Many articles written about my world travels , covering many years of which I had only a shadow of vision in just my left eye. The public has lost its interest in history and I have learned, to my sorrow, that most people want to forget history, not inspired by others, lost on an island of self-indulgence. On the island of Guadalcanal, where, at the time I was there, many years ago, wrecked American ships still stuck up out of the Pacific. A very old man, native, survivor, of the battle of Guadalcanal, living in a “patched” Quonset hut, told me about how he lived for seven days in a ditch, he himself, thinking, part of the time, he was dead. Still there, the caves in which the Japanese kept boats which they could “fetch” from the caves and accomplish their suicide missions against the aggressors. After so many years, it was a surreal, almost haunting experience to see those boats still in the quays. 99 percent of the world's population has no idea, and most do not care about what has happened in the lives of their fellow man.
This week, Long Beach, CA, the annual meeting of TEDs. (World thinkers, intelligentsia, planners in the world of technology, entertainment, and design) The first meeting was held in 1984, the registration charge for these meetings in $7,500.00. Here, these intellectual elitists, get their heads out of the academic clouds long enough to discuss with one anther, future accomplishments of civilization. Topic for this week, the young, the wise, the undiscovered.
If I were to address this group, or the Bilderbergers, (a group of the world’s most rich and powerful... David Rockefeller, Queen of the Netherlands, Rothschilds, etc. People who control not only the money of the world, but pull the strings for world population-Eugenics) I would say, “What advice do you have for those in the “storms” of present existence? Bombardments in warfare, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, the threat of nuclear-bacteriological annihilation. WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR HUMAN BEINGS WHO NEED TEDS HELP NOW?
I speak as a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical officer, of the long ago Korean conflict. I have lived most of my life in a cocoon of blackness, never been able to attain a white cane or talking watch from the country whose uniform I wore so proudly. There are those of us, raised in absolute poverty, victims of hyperbolically poor public education, 13 in my graduating class, working for and paying my own way through 8 years of professional education, in order to pass all the boards, jump all the hurdles, to become a military officer. (The present President of the United States, could not be meet the requirements for a military commission.) To the best of my knowledge, and I have asked every specialist with whom I have come in contact, military or civilian, little or nothing has been done to improve the plight of the disabled, blind, deaf, or crippled. Just yesterday, THIS ONE SMALL SOUTHERN TOWN, a blind man, lost-dead for many days, found in a culvert, trying to get home from a grocery store. Same day, eight year old female child, wheelchair, school, dead from neglect. And so it goes, year after year, billions of dollars, taxes and public largess, going into the pockets of the greedy, not the needy, in spite of the meetings of world intelligentsia, universities filled with academics, politicians, promises, “do-gooder” associations, “poaching” for funds, preachers “moaning and groaning” about love. (the best number I can find, tens of thousands of societies (cystic fibrosis, cancer, stroke), 335,000 church congregations, 1.3 million civic clubs (Rotary, Masons, etc.) (2008) ) ALL raising money AND, I must believe, wanting to do some good then, added to all that, your tax burden, agencies of every type. For most of us, including the blind, deaf man, living alone, just trying to get some food, the young girl still trying to get an education. We never get even a taste from the buffet mountain provided by the “elitism of the normal”. I agonize abut our returning warriors, the veteran’s administration, the most inept agency of Federal Government. Without fear of contradiction, anytime I contact the BVA (blind veteran’s association) they only talk about membership fees. Both my congressman (McIntyre) my senior senator (Burr) are members of veteran’s committees. I talk with many veterans, I am well known on radio talk shows. GOVERNMENT IS NOT INTERESTED IN VETERANS.
“T”, technology, autism and disease from vaccinations, an accumulation of health problems from poison in the water systems,(fluoride-chloride) insulting the body with GMO animal and plant “foods”.
“E”, entertainment, movies, television, just clever propaganda. Strategic attempts with propaganda before both WWI and WWII, through available media, at that time, the world was propagandized. Propaganda is not compatible with freedom. Hitler said, “he could make hell seem like heaven.” His chief of propaganda Herman Goebbels said, “with propaganda, he could male a square hole round.” Karl Marx said, “the real battleground, realignment of history.” Most American history books have changed. The secular humanists discarding all boundaries. When you see the United Nations, Islam as a peaceful religion, acceptance of same-sex marriage, abortion as fairness. IF, the church goes along with these, you know you are at the end of the road.
George Orwell, writer of 1984, Animal Farm, once a communist, writer of communist propaganda. He said that “the United Nations, Madison Avenue, and the church were going down the same path.”
“D”,design, we live in a physical world, but ours is a spiritual existence. No one can study the design of anything, the world and everything in it, without realizing there is a consequence to disobedience-physical or spiritual. You cannot defy the laws of nature nor the laws of God.
In political correctness, the DESIGN “make the insane, seem sane” We are using this in world protests, the “occupiers movement” If yo do not agree with this, you are considered a homo-phobe or racist and as Nikolai Lenin said, “truth is bourgeois, lying a sign of intelligence.”
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