CS Lewis, the great British writer, has said, “that the best and worst evidence for Christianity is Christians.” Christ does not need cowards to carry or defend His Cross. Good evidence of this is the reaction of Europe to a recent European court decision.
A Finnish-born mother, living in Italy with her two daughters, objected to the crucifix being displayed in the school classrooms as is the custom in Italy, a predominately Roman Catholic country. In its earlier ruling, the court had decided that the crucifix could be disturbing to some students, but the final ruling was that there is no evidence the display will have any influence on students. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! God help us when the display of the crucifix no longer has any influence.
One month from tomorrow, the world will have May Day celebrations, mostly in communist countries. A day of political demonstrations celebrated by unions, anarchist and socialist groups. Beginning in Australia in 1856, pointing to the later 1886 Haymarket Affair (a three-day strike in Chicago, after 4 strikers were killed by police at the McCormick Harvester plant), May Day celebrates the eight-hour work day. Every communist country celebrates the first day of May with a large parade, a display of military hardware, but most of all, workers for the state. I have attended May Day parades in Russia (In Moscow, I stood at the Kremlin with the delegation from Cuba), Mongolia and China...thousands of state-controlled workers, marching with precision in their controlled uniforms, carrying their controlled banners, proclaiming the idiomatic messages of Marxism.
Mayday is also used internationally as an emergency code word for a distress signal (repeated three times, so there is no confusion). At this time in history, there should be long distress calls of “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday” as we see the globalists rebalancing the New World Order. Just as the genuineness of the crucifix in the schoolrooms of the predominately Catholic country of Italy, so at one time, was the patriotism of the stars and stripes of the American flag in every school room of this democratic republic. In most schools, even a portrait of George Washington (father of our country), a man of unequaled integrity and secular appeal, was found in every classroom; the Holy Bible was found in every classroom, and every day American school students started their day with Bible reading, prayer, and a pledge of allegiance to the flag. An innocuous, 22-word prayer, was taken out of the schools in 1963, after a ruling by the supreme court. Prayer in school has been replaced by police patrolling the hallways; there are now more problems, drop outs, lower scores than ever in the public schools.
Lucifer has worked his magic through electronics devices (TV, computer, cell phone, etc); students of the last generation have been so dumbed-down (and now these are the parents of the other dumbed-down students), that they do not even recognize the Luciferian take-down of the world, such as was present in government and among the attitudes of the people before the Great Flood, self-interest above all other interests. Americans are mostly interested in their own selfish careers, their own bank account, their own children, their own social activities, their own doctor, their own lawyer. Me, myself and I; pride, the beginning of every sin, all that is important in this me-ism society....don't bother me with facts, knowledge, I want to live in a subliminal world, making believe that everything is alright.
Who has considered that while planes, burning kerosene, caused skyscrapers to fall to the ground on 9/11, supposedly starting fires which melted the steel, while the nuclear plants in Japan, with fire many times hotter has not melted their steel? Who has thought about the 47 floor building that just fell to the ground in its own footprint hours after the other buildings fell? Has anyone answered questions about the messy Murrah building disaster in Oklahoma City.
Protestors and demonstrators in one Muslim country after another: Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Libya. Who has given thought to the obvious: the need for oil from all of these countries. In America, our muscles of faith have atrophied. We hear theologians talk about the antichrist, the antichrist is here, in our foreign policy. Thousands killed on 9/11, thousands killed since 9/11, over 4,000 military, unknown civilian casualties. Jumping into one foreign “entanglement” after another. George Washington, who said he had rather be on his farm than emperor of the war, in his farewell address to the nation, told us to beware of foreign entanglements, especially in Europe.
Are we so dumb that we cannot recognize that the antichrist has taken over and is running things in America, judiciary, banking, finance, education, healthcare. Churches do not want to hear about anything that is Christian...the evangelical church world has bought the antichrist, prosperity gospel, ecumenicalism, the idols of this world. There is shaking and quaking in our healthcare system, once the envy of the civilized world, unemployment will worsen, with increases in inflation, many will take just any job. We face impoverishment simply because of the inequities of free trade and its domino effects on world economy. In previous depressions and recessions, the entire world was not in poverty. China is the only nation that will survive present impoverishment, China is building, buying and selling, plans on the drawing board to build 10 cities the size of New York City.
I will leave you with a silver lining to every dark cloud, many of us still have the vocation of concern, the vocation of gratitude, the vocation of faithfulness. God did not bring us this far to desert us now. There is no cure for a nuclear remediation, once radiated, nothing can be reclaimed, there is no protection from radiation, but to His own, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” (Hebrews 13:5)