The greatest sin in the world is probably the sin of presumption, presuming that something-anything is alright when many times it is not. Even with faith, we put faith in the fact that we can move at great speeds up and down the highway, presuming that our vehicle is in good mechanical order as are those moving around us. When, the least fractional error could cause a horrendous pile-up and death.
In 1982, twelve people died from taking Tylenol tablets which they had purchased at a grocery store in Chicago. They had faith that no one had tampered with the bottles, did not realize that an evil person had replaced Tylenol with arsenic.
Every action, everyday of our lives, built around faith and risk. So it is with our eternal security. Jesus warns us about misplaced faith. “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” (Mathew 7:21)
Down the beach from my house on the beach, a seafood restaurant opened five years ago. Totally blind, I seldom get out. But, people ask me about the place. They tell me that there are always people waiting to get in, that everyone up and down the beach talks about this wonderful restaurant, wonderful food.
Madison Avenue taught merchants, years ago, to show a presumption of activity-business. Movie theatres like to have a line, restaurants like to have customers waiting for a table. The professional (doctor, lawyer, accountant) wants a small reception area, a standing room only business. In the successful professional practice, you want to give the appearance of a filled appointment book. (we will try to work you in)
Years ago, the small town in which I had my professional practice, an ice cream outlet store... no tables, no chairs, you went in and purchased your ice cream and ate it in your car or on your way. No one was too poor or too wealthy to go there. The ice cream, with all its toppings, was good beyond compare, priced right, and the very sight of people of all ages-stations in life, enjoying ice cream, was the greatest business builder in the world.
One would presume that the church would never “beg” for worshipers. Just think, the Creator of the universe, the One who flung the very stars into space, who counts the very hairs on your head, who knows your every thought and action, who has promised that He will never leave you or forsake you on the earth... will take care of every need, not only now but for eternity,. And you just play games with Him, trying to make Him think that you are serious when he knows your heart. All He asks is trust and, you show Him in every way,every day, that you do not trust Him. Do you really believe He considers you a Faither? (a person showing the actions of faith) (Hebrews 11:6) I have known people who would go through any type weather to satisfy their “longings” at a good restaurant, good movie. I have seen people sit in the rain, sleet, snow, to watch a college football game. When you see these things, you understand why God is a jealous God, why God so objects to the worship of idols.
I know people who can talk at length about certain “slop” on TV, can recite statistics about sports or politics, they know nothing about God's Book, God's work, but expect to go to heaven when they die.
God talks much in His Book about ants. There is no greater story in His creation. (Proverbs 30:25, 6:6) There is much to study about the ant, preparing, working but, the most important, when one ant finds something good, in a very short time, many other ants know about it. I'm sure it was hard to keep blind Bartimaeus quiet after Jesus restored his eyesight, lepers, others sick.
ONE COULD PRESUME, if not knowing history, human nature, hypocrisy that saved, born again, baptized believers would have a testimony about Jesus Christ, so passionate that you could not keep them quiet, could not keep them from a place of worship... talking, acting, different from the rest of the world... in love with their Savior.
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