The English philosopher, Alexander Pope said, “A new beatitude I give to you, Blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he will never be disappointed.” Those of us in our 8th decade of life, amazingly, have lived through about one-third of the history of America. We have seen a total change in this nation, land of the free, home of the brave. Perhaps the greatest change, life now expressed in life years, the quality-adjusted life year, (QALY) measure of disease burden, including both the quality and the quantity of life lived.
Next week, the Supreme Court will hear arguments concerning “so-called” Obama-care. Those of you who voted for the imposter in the White House, and I say again, what I have said many times in the past, a real, born again, Christian could not vote for such, will learn the consequences of your act of treason.
This writer can say this because I live every minute of every day as a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected medical officer, veteran of the Korean Conflict era.
After the Korean War, this veteran became active in an organization, started in California, called the Christian anti-communism crusade.(CACC) The movement was headed by Dr. Frederick Schwarz, a California Christian doctor, passionate about saving America from godless communism.
We obviously failed beyond all comprehension, without a revolution, without a shot being fired, a Marxist is in the White House, President of the United States.
One of Joseph Stalin's chief henchmen, was Leon Trotsky, Marxist, politician, first head of the Red Army, his great grandson, David Axelrod, is now advisor, henchman, to Barrack Obama. (alias, Barry Soetoro) In the Leon Trotsky book, THE PROPHET ARMED the takeover of America is outlined. IF doctor Frederick Schwarz had lived, many of us would have joined him in a Christian “Save America campaign”.
Trotsky stipulates the takeover of America in the following steps. You will note that most have been accomplished: 1) The United Nations should be in control of mankind. For the first time in history, the President of the United States is a member of the UN security council 2) Combination of both political parties, Republican and Democrat, same liberal-socialist ideology, controlling both. 3) Total takeover the healthcare system. This is the first target in every socialist country because healthcare controls not only the life of each citizen, but the money of the country. 4) Control of all news media. 5) Control of all public education. 6) Coexistence with other communist countries. 7) Free trade between all nations. 8) Internalization the Panama Canal (accomplished during the presidency of communist, Jimmy Carter) 9) Freedom of the homosexual and pornography agenda, no fault divorce-heterosexuals 10) Penetration and takeover of all churches.
Only the most naive American would not recognize that every step in the communist takeover has been completed, remarkably so, EXCEPT the total takeover of all “Christian” denominations, all churches.
Only one more blind than this writer, would not recognize what is happening... Driscoll, Ed Young, Jr., Osteen. Warren. Pastor Mark Driscoll centers his church around sex (Song of Solomon), his favorite book in the Bible, street language (using words which should not come from any Christian's mouth, homosexuality) Ed Young, pastor of a mega-member church, (father, pastor of large Houston, TX church) must like Driscoll, attempting to attract unbelievers with sexual innuendo, Young actually spent time on top of the church, before God and the world, in a double bed with his wife. Osteen and Warren are just religious hucksters, more interested in counting numbers than making numbers count. The Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian and other denominations are more pagan than Christian.
When the communists come into power, church-politics-family, everything is out of the closet, self-satisfied enough to be brazen about ideology. The atheists actually put up signs bragging about their unbelief, liberated theology puts up road signs concerning their liberated beliefs... found mostly in black churches. Those so consumed with civil rights, just a few years ago, now unashamed that 52% of black babies are aborted. The black population, the academics, news media, all so PROUD of their liberalism, that they want to spit in the face of Almighty God, and those who still believe in God, who honor God with their lives. America has become an anti-Christian, depot-reservoir of power... Marketing Evil, no longer salt and light (the marks of Christianity, Christ, the light of the world, Christians, the salt of the world.) “Thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore doth my soul keep them.” (Psalm 119:129)
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