A 1975, Monty Python, BBC, movie, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, King Arthur and his knights, in this historical comedy, were attempting to find the Holy Grail. The knight in battle, first lost one arm, then the other arm, but still felt that he was a valuable soldier-fighter. He lost one leg and then the other, there he was, just a torso in full armor. But, he still had the heart of wanting to fight.
America is in financial default, worse off than Greece, and does not realize it yet. All terms have been redefined, decadence and indecency prevail. Former governor-senator, Corzine still rides around in his chauffeured limousine, does not know what happened to all the money. Nothing has changed, the same type people... religious big wheels, political pinheads, who turned Barabbas, the robber, loose to keep stealing on the streets, crucified the perfect-sinless son of God. Those whose money was stolen by Corzine-Obama-Bernanke, and their ilk, are riding in limousines, eating the choicest food from gold plates, while those who took the investment risk, exercise skills in survival.
When America came home from WWII, riding on the “running-boards” of those classic vehicles, Nazi scientists and mathematicians. (for instance Wernher von Braun, Redstone Arsenal's rocket expert, became best friends with Walt Disney, now you understand the rocket science in Disney movies-comic books) One German mathematician, the one who developed rocket trajectory, Dr. Alfred Brauer, became a noted mathematician at UNC-CH where he taught me advanced calculus. One of the first things I remember him doing, mathematically, proving that one equals two... just one little mathematical error in the many equations. The brilliant, but funny old man said, “I will give you one dolla and you give me two.” Those who purchased Greek bonds are getting back a 70% decrease on their investment, you pay $1,000.00 for a bond, you get back $300.00. The only reason the US Dollar is holding up, it is the world's most secure currency, the Euro Dollar, a disaster, people investing in US Dollars. Much like, the Titanic sinking, boarding the Lusitania, which will sink in the future.
The son of Judge Hubert Oliver, Lexington, NC, judge at the Nuremberg trials was at school at Chapel Hill with me. We need a Nuremberg tribunal to try the participants of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) for flooding the world with $700 trillion in derivative contracts. Just pieces of paper, much like fiat dollars, backed by thin air. Did all the financial experts, university professors, “money-changers” in the world, totally lose their minds? There is no way for this debt to be paid, entire world based on financial obligations which can never be repaid.
You can be sure, that if you owed the Internal Revenue Service money, that if you owed money in a child support arrangements, you would be hounded down and jailed. Those who have put the world in total financial turmoil, should be hunted down, one by one, and hanged.
The emperor is naked, the entire economy of the world is hanging by a thread. Banking systems held together with band-aids.
So that the welfare moochers will not be embarrassed with food stamps, the 50% of the American population depending on the production of others, now have plastic cards.
Channel 9, Colorado TV station investigation, 220,000 welfare transactions, much welfare money spent in liquor stores, $6000.00, just one store.
Thievery-decadence-sinfulness has always been a matter of degree. The thief in the limousine is as guilty as the thief on the bicycle. In the limousine, one drinking from a flask, has an alcohol problem, with ones possessions in a grocery cart under a bridge, one drinking bum-ripple from a bottle, is called a drunk.
Survival, living conditions, the entire history of man, built around the necessity for separation, the clean from the unclean. You learn early on the farm, that the rotten apples, potatoes, raw meats, must be separated from the good, otherwise everything becomes rotten-worthless. We live in a time, globally, when anything-everything is excused-exonerated. Satan has a very definite plan, he cannot create anything, only destroy.
So, here lies the financial world, full armor, limbless.
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