Thursday, March 29, 2012


Did you think I'd crumble
Did you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I will survive

The above 1978 hit song, I Will Survive, Gloria Gaynor, is the survival mode in which Americans should find themselves in 2012.

Most think life will go on as usual, but life in America will never be the same again as it was just a few months, few years ago. Financially, morally, spiritually, we have sown to the wind and we are reaping a whirlwind. (Hosea 8:7) Only those more blind than this writer could possibly be so deceived about what is going on, wars, protestors, threats, all over the world and, because of a state controlled news media, we know little about what is really happening. (Libya. Syria, Egypt, etc.) Open borders, pretenders and protestors of every stripe infiltrating every area of life, we can only imagine what is going on around us, our own community. Our demonition in the world is all protracted, amid the pretense of security. We have failed to recognize that our enemies hate us, want nothing but our demise. As we have claimed superpower status, and others have advised that there are hundreds of nuclear “accidents” just waiting to happen… in the confusion, enemies, foreign and domestic, just moving in. We were taught to “turn the other cheek”, but our enemies have been taught conquest. The politicians and beurocrats, super rich, including the Bush family who purchased 200,000 acres in South America, have bought escapes such as homes in Chile, Argentina, Island homes in the Pacific. For the masses here and everywhere as it has always been, a matter of survival.

What do you say to those who do not have a faith to live by or die with. It is like the man, in a time of flood, vicious water current, hanging on to a tree stump. An angel comes to him and sas, “Do you want me to save you”, then, the angel said, “do you believe I can save you?” Looking at the muscular angel, the man said yes, please save me. The angel said, “then let go.”

We need to cling to our faith but not let go of our survival skills. I will never understand why, “in times like these”, survival is not taught in the public schools, clubs, churches. The bomb shelters of WWII, long discarded except in communist countries where they have an intricate maze of tunnels which would shelter thousands, for instance, Moscow and Beijing. Israel, probable target of a Middle East nuclear attack, shelters not only for bomb attacks but fallout.

High on the agenda of those preparing any country for enemy attack, should be preparation for biologicals. Nations learned their lesson in WWII, carpet bombings, rebuilding. We know how easy it is to “hatch-out” microbiology organisms, H1N1, Anthrax, (Toxins, viruses, fungi of biological warfare.) Mass deaths of human beings leaving behind their stuff.

Of vital interest to me, survival in the home, after an attack. Stay inside, act as if you had come in from wallowing in a mud puddle. Wash off totally all outside contamination, clothing in a plastic bag for discard. Cover the largest organ of your body, the skin, with a coating of cream. Breathe through a surgical mask, use duct tape over all cracks where air from the outside can come in. You must realize that you are ON YOUR OWN, there will be no help from anywhere. No need to call rescue, EMS, there is no one at the hospital to care for you. The police, fire, doctors and nurses are all at home attempting to survive also. There is no power and may not be for many months. You should have prepared ahead of time with water and food, first aid, emergency kit, needed medicine, supplements. You will now put flesh and blood on ancestors of the past, Bible patriots, military and civilians who built your country. They learned survival at a time when there was no electric power, water in pipes, survival books.

I Am the world’s greatest believer in herbal-mineral supplements. I believe that God put everything on earth that mankind needs to survive. It perplexes me to go to a health food store and find today’s young “marketeers” of health survival, victims of tattoos and piercings, the most unhealthy thing I can imagine.

This writer has traveled the world, peered into every area of health and survival facility… seen the witch doctors, (healers) at work. I was raised on a country farm, know the healing ability of turpentine, tar, oils. We know the healing potential of clay, magnets, coconut oil, poultices, such may not be available. Physically and spiritually, how does one face a time like this without a heavenly father, the comfort of the Holy Spirit of God. “I [am] the LORD that healeth thee.” (Exodus 15:26)

Jesus died to atone for your sins as well as your healing. (Isaiah 53) The apostle Peter looking back said, “by whose stripes ye were healed.” (1 Peter 2:24) In good times, bad times, peace times, war times, survival times. “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5)

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