“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34)
Let's get one thing straight in the beginning, our minds have been so polluted from the liberal television talking-heads as well as the modernists, sociologists in the pulpits. Jesus does not love everybody, certainly not those who hate Him and hate His followers. He talks much about separating the sheep from the goats, about those He has chosen for His own, and those He will parade around in eternity as those who He trusted and who put their trust in Him. We know some just “play” church.
I have studied science and biology my entire life, the older I get, the more amazed I become with predestination biology, such as the microorganism in the honey bee which only has a life span of two hours, and, in those two hours, must select a mate of the opposite sex and keep the whole life process of the honey bee effective. All knowledge is measured, compared to the stature of Christ.
With magnificence God designed everything for His glory, including man. (homo sapiens) The botanist can study a plant anywhere in the world, it's morphology will be the same. So it is with man, whether you study anatomy or physiology in any language, everything the same. I have traveled the world, much difference in circumstances, but human nature and religious faith follows certain predictions. In Christianity, faith changes circumstances instead of circumstances changing faith, as you find in many false religions, such as the Koran.
As I stated before, God made it all, knows the ending as well as the beginning. (Revelation 22:13) He is always at the crossroads of our life, before we get there, knows ahead of time what will happen, but gives us the free will to ask, pray, depend on His grace.
Atheists, pretenders, do not have sense enough to realize or study it, but the greatest mystery in the mind of man is how the church grew. One solitary figure, God-man, putting on a tent of human flesh, selecting (remember, He chooses) a small group of followers who, because of their belief in His life and resurrection, with courage, spread His “good news” around the world, the predestined plan of God. Paul, God's writer for about everything concerning his church, was called by God in a most unusual way, on the road to Damascus. Paul certainly did not stage the event. God gave Satan control of the earth and knew a time of separation would come. Satan is limited, but nothing makes him happier than to interfere and fake God's work, usually through deception.
God must get a “GOOD LAUGH” observing the local church house. The church is supposed to be a group of called-chosen believers. (But, particularly in fundamentalist, evangelical churches, here comes a prominent couple in the community... country-clubbers, professionals, they are better educated than most, such as doctors, lawyers, professors, well-spoken, well-dressed.) The first thing you know, they are in places of leadership, teaching, even on the board of deacons. No one ever takes the time to ascertain if they have had a real experience with Christ. They may speak of God, everyone, even the devil, believes in God. Shepherd Jesus, knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. (John 10:14) When enough of these unsaved (tares) get into the church, take over the church, because they are so out-spoken, charismatic, “worldly”. The church becomes a “club” manipulated by the “ideas” of people instead of a HOLY worship center of Christians worshiping the worthiness and Power of God.
21st century thought processes can easily compare the church with country. Modernist denominations such as anxious Anglicans, liberal Lutherans, midget Methodists, puny Presbyterians, bantam Baptists, are much like our once patriotic republic. Psychological trash, hogwash, fairness, sorcery, “all you need is love”, has taken over the church house as well as the state house.
I was a young professional in town, visited and decided to join the oldest Baptist church in town, then meeting in the courthouse because the church auditorium was in the final stages of refurbishment. Immediately I was ordained as a deacon, I noticed the other deacons showed little evidence of having experienced a born-again, good blood-washing in the precious, cleansing of Christ. Particularly, the “potty-mouth” chairman. They asked me to pray at the first deacon's meeting I attended. They had never heard anything like that before. “God, we were chosen by you before the foundation of earth, now chosen by your people as leaders. God, it makes no difference how great or beautiful your building, but the beauty of the temples inside your building, beginning with your pastor and deacons. Bless us with the cleanest minds, devoted totally to your work, the cleanest mouths, proclaiming your gospel, encouraging those around us, giving them every reason to trust us and you. We are to make members count instead of counting members. Deny us your glory if, in any way, we deny your steadfastness, because we are living epistles, read by the world, both inside and outside this building.”
About two weeks later, first service in the new building, funeral for the chairman of the deacon board, who had committed suicide. There was little talk, he lived on the best street in town, successful business, fine children. I do not know but God does.
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