In Organicism, and this has always been a problem to the evolutionists, we find that all natural life systems are more or less connected, but not as expected in an evolutionary way. For instance, the less complex botanical life (plants) are probably younger than the more complex. (flowers, seeds, etc.) Ontogeny and Phylogeny becomes more complicated with every scientific discovery, does not always recapitulate but man, so smart, thinks he is capable of realigning creation... trying to improve on God's Sovereignty. Twinking the absurd scientist with letters after their name, putting feathers on dinosaurs. Have you ever studied the many type feathers, hollow aviary bones? There is no better proof of this than the confusion that the school teacher, psychologist, military forces, encounter every day.
Before complex electronics, particularly television, the mind was trained, very much as you train an animal or plant, simple moving toward the more complicated. Since television, and to a lesser extent, the movie house and computer, young minds are bombarded with hyper-complex words and ideas before the nervous system (learning ability) is capable of absorbing such. A good baby sitting “tool”, parents put there most precious possession, (incomparable gift of God, a combination of their family DNA going back centuries), in front of pictures, noises, situations, to which the child is not prepared to handle or comprehend.
Then, the child is sent to school, expected to perform in a traditional-rational manner. Only with Big Pharma's chemicals can one control this child’s nervous system, any learning achieved. So confused, if able to conquer lower grades, almost always remediation required before college. The only normal education, normal students are home schooled. Now you can understand the drug addictions of young people.
Before Vietnam, the military medical officer turned down an applicant with a history of drug activity. (Ritalin, designer drugs, alcoholism, etc.) Now, military forces are “stabilized” with psychosomatic drugs. “Central Command policy allows troops a 90- or 180-day supply of highly addictive psychotropic drugs before they deploy to combat.” Nextgov 75% of the 25 million Americans addicted to alcohol are the youth ages 16-29. The nation's number one health problem is smoking and the results of smoking. A large percentage of the American population is treated for stress. Patients taking antidepressants double each year.
Has America gone absolutely crazy, sending the joys of their families into a military climate, reeking with “don't ask, don't tell”, addictive drugs unprepared in every way, educationally, financially, to face a remote pseudo-civilized world of religious contradictions?
On March 13th, a ferry sank near Dhaka, Bangladesh. 90% of the world's population lives near water. (oceans, rivers, etc.) The cost of bridges-transportation, poor countries, you find ferries, a practical method of getting people from one place to another... for instance Indonesia, hundreds of islands. When these ships go down, there is always a large loss of life, such as the 120 here. We have reached the time in the history of man when life is very cheap, warfare, ferry-plane-vehicle tragedies. Most of all, the killing of the most innocent-abortion. Rep. Chris Smith stated recently that bioethicists in Australia are now advancing (premeditated) death of babies days and weeks after birth. Death squads travel through Holland, euthanizing old people... many of whom do not want to die. Individuals and nations value life when it is too late. There is nothing more final than death.
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