Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Race to the Bottom

Like being on a treadmill running as hard as you can and not being able to get off... we wonder if things can get any worse, sanctity of life and quality of life? This totally blind veteran, field-grade army medical officer, cannot comprehend a soldier wearing the stripes of a sergeant in the massacre of civilians. (Afghanistan, 16 killed)

It is almost as incomprehensible as the 1982 massacre in Guatemala, when 201 civilians were massacred by Guatemalan elite army unit known as Kaibiles. Pedro Pimentel was sentenced this week to 6060 years in prison. “Court records showing that he bludgeoned villagers including a newborn baby, before dumping them down a fifty foot well.”

800 years ago, Thomas Aquinas said, “It is impossible for man to comprehend God.” In the history of the world, history of Christianity, many of us have found that it is almost impossible to comprehend man's inhumanity to man.

Perhaps it has been incremental, the schoolhouse, courthouse, church house, your house, the generalizing-compromising-sugarizing of man's relationship to God through Christ. God, putting on a tent of human flesh, living the PERFECT life among us, could not have saved anyone. Rather, as with the deliverance-salvation of the children of Israel, a matter of obedience to God. They were told to kill a young perfect lamb, put the blood on the lentil and doorpost of their house, to eat the lamb for nourishment, shoes on, staff in hand, prepared for deliverance. The size of the house, theology in the house, did not make any difference to the death angel, IT WAS THE BLOOD. God is Boss, in charge, sovereign, He knows the end from the beginning. He knew that only the blood of His “only begotten son” (John 3:16) would be sufficient to cover His wrath for the sin of the world, past, present, future. On Him, Calvary, not only the sin of the world but all the sickness, infirmities of the world. This knowledge makes Christians worthy as they remember His atonement at the table of the Lord's Supper with both wine and bread, wine representing His precious blood, bread representing His broken body-stripes. (Isaiah 53)

We have lived in a country proclaiming life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Satan rules, he will go as far as God will let him go. With Satan's gay agenda, Satan’s anti-Christian agenda, Satan’s atheist-humanist agenda, the world, flesh, devil has produced a CONFUSED population experiencing only the physical, not the spiritual, not the supernatural. Birth is natural, “born-again”, supernatural. Joel Osteen is considered the world's number one pastor, Rick Warren considered number two. The church is supposed to be chosen believers. Most churches, most denominations, just social clubs, having refused separation, the holy from the unholy, the sheep from the goats, the elect from the non-elect, the “tares” have taken over... Satan rules... everywhere, including the military services. The military knows that the CIA (USA Civilian Intelligence Agency, employees and budget classified but known to be unlimited) is the main distributor of the world’s illegal drugs.

Perhaps in the past, God would have shown mercy on the church but with such diabolical actions as ecumenicalism, national counsel of churches. The anti-Christ doctrine, “brotherhood of man”, God has probably let the church, a once Christian nation, seek it's preferred “abomination”. (Matthew 24:15)

When the 2.5 million Jews left Egypt, Pharaoh’s army and it's 600 chariots drowned, there was not a feeble one among God's chosen. (Psalm 105) Shoes of iron and brass. God's protection-guidance by a cloud of fire. As with Americans, it did not take long for “Holiness” to be replaced by “religion”. Actions a tinkling cymbal, “faith, hope, charity, but the greatest of these, charity.” (1 Corinthians 13:13) How quick those in pulpits have forgotten to tell what God has prepared for those who love Him. (1 Corinthians 2:9)

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