer's offices, has not denied or delayed the breaking of the most fundamental laws, we still lie, cheat, and steal, even the “best and most educated” among us. Just as there was murder in the first family, Kane killing his brother Abel; America, world superpower, the most advanced population, has the largest prison population, 2.2 million.

We know that 84% of all Muslims believe that their fellow Muslims should be killed if they convert to another religion. Other religions cannot be too critical, because even in Christian America, a Democrat party supports the abortion of the most innocent of life by a plurality of the same, 84%.

Until the Great Flood, 4090 BC, sin had so increased that God decided to kill all of His chief creation. He selected Noah and his family to survive. For those pitiful people who refuse to believe our history, traditions and redemption, from Noah until the Cross, I cite to you Genesis 10, 11, 12, the genealogy of Noah's sons; then from Abram, the first Jew, old covenant history.

We are left beleaguered and confused about the behaviors of these ancient civilizations. Those of us who have studied Egyptology, the remarkable architecture of the pyramids, Abu Simbel, Thebes, the enslavement of these early civilizations, man's inhumanity to man, and yet the mental ability necessary for the construction of these great edifices. For instance, the Great Pyramid, 450 million tons of stone, blocks weighing 60 tons, so perfectly joined together that even a human hair cannot go between them. Yet, when the Israelite slaves left Egypt, these people, God's chosen race, had plundered all the gold, silver and valuables of Egypt. Yet, these chosen people, when Babylon captured Jerusalem, were still such slow learners. In 587 BC Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had destroyed the greatest building in the history of the world, Solomon's temple, plundered all of the gold of the city. Neither King, father or son, learned of King Nebuchadnezzar cruelty. After King Zedekiah's sons were put to death right before his eyes, his father imprisoned, Zedekiah himself blinded and thrown into a Babylonian dungeon, then he may have realized the depravity of man, man's ability to do greatness and man's ability to do evil.

John Newton, as a boy, could curse for two hours continuously, without ever using the same word twice. He became a slave ship captain, but his tongue changed when his heart changed. After God changed His heart, he could write the world anthem of the Christian church, “Amazing Grace”, and pastored a church in England (St. Mary Woolnoth) for 28 years, until his death.

The YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) was founded in England in 1844. The first YMCA in America, was in Boston (1851). President Lincoln encouraged this YMCA to distribute thousands of Bibles to the troops during the Civil War. Today, the YMCA has lost all Christian identity, has become a place of family recreation, discourages disabled and handicapped people from even attending. This writer, who had the longest membership at the local YMCA, participated in a hearing brought under the Americans with Disabilities Act to this facility, and was forced away from this local group. The YMCA, like most so-called Christian churches, like most so-called civic clubs, have lost their identity with rightness, Christianity, adherence to either natural or civil laws. Again, Satan's magic having done it's work, it has a morgue for the profane.

We have seen the depravity in the minds of Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Stalin, Mao, and others who have make it no secret. We know the heights and depths of the Bilderbergers, politicians and kings. The Emperor of Japan, considered a God to his people, spoke to them for the first time in history, other than in time of war. Like Emperor Hirohito before him, few worshipers had ever heard his voice, but a 9.1 earthquake, threat of nuclear fallout, “changes things”. The sovereign God of the universe talks to His believers anytime, anywhere. To the unbelievers, he speaks through earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and certainly to follow, famine. The US federal government has put 480 million MREs (meals ready-to-eat) in storage. Believers, those who are not pretending, those who are not imposters, those who aren't mechanical figures trained to bow to decadence must depend on the blessings of a compassionate, heavenly Father who will never leave us nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)