(NaturalNews) Why do people place ALL of their faith and trust in western medicine? Conventional doctors treat every chronic disease with a toxic chemical (drugs); learn little or nothing about disease prevention (nutrition) and kick patients out of their medical practice for merely questioning a treatment - like vaccinations. Something is wrong with this picture - don't you think?
Discover a new form of medicine that will help protect you from the pain of disease by tuning into the next NaturalNews Talk Hour. Visit: http://www.naturalhealth365.com and enter your email address for show details plus a healthy gift.
It's a crime to suppress life-saving information
According to Thomas Gray (poet) - "ignorance is bliss". Well, when is comes to healthcare - it's simply NOT true and millions of people are waking up to a new reality. You CAN reverse cancer (naturally) without drugs or surgery; prevent heart attacks with diet and exercise (alone) and eliminate type 1 or 2 diabetes within days - without taking insulin shots!
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease" - Thomas Edison
Don't allow you (or your loved ones) to become a death statistic of the "modern" sick-care system. Mammography can NOT prevent cancer, taking cholesterol-lowering medication (statins) does NOT prevent a heart attack and obesity will not be cured by stapling your stomach. But, if you live a healthy lifestyle, you can virtually eliminate the threat of disease your whole life.
What your doctor isn't telling you - could kill you
Ask yourself one important question: "What does my doctor ("teacher") have to offer me?" In other words, how was your physician medically-trained? If your doctor only knows about sickness - how can you ever feel great under his (or her) care?
At Quantum University, the world's largest institution of higher learning for integrative medicine, healthcare professionals are exposed to the new emerging science of quantum physics. Their "belief system" is a shinning example of what every medical student needs to know. (keep reading)
According to Quantum University:
We believe that the right to heal belongs to everyone who sincerely manifests and desire it.
We believe in the reality of the field and subspace as the optimal source of healing.
We believe in improving the health of communities by acting collectively on this subtle dimension.
We believe in a natural, non-invasive approach to restoring health, without side effects.
We believe that everyone should be educated on how to heal themselves and others.
We believe in promoting the practice of this healing art with competence, ethics, and compassion.
We believe in using a model of medicine based on the concepts of bio-terrain and subtle energies.
We believe that we can prevent disease and generate optimal health for all.
Join us for an amazing show with the founder of the Quantum University - as we reveal the power of self-healing within each and every one of us!
The NaturalNews Talk Hour begins this Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration is FREE. Click this link - http://www.naturalhealth365.com and enter your email for FREE show details plus a FREE gift!
This week's guest: Dr. Paul Drouin, founder of Quantum University
Dr. Drouin reveals our true healing capabilities plus much more - Thu. Mar. 15
Dr. Paul Drouin, a Canadian M.D., has dedicated his life to the promotion of natural health and the prevention of disease, and to bringing depth and understanding to the field of Integrative Medicine. Dr. Drouin's approach to medicine promotes innovative methods of evaluation as a way to integrate quantum consciousness into the art of healing.
As founder of the Quantum University, Dr. Drouin is dedicated to consolidating his knowledge of conventional medicine, natural medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, quantum physics and advanced biofeedback into a model of Integrative Medicine.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035246_conventional_medicine_crimes_doctors.html#ixzz1pC8k0xSN
In France, it is against the law for a child under 14 years of age to use a cell phone. There was a time when phones were used in an emergency, people did not encounter constant radiation. There was a time when children played outside. Careful records have been kept, those with outside activity, much healthier, less obese-diabetes.
And so it goes, Big Pharma, small pills, exotic chemicals, slow suicide. In this information age, particularly in time of emergency, read, study, get ready to handle your own sicknesses.
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