Traveling the world (8 round the world trips, every continent, passport stamped in 157 countries, both Arctic and Antarctic) certain things, of the myriad of sights seen, stay in the mind. Every time, involving synchronization, harmony, accord, staying in step. Whether it is the great clock at Gothenburg, Sweden, which has kept perfect time for many centuries, the great ice sculptures in the valley of paradise, western peninsula of Antarctica, horses jumping off cliffs into the bay, hundreds of feet below at Acapulco, Mexico, or perhaps, the cake of soap in a North African synagogue, made from human flesh during the holocaust, you know that it is when human beings, animals, nature, are in synch or out of synch (in step or out of step, in line or out of line) that the expected or unexpected occurs. Human beings do not get out of synch, out of step unless they have lost their integrity. Nations get out of synch when they have forgotten demography-accurate road maps. Europe, once the lynchpin-keystone of western civilization, has totally changed, corroded, by an influx of African-Asian immigrants, socialism, and the forsaking their heritage of Christian faith. America seems intent on heading in the same direction.
Nations nor individuals hit bottom with one great leap, there are usually signposts on the way down. Surely, 2000 years of Christian history, has taught that Satan rules the world... nothing thrilling Satan more, nations and individuals, compromising right and wrong. The daily prayer should have been, “lead us not into temptation,” (Matthew 6) with a corollary, and help us not to put temptation in another's path.
Perhaps in all our systems of living, loss of synchronization, nowhere more evident than in healthcare. I still remember Dr. Margaret Swanton, professor of pathology, saying to me, “the body does not function the way it is written in books.” I have found that books are just a guide, so many scientists with little common sense.
I heard Dr. Russel Blaylock, neurosurgeon, writer of countless books-articles, lecturer all over the world, say, “the CEO of Merck-Monsanto, most corporations who manufacture drugs-vaccines, would jump out of their high headquarters window, if you tried to inoculate him with the 15 vaccines with which you insist on inoculating small babies.” Just think, vaccinating babies for Anthrax, Tetanus. There is nothing more important in human survival than the immune system. For thousands of years in the history of mankind, the system formed on it's on, ready to fight invasions. Now, compromised, autism, other complications. Out of synch, the human body, poisoned by synthetics... aspartame-plastics, (Aluminum in vaccines) to say nothing of GMOs, (Genetically Modified Organisms) MSGs, (Mono-sodium Glutamates) poisons in our drinking water (fluoride, chloride.) We are so observant, careful of our temple's (body) exterior, if we could only see what garbage has done to the interior of our body.
Birds do not defecate in their own nests, dogs do not defecate in their own yard. If there is ever a time for concern, one human being to another, it is at a time of sickness, particularly, patient in a hospital. This writer never experienced real pain, military hospitals, etc. until I went to a local hospital for elective surgery. (prostate cancer) The germs in the hospital, took over, staph infections (nosocomial infection)-HAI (hospital acquired infections) 1.7 million hospital-associated infections, from all types of microorganisms, including bacteria, combined, cause or contribute to 99,000 deaths each year. (JAMA, 2000) The third leading cause of death in America, errors in hospitals. There are more deaths from drug confusions in hospitals than traffic deaths. We only have what patients themselves report. One of my friends in a nursing home, (old, alone, no family, no one to observe) kept calling me about getting the wrong medication form the nursing home attendant. She could see, I told her how to mark her bottles. As expected, the attendant was taking her pain medicine. Money is not made from dead patients, they try to keep them alive. But, she died and is now out of pain.
Deathly ill, taken back to the hospital, this blind medical officer, crawled out of bed, did some investigating, WHY I OR ANYONE ELSE SHOULD GET SICKER IN THE HOSPITAL THAN ANY WHER ELSE. To my amazement, I found there were overstuffed chairs, draperies at the windows, carpet in the corridor of the hospital. CAN YOU IMAGINE BETTER HARBORS FOR GERMS? What was wrong with the supposed, trained medical minds, who worked there. (doctors, nurses) This writer, inspecting an Army hospital, could have closed it down for brooms in closets and other things showing lack of controls.
Traveling the world, my interest in healthcare. On Easter island, the island 500 miles off the coast of Chile, not one patient in the hospital, the natives enjoying such good health because of their eating and exercise habits.
In Shin Yang, Manchuria China, like an Alfred Hitchcock horror movie, surgery rooms, large hospital, prisoners, bodies opened, while still alive, vital organs being removed. (Science writer Tim Johnson states: 3,000-6,000 prisoners are killed each year.) In Tianfin, China, Pakistan businessman walked around chatting with other organ recipients.
In Africa, I saw patients on mats, on the floor. Outside, families of patients cooking food over an open fire for themselves and their family member patient. It was up to the family to care for their patient inside the crude hospital. America, $2.2 Trillion spent on healthcare each year. (CNN Money) High rise buildings, the latest in all healthcare technology, yet America ranks tenth in the world in quality of care. Ranking number one is the United Kingdom, where robots do most of the work... caring for the patients, laundry, food. Human contact with the patient only through special psychologists.
Once a system is socialized, you never get it back. Once a system becomes an economic engine.. just a source of more and more money, particularly for Big Pharma, you lose it all. For instance, a real threat, the mandated Gardasil vaccination. A money maker for the promoters, just those reported, 19,000 reactions, 100 deaths, a rare cancer.
Today, Christians get more direct orders form God than did His disciples while they were alive. From the beginning, God is a healing God... Jehovah jireh. Help us keep His synchronization in our discipleship.
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