Fifty years ago, health history of patients, the most common complaint, heart trouble. Still today, the three leading causes of death in America, heart trouble, cancer, stroke. Little has changed, although billions spent (supposedly, searching for answers) - ($4.9 billion, cancer research) This doctor would say to the patients, “What kind of heart trouble?” Many of us have romantic heart trouble, more have spiritual heart trouble. Those two are much easier to handle. It is that pump inside your chest, sending a blood supply two thousand miles through vessels, to every cell of your body, that is the most important component-aspect of your existence. The first thing you measure to determine death is blood pressure. I check my blood pressure once a week, this morning, 120/75.
Many years ago, when I could see, I was a shopping cart voyeur... looking to see the junk people were eating, the cardboard containers many times had more nutrition than the food in the containers. You can eat 75% less if you eat nutritious food. For you to survive, the cells-mitochondria of your body, must have nutrition. The body which God gave you, unlike any other in the world, is a temple, not a dumpster.
The most magnificent creation in God's creation, his creatures, made in his image, made to magnify Him. Darwin's book would never catch on today... we are too well informed, we know the magnificence of the animal body, particularly the human body, with it's crowning glory, it's nervous system. The bird has better eyes, the cat, better musculature, the dog, a better nose, the horse, a better digestive system.
Once, I was talking with Dr. W.C. George, long time professor of Anatomy, UNC-CH medical school. I was talking about hard farm life. He said, “You poor thing, all those berries growing on ditch banks, fresh fruit from trees-eggs-garden produce. There is no healthier life than life on the farm... fresh raw milk, fresh well water.
Education, permits, licenses, FDA, EOC, etc., etc. are killing us. Even the average uneducated citizen knows that food grown without benefit of chemicals, is better for you. You can be sure that a cow eating radiated grass, tested with radiated milk, is producing radiated meat when butchered. You can be sure that chemicals in fertilizers, pesticides, will show up on your plate. Pharmaceuticals have never cured anything, just delay death. Chemicals, regardless of how they get in your body, accumulate. The most important thing in your healthcare is detoxification.
A California organic farmer, James Stewart, faces 40 years in prison for selling raw milk and other metabolic foods. The alternatives, holistic, informed scientists and others know that foods grown and prepared with purity are better for you. We know that Garlic is God's medicine-antibiotic. We know that the body should be supplemented with Cur-cumin, (Turmeric) Fennel, Cinnamon, Cayenne Pepper. It is past time for the individual to become interested in his own body, his own survival. Under government health plans, particularly Obama's plan, care will be scarce. The average practitioner cannot survive on government payment. (medicare, medicaid) I remember very well that my welfare patients were free. It cost me more than the two dollars I received to do the paperwork. After years of having, next to your spiritual dealings, the best relationship in the world, doctor-patient, the doctor in the horse and buggy or otherwise, Marxist governments has destroyed this also. It started with assembly line care, insurance for everything although health insurance was once just for large ticket hospitalization. Then comes Big Pharma, even diagnosing on television, a once great Western medical system is now history.
When I was in school, we were embarrassed to speak of abortion, euthanasia. Cancer, diabetes were rare. Autism has doubled in the past five years. The scientific quacks on television blame everything except the cause, vaccinations. The CEO of any pharmaceutical corporation, president of any hospital, would jump from the nearest window, if approached with the fifteen vaccines given a newborn baby. We really do have heart trouble.
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