If as individuals, if as a nation, we are anathematized, cursed for our disobedience, it is because of a sense of expedient- not expediency. When one is expedient, he seeks the practical instead of the provident.
Following college, the military, knowing full well ones chances and opportunities, living in a solid democrat state, knowing full well how my parents, grandparents and ancestors had been treated as republicans, I registered as a democrat. EXPEDIENT. Parsing my convictions, to make a head way. I now call such action hypocrisy. Anyway, like a butterfly swimming through molasses, an attempt was made to serve my country politically in a cauldron of liberal deceit. I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN ABLE TO DEBATE EITHER SIDE OF AN ISSUE. I became a rabid democrat, even a state officer. It was while I was sitting at a luncheon table with Governor Terry Sanford, Congressman L.C Fountain, hearing them say, "North Carolina will always be democrat because we cater to the whims of all minorities and every person receiving a government check." There was nothing in their conversations about right and wrong, constitutional or not, strictly political advancement-duress. It is so obvious. I recognized this, why can't others? Blacks, Jews, other minorities, wrapped in a blanket of liberalism to disguise and defend historic problems they had encountered. In the real world, Jews escaping ceremonial law, blacks escaping the shame of slavery, bondage to which no human being should be subjected. It was republican, Lincoln, who freed the slaves. In North Carolina, it was a solid democrat legislature who passed the laws of segregation and discrimination. I have here in my house a cardboard sign, found in the front of every public bus, stating that under N.C law, blacks must sit in the rear of the bus. One of my black friends would cry uncontrollably as he told me his experience returning as a hero of the South Pacific, WWII. In his army uniform, he was forced to sit in the rear of the bus. The second largest Jewish religion is Judaism. The first is Christianity. It has been Christian church conservatives of America that have provided a fire wall of protection for the Jewish homeland, established 63 years ago. (1948) Obama is the most anti- Jewish president in history yet Jews voted 83% for him. The Apostle Paul, probably the most educated Jew to ever live and certainly the entire Old Testament. (Remember, the entire Bible is the history of the Jews. The gentiles, important only as they affect the Jews.) To the Jews, and certainly to the blacks, nothing more important than the family. Paul, the Christian church, talked of wives (1 Corinthians 7). How can Jews and blacks support a political party promoting same sex marriage? The Old Testament, Jesus, a Jew, concerned about children. "But when Jesus saw [it], he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God" (Mark 10:14). And, he gives the penalty for violating a child (Matthew 18:6). Perhaps, it is because 52% of all black babies are aborted. (USA 3,000 abortions a day, 1,432-black.) Margaret Sanger, liberal Democrat, founder of Planned Parenthood, called blacks..."weeds." How can Jews and blacks support a political party which supports the abortion of children?
A true Republican is conservative in every area of life- physical, moral, spiritual. You can not be conservative spiritually and be a cafeteria Catholic or buffet Baptist, picking and choosing what you want to believe. It makes no difference what you believe, it is what God states in his word. Peter writes to us as "strangers, scattered" (1 Peter 1:1). It takes courage, to put on the whole armor of God and stand against the wiles of the Devil...often alone..often in a remote place...often as a stranger. But, liberal, conservative, whatever, forget expedient, stand. In your economics, in your finances, in preparation for anything which might happen, tight fisted, frugal, stingy, a religious nut, CONSERVATIVE.
This writer learned early that people with a conscience do not work in government. This is the strangle hold that North Carolina democrats kept on the population for 140 years. Democrats, particularly friends and family working in government, there because of registering as a democrat, would tell me of the corruption. All citizens, in and out of government, should be registered as whistle blowers. Until then, we will not cleanse government from corruption. Only those close to the money can get their hands into the bag. So well I remember, the corrupt politician, cousin Layland Spruill, NC legislature as if calling hogs to the trough..."sewy, sewy, sewy." Democrats rule the state, boards of trustees of every state agency, every college, every local fiefdom, even to the school house. And, I will never forgive the greatest supporters of this vulgarity, religions, especially the Baptists, who knew full well what was going on as they preached their doctrine of sins ruin and Christ redemption.
The blood of Jesus around the soil of his cross, Christian needs, cry out at a time like this. The blood of patriots on American and foreign soil, constitutional needs, cry out at a time like this. God gave the best thing he had to offer on the cross, uniformed service people of this nation gave all they had to offer.
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