This morning the winning ticket for the Mega Millions lottery is $356 million. Just think, one ticket, the winning of $356 million, an amount of money which very few people on earth have inherited, and under today's taxation, very few could ever earn. Many years ago, when the state of NC was promoting the lottery as an educational “project”, as this writer did when the sate was attempting to legalize liquor stores, a matter of Christian conviction, I worked against both... boozing and gambling. One of my professional friends said on the radio, “Dr. Morris is destroying hope, that such a gambling system was the only hope in this world of some people ever having money.”
This is probably true, that there is little hope for anyone ever accumulating such a fortune in dollars. If this totally blind veteran could only get across to people the fortune they have in their healthy body, good eyesight, hearing, and other senses, even the blessedness of being able to sleep at night, far more valuable than physical health, mental health, and far more valuable than physical and mental health, spiritual health. What man in his right mind would exchange $356 million for his redemption-salvation through Christ through eternal life... a gift.
The image is forever etched in my brain, the four WWII veterans, veterans hospital, Millingotn, TN, same room, special beds, all four without arms or legs. I was an intern in that hospital, those paid to take care of them did not last very long. What these four had given to their country, “got to their caregivers real fast.” Forever etched in my mind, a small child, with my father, visiting his friend who worked there, the asylum for the negro insane. (now Cherry Hospital) Goldsboro, NC. The black mental patients tied with ropes to buildings. (I have described this in another blog, the type buildings, the manner in which they were tied, those who could work-working in fields)
In love with God's word, God's book, you must put flesh and blood on historical-Bible characters. Saul was selected as first King of Israel because he was the tallest man in the nation and a valiant warrior. One of the most awesome stories, the conflict between King Saul and King David. After Saul's death, and the golden age of Israel with David as King, although Saul had tried to kill him, David asked if Saul had any heirs left. Ziba, a house servant of Saul, told him about a grandson, Mephibosheth (Jonathan's son, 2 Samuel 9)
We learn to love certain words, unfamiliar and not found in most vocabularies, such a word is “fetch”. I love the word probably because I heard my grandparents use it so many times. David instructed his servants to fetch Mephibosheth from Lodebar. (2 Samuel 9:5) Mephibosheth had been crippled since the age of five, when his nurse had dropped him. Lodebar means “no pastures” (2 Samuel 17:27) and probably means that the grandson of a King was just surviving, even though a King’s heir.
Mephibosheth was brought to the palace, ate at the King's table, however, he realized his disabled-pitied condition. And he bowed himself, and said, What is thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am? (2 Samuel 9:8) Chosen by the King, and here we must look upon David as God, with his feet under the King's table, there was no sign of disability.
There is nothing accidental with God, He planned it all. Those of us who are disabled are in His plans, at God's table, we sit with those of you who are normal. I'm sure God takes note of how we are treated.
For the liberals, the democrats, the communists, those who totally embrace equal wealth, equal housing-healthcare, equal everything. God did not make the world that way. “the poor you have with you always” (Mark 14:7) Jesus' greatest miracles involved the healing of the blind, crippled. Satan, liar, extraordinaire, would have you believe that God would have all, particularly His chosen, healthy, wealthy, and wise. It is not that way, there are Lodebars (no pastures) in many lives, both the just and the unjust. (Matthew 5:45) God is anxious to see what the disabled will do with their lives in affliction and the attitude of those not in affliction. This totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer veteran of the Korean War, HAS WATCHED to determine how disabled are treated by the normal, particularly at the church house. Laws have been enforced about the school house, courthouse, and even the out house. (handicapped rails-ramps in bathrooms) God must be amazed to see so few blind, crippled, poor, in His house, and how they are treated there
The poorest welfare citizen in America lives better than the wealthy Lodebars of the world. The poorest medicaid recipient in America, 2012, would have been considered rich, even in America, in 1712, 1812, or 1912. And, never forget, many millions, many zeroes, can never buy health, happiness, eyesight, or salvation through grace by faith in God.
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