A gay rights group in Uganda filed suit today against longtime anti-gay activist Scott Lively, according to The New York Times. The lawsuit, filed by Sexual Minorities Uganda, claims that, beginning in 2002, Lively conspired with Ugandan political and religious leaders to increase anti-gay fervor in the country with warnings that gay men would sodomize African children and pervert their culture.
Lively is being sued for persecution as a crime against humanity, under the alien tort statute, which allows non-Americans to sue in American courts if violations of international law are alleged. The suit further claims that Lively’s actions “resulted in the persecution, arrest, torture and murder of homosexuals in Uganda.”
Lively, based in Springfield, Mass., is the head of Abiding Truth Ministries, which the Southern Poverty Law Center lists as a hate group. He is also the author of the notorious “history,” The Pink Swastika, a book that falsely claims that gay men filled the Nazi Party and were ultimately responsible for the Holocaust.
-Southern Poverty Law Center
Believe me, I have been there, Uganda, Africa is the last place you would expect to find gays or a gay agenda. But, whether in Tel Aviv, (the gay capital of the world) San Francisco, or your town, homosexuals usually have made a wrong turn, a turn which gives them a life of misery, often drugs, disease, early death.
It is so important for the blind not to make a wrong turn when walking anywhere. I have actually made a wrong turn, just sweeping the walk of my house, experiencing great difficulty just getting back to the front door But, many lifetimes ago when I had sight, driving, I would make a wrong turn and have to retrace.
Our lives, mostly from the excesses of the 20th century, are dwarfed, debilitated, by the moochers who live off the producers of society. These “wrong turn moochers” enabled by education systems, political systems, who have made wrong turns. Instead of education, commerce, parenting, promoting, self-confidence, and self-responsibility, the world has promoted self-dependence on the world, flesh, devil. We have a nation where 50% of it's citizens expect to live from the productive lives of the other 50%. In the entitlement-subsidized mentality, the government takes care of every need... education, healthcare, recreation, lifestyle essentials, retirement.
The most critical place in life to make a wrong turn, is in your relationship with God. Many, at great risk, defy God altogether. Too many make the wrong turn as far as following a false religion, for instance Mormonism, established by Joseph Smith, 1820, another, Jehovah Witnesses established by Charles Hayes Russel, 1870. There are about 41,000 “religious” denominations in the world today. The road to hell is paved with religion. Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, the son of God, Creator of the world and everything in it. (John 1, Acts 17)
When Jesus died on the cross, when He said, “It is finished,” (John 19) the veil of the temple was rent, top to bottom... all the way to the bottom. One does not need the book of Mary Baker Eddy, Joseph Smith, Ms. White, or Mr. Russell to “magnify” our Lord. God said it, God will not lie. Hold onto the faith that God will back His Word, He values His Word.
Christianity is not a formula. Repentance means making a turn. When you make that turn, your heart is filled with the righteousness of Christ. God sees you as the righteousness of His son. God is willing for His son to live in you.... Christ-like, Christian. How many people on the church pews of your church are Christ-like, family members, neighbors?
Almost every black preacher who visits me, feels he must “talk in tongues” before he leaves in order to impress upon me he is Christian. White or black, degrees or not, I believe that God is more impressed with lifestyle, love for His Word.
Eastern religions look for God in everything, cows, monkeys, carved idols. When God breathed life into man, man became a soul, from man, woman. They are trying to create life in other ways but to date, one cell fertilizing another, the creation of a new person, new soul... the magnificence of it all... animal life-plant life. Only the superior mind of God could do it.
From the eternal Word of God, Creator of the universe, breathing life into man, the living Word. The establishment of a dialogue between God and man. Sin established a barrier between God and man, only the cross of Christ can remove that barrier. Christianity is a new generation, new birth, a new installment in the heart. In Christ, you turn from your best and your turn from your worst. Our best is not good enough, God is not interested in your accomplishments, only you.
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